Well I seen my GP and am pleased to say WHAT a waste of time that was lol
Like I expected anything different ANYWAY told him and he said GOSH have not read out further on that since medical school THAT was a big clue on how things would go.
Anyway general practice by all accounts do not do test referrals for complement deficiency or orphan lung dieases or out like that SO what do general practice DO eh.
So my GP told me I would have to ask my lung doctor WHEN I see him next about that
Good job it was not medical emergancy AND I was counting on HIM good job we have great ambulance services O wait ambulances are in chaos too.
Gee wiz SO he was so kind to POiNT out my lung disease was ADVANCING given my infection rate and had anyone told me.
No S### Einstein ... I felt like saying ER HALLO like really WHY else am I here talking about orphen lung diseases / complement deficiency
Then we talked about my efag infection WELL Einstein said it was not infection AS efags don't do that " this is the same guy not read out since med school" saying this THEN he told me it would been my lungs trying to clean them self.
Plausible but not true.
Like I said to my doctor HOW can I stop smoking if I have coughing fits and can't breath AND why did my emergancy antibiots get rid of cough breathingtrouble if not infection.
Well he could not offer any advice on how to move forward BUT he did say I should of see doctor gp befour taking antibiots as it's dangerious.
But like I said I phoned practice up and was no appointments SO what else is one to do AS I agree would be dangerious if I had done nout and waited.
Am sure lots of us have had similar experiences WITH chronic dieases and FARSE of gp appointments and antibiