My question is iv already taken clarithromycin for a resistant bacteria in lung so is there any point taking erythromycin as they seem to be the same?? Thanks all
Erythromycin vrs clarithromycin? Are ... - Lung Conditions C...
Erythromycin vrs clarithromycin? Are they the same

No unfortunately I can't get a mucus sample up its just pain n tightness n dry but no mucus so don't know what it is. All I know is amoxicillin worked on it n I felt better after 3 days but not 100% better,could still feel abit of the bug there... basically the dose of amoxicillin was too low only 250mgs so the bacteria survived it n build resistance n now it seems that resistance is warding off everything!! Iv low energy n a headache every day n get out of breath on physical exertion n pains in lung. It's not a serious life threatening infection but it's an infection all the same n making me feel very unwell n miserable it's nearly 3 months ongoing now I dunno wot to do. Looks like I could be stuck with it. It started by just smoking too much n just mushroomed in my lung I didn't catch it per say just a bad bacteria already there overgrew. I don't even smoke much coz I'm extremely sensitive to them n I know was very stupid to smoke. I get infection very easily from smoking. I dunno why my lungs not producing mucus with it but iv had infection before where it was just dry.
Yes i do
I was prescribed roxithromycin, a similar medication, by my pulmonary nurse. I take it daily. The reason I was given it was to guard against any greeblies my grandchildren might have, or that I might come across whilst out shopping etc. I am pleased to say that so far it is working OK. If needed, I am put on amoxicillin to replace roxithromycin.
No I havnt smoked since getting the infection. Thanks I don't wanna be stuck with it. And all coz stupid doc gave too low a dose. N I pretty much knew it was too low b4 I took so why I done it I dunno!!
Does anyone know if stopping antibiotics for a while will help ward off the resistance of this bug or make them more effective. But probably it's always gonna have the memory n tools for warding off antibiotics. Doc said they won't do bronchoscopy unless they think you've lung cancer, I think that's a bit far fetched I think they use for other things too like lingering infections. Yes I'll keep fighting terror you have to do that. Iv ordered oregano oil says on net it's say can kill bacteria. I dunno. I'll also gonna get salt nebulizer c if that doesn't anything.
I think it's time your doc referred you to hospital respiratory. They are the experts and will check and hopefully put you on meds to help you cope better with your condition You should ask doc for a referral if you haven't already been
Iv actually been in with the respiratory people recently n went for sleep study and when I explained doc there just said he only deals with sleep part. Then nurse this morning said no he was respiratory too. She said I'm not on any list n I said why that doc told me he's sending me to respiratory ppl next. She said my lung funtion tests are normal but that doesn't mean iv no infection. She said she'll speak to doc again 4 me. Basically I'm abnormal person with an underlying blood and muscle disorder I think its pp but its complex n hard to diagnose. Iv weaknesses in my body but its one them rare pathological things n I just get put into the hypochondriac basket alot n I'm so not. I don't have copd but iv sensitive tissues in my body n get infection easily especially from smoking very light smoker like only social one. Havnt smoked in 3 months. But the last 2 years have repeated chest infection. Even the docs in hospital on last bad infection urged me to see pulmonary or respiratory specialist coz it was that bad for someone so young who smoked so little theres no damage in my lungs from smoking. It's just the bad bugs develop rapidly. Nightmare.
Personally I wouldn't touch eruthamysin with a barge pole ,my GP told me it was a cheap antibiotic, talk to your GP or better still your COPD nurse they will advise you ,best wishes ,
Earlier this year I caught a lung infection and the doc prescribed me erythromycin, which I reacted very badly to.
Then changed to clarithromycin and all was ok, cleared up quickly.
I sympathise. I was similar a few years ago. Several pneumonia, endless infections culminating in one that lasted 5 months. I was ready to slit my wrists having been previously a very fit non smoker, I felt life as I knew it was over. My immune system was by the non existent and my insides wrecked with the constant antibiotics. All the X-rays I had were allegedly clear. I was begging for a CT scan (when I finally got one it showed all the damage which might have been avoided. I wouldn't want anyone to go through that. Time to ask for a referral.
I too (like most people) was given Amoxicillin 500mg to begin with (what was your GP thinking to give you 250mg)! I've refused it ever since.
As Hanne says Ethromycin is one of the macrolides rather than penicillin. You need to take care of your stomach as it can be ruthless on the guts if you've a weakness there. Azithromycin finally shifted my infection but it took two, month long courses.
As yours is dry you need to drink plenty to help moisten any mucus if it's there. I take prescribed carbocysteine now which works directly in the lungs.
I'd recommend you get some probiotics 20,000,000 bacteria at least to get the good stuff back in your system which the antibiotics destroy.
