Hi everyone (or hello to everyone who reads this, anyway).
I was diagnosed with lung cancer (primaries, both lungs) two and a half years ago. The two on the right lung were removed, the left I had sabre treatment on. A further cancer has developed on the right lung, and cancer has been found on my spine recently.
Two weeks ago my kidney failed and other organs began to follow. Luckily my daughter was here visiting and realised very quickly all was not well and sent for an ambulance. I am now home after a rather horrendous time in hospital (the first two days don't bare thinking about), and seem to be having the right care and attention from those on my case, from G.P., consultant, the hospice team etc. The G.P is away at the moment, but said as soon as she gets back, we will talk and make sure. all is in place.
My question is, is anyone else in a similar or the same situation? No matter how loving and caring my family and friends are, and they are, I would really love to talk to someone who is going through the same journey, if at all possible. I would be most grateful.
All best wishes to everyone on this site