in your home to make life a little easier.
My latest purchase is a kitchen timer. It as an easy read digital system and can be set to three different volumes. This is helpful if you are like me a little mutton jeff
in your home to make life a little easier.
My latest purchase is a kitchen timer. It as an easy read digital system and can be set to three different volumes. This is helpful if you are like me a little mutton jeff
My Husband π
more like slave
yer..m..tell it how you read it.
My husband, too. He loved his cooking and pottering around. Sadly, RIP.
A shark vacuum, I've been struggling to push my old one for a few years. So, I did some research and got it 3 weeks ago.
It has total HEPA filter, essential for my allergy to dust and the dog and I am shocked at how much it picks up.
I am over the moon with it x
I hadn't heard of it before either but, I always research for ages before I buy something.
It got the top review on several sites, even beating Dyson.
Mine is not cordless but only weights just over 6kg, which is still a bit on the heavy side for me but, my last one had weighted more than double that and with fibro, I was struggling to push it. I actually enjoy vacuuming now because it is so easy.
Shark do have cordless ones too. I saw them. My last upright was a Bissell, it had very strong suction so, I thought it was doing a good job- but, this one knocks spots of it for picking up dog hair and dust. It's head is smaller and swivels into awkward places. My carpets actually look newer.
I also had a Henry, for doing the hard floors but, I couldn't push it on the carpets at all so, I had to get both of them out to clean up. It was annoying. I don't have to buying things for it all the time either, like bags, because the filters are washable. It's brilliant.
Mine is a Bissell steam mop with a triangular head. Bought after reading about one of us (Jimmy 123 maybe) who praised his. It is perfect for our three rooms that have ceramic tile floors and so light and easy to use and store. Inexpensive. No bucket, no mop, just a little tank filled with distilled water and once over does it. It uses just steam so no fumes, no residue. Not cordless though. I've had mine about a year now and still love it. I'm all ears about the best light vacuum - have never had one that I really like. I did have a little robot one that was quite handy but it didn't last long and quite expensive.
Mine is a cordless vacuum cleaner. No more heaving a heavy cleaner up the stairs with stops for breath. House has never been so clean!
I have a rollator for walking (not that I go anywhere or walk very far) an electric bed from HSL which is wonderful and not that expensive, a coffee making machine (kept by me in the lounge so wonderful coffee with little effort, a perching stool by the oven so can sit while cooking, an oxymetre, a plastic and rubber strip device for opening jars bottles etc all of which help me cope living alone hope that helps - take care - xxx
Hi undine. Is a rollator like a mobility scooter?
Btw you have to have eyes in the back of your head when they come charging up the pavement.
What is worse though is when they decide to use the road. The traffic was stretched back a mile or so following one the other day. What a laugh.
Hi gustav a rollator is not like a mobility scooter - have not got one of those - it is a four wheeled frame with two handles and a seat if you look on the internet you would see what I mean - hard to explain - also have not said before but great for the house a trolley with two trays and a metal frame on wheels great for getting around the house and for carrying things on xx