Hello All x. Ive just been told today that i have mild COPD diagnosed by a respiritory consultant in october and sent by letter to my gp.
The only 2 results on the letter say
Fev1 2.57 (jan 16 was 2.88). 84% normal range
FVC down to 67% which gives her a diagnosis of mild copd
I was at my gps today as ive had quite a bad cough and lots of mucus, ive had the mucus daily for about 2 years i might add, anything from green yellow and white to clear. It was supposed to be new allergies id developed - although no one could tell me what they were, only that i had chronic rhinosinusitis.
My gp listened to my chest and said my lungs sounded terrible and that i now had copd. I was in a bit of shock and due other health problems, ive not had so much as a paracetamol in just over 2 years. I have a complete phobia to any medication and im terrified i'll die if i dont take the antibiotics shes prescribed.
Im only 38. I smoke about 10-20 cigs a day depending on my stress levels.
Are my readings ok? Could i get over this infection if its just viral without taking the antibiotics? Or do you need to take them with viral infections also with copd?
I sound like a massive crackle on the breath out, but tbh ive sounded like that quite alot over the past couple of years & it usually stops when i cough up my jelly balls
Any advice would be greatly appreciated because im totally clueless and my gp said she wasnt totally sure of my results either. Im laying here wheezing away sounding like i have a death rattle and wondering what the hell is next if this is me at 38 :(.
Thanks for reading x