I am currently a 22 year old white male turning 23 this upcoming Tuesday which I am excited for. My height is 70 inches and my weight is 164lbs currently. I am originally born on Long Island New York and lived there for 20 years of my life and just recently moved to Georgia 2 years ago. I landed a job as a firefighter a little over a year ago and at the time I thought this was the best thing to ever happen to me until I started having breathing problems. Throughout my career so far I have been into the 2 burning buildings and yesterday had a huge brush fire that required 4 hours to put out and throughout the whole time of putting it out me and the crew were breathing in all the smoke from the tires being burned and the trees being burned. I'm surrounded by chemicals daily and dust daily at the fire station and it is disturbing cause I feel like I am damaging my lungs even more just using these cleaning products such as 409, Pine sole and windex. I also sometimes inhale the fumes from the fire engine exhaust.
My symptoms
1. Trouble taking a deep breath throughout the day until I fall asleep
2. Neck feels tight and over used from trying to inhale deeply constantly
3. Cough but it is very very random. I maybe cough 4-6 times max every 2 days so I wouldn't consider this an issue.
4. Randomly having whistling sounds when inhaling through nose but this seemed to subside.
My pulmonary function test results
FEV1: 4.33 Liters
FEV1: 98%
FVC: 4.94 Liters
FEV1/FVC: 88%
TLC: 6.18 Liter
TLC: 88%
RV: 0.92 Liters
RV/TLC: 15%
DLCO/VA: 6.25
I understand that my pulmonary function test seems normal and both doctors that I visited said that it was normal but the only thing that concerns me is that when I go to the CDC and use there calculations and type in my results to view the standards for my age it shows that I am slightly below and this worries me cause I am only 22 and Im worried long term my lung function can really bad or that the doctors missed something or they are possibly just overlooking the results and assuming that I'm too young to have COPD.
Questions about me
1. Never smoked in my life but have been around second hand smoke as a child
2. Never did any drugs
3. No family history of lung diseases
4. We do have a family history of heart disease
5. My grandpa suffers from sleep apnea but thats it in my family
Test ran on me
1. Pulmonary function test
2. Blood test which was normal
3. EKG was normal
4. Chest X-Ray which was normal according to doctors
Supplements I Take
1. Fish Oil
2. Multivitamin
See I am trying to figure out why I am struggling to take a deep breath and why I am constantly having a feeling of needing to take a deep breath. Doctors said it could very well be anxiety but didn't diagnose that and this is why I am at a lost cause I feel like I am not getting any answers. I did just recently about a week ago send in some blood samples for a test called the ALPHA 1 test which I chose to do on my own and was not doctor recommended. Currently waiting for my results and was just wondering if anyone else could possibly give me an answer or anyone else in the same situation as I am? Thanks and i hope everyone is doing well.