I have copd my results showed ratio 70% fev1/fvc 1.25/1.78 underestimated does that mean it's mild or moderate I have got duaklirinhaler genuair inhaler
Copd: I have copd my results showed... - Lung Conditions C...

I hope this helps: livestrong.com/article/1618...
70% is stage 2 moderate
Would need to know what your FEV1 predicted is as the stage is based on your actual FEV1 as a percentage or your FEV1 predicted. If you have a copy of your test results the predicted is usually the first number and the column heading is usually Pred or Predicted or something similar. If you don't have a copy of the results than you can find out what the predicted is which is based on your age, height and ethnicity. If you want to post that information than someone can tell you what your % of predicted is and then you will know what stage you are. You can also search online for charts or calculators if you prefer not to post your age and height etc, or if you want to send a private message to me rather than posting publicly I can look them up for you.