The best of luck. You need that ct scan.
Thanks I feel exactly like that myself I feel like I'll be stuck with it. I went to a different doc n he said he could hear in my lung even though other doc said was clear. He gave me sputum sample which is great but can't get it up. Iv just pain n tightness in my lung but no mucus. Maybe my body doesn't recognize it as foreign or invader I don't know coz it started in lung nowhere else but I have had the very dry lung before with other infection so it can happen like that. I know what you mean xrays often don't pick up infections, doesn't mean it's not there. That's why I hate these tests. I lived with a bad stomach infection for months lost alot of weight n test was wrong n got disbelieved n aspirated acid into lung they missed that too couldn't breathe n eventually they done a different test n what I'd been saying all along I felt like I'd infection in my stomach well there was one. Often tests don't show stuff n then what you do. I know its there like. I am taking probiotics n trying to build myself up. Iv no energy n just go from bed to work it's hard to think straight n iv daily headache.
Who would I ask for referral of ct scan?
I'm phoning respiratory ppl too as they saying iv no app even though I went for breathing tests n was told I'd have app but coz test is normal on lung function that's probably why they didn't give me app. I explained my situation n asked her to speak with doc. Everyone says something different. I said even if my gp puts fresh referral it's back on list which takes years so how's that gonna help me. If I'm on books now I can get in like it's ridiculous. I had pneumonia 1.5yrs ago n iv no smoke damage smoke so little like after one pack of fags over a few days got it n they urged me to see respiratory ppl coz it was so bad n told me to change doc n now here I am same problem. It's defo nor as bad as that but its an infection all the same n making me unwell. I too like you was very energetic before this infection.
What damage did ct scan show for you? That was a long time on the antibiotic to shift it. Did you ever have problems with potassium as they lower it. Yes iv stomach probs so am not gonna take that antibiotic I don't think.
Read all the leaflet before you give up on it weaklinkdotcom. Or tell them you're worried about taking with regards to your stomach weakness. I just had to look up how to take my Azithromycin again, in my memory you had to take it on an empty stomach but I was wrong, I can take with food and it's one a day. I've an infection at the moment grrrr but I'm grateful had 6 months of being fairly well.
Congrats on changing GP. I only went to the ones I trusted in the practice but really, they should never have let me get so ill. They finally referred me because they thought I had aspergillosis or bronchiectasis, I have a bit of that as well as the previous asthma but no aspergillosis.
If I had my time over I would have had a private ct scan, I just wanted a diagnosis, pay on credit card. Just learn as much as you can, knowledge is the key and just keep going to doc. GPs don't like referring but it'll save them money in the long run. It's the GP who should refer.
Azithromycin I took was 3 days on then three days off times 3 so total of 30 days and only 9 tablets. It wasn't clear after one course so did another (it also clears stomach infections too although I'm not sure about H-pylori bugs). The consultant told me the GPs were rubbish for giving me Azithromycin like that (he was rubbish himself) but it flipping works for me.
And would that not build resistance doing days on n off?
Well I changed GPS around a year they're alot better but giving me run around about this infection so I went to a private back up doc he kindly gave me sputum straight away wish I could get up but it's dry. I'll go to steam room one nights this week like he advised but I doubt it. I emailed him n asked could I get bronchoscopy n he said they only use for lung cancer. He said the infection s not serious coz I'm not spitting up blood. I appreciate he's doing his best. I just emailed him back to say I appreciate it's not serious infection but it's making me feel unwell n my lung is sore n tight and would I have to live with it coz it's not serious, see wot he says he'll probably think I'm trying be smart I hope not he's a really good kind doc but you know unless your dying they think it's ok. The thing with bacteria I don't think body will ever fight off I'd that h pylori that is another story took ages to diagnose that too.
I'd just go for that private ct scan but here in Ireland you still need referral it's crap coz I know in states you can refer yourself to any doc or specialist you want. In all fairness you wouldn't be going going unless something was wrong. I'll look into that though thanks for your advice.
Me too Peege I had Azithromicin 250 for 3 months and also had 3 infections in that time. Been back yo Respiratory and doc gave me 500 mg. what a difference
Omg need help advice what do I do now!!! Went back doc she said she'd last line antibiotics that could use n she'd ring respiratory ppl n that I wouldn't be stuck with it. Now coz xray clear she won't do that n started asking me was it anxious. Omg I don't believe I'm being treated like this. Iv still got the pain n tightness in my left lung fatigue I can't stick it anymore. I think it's mild pneumonia n now no1s helping coz xray clear!! What do I do now? Who do I turn to ? I was so unhappy with appointment I rang back but she never rang me back. Guys its 3 months iv this infection I can feel it sitting on my lung why don't they believe me. This is not right!!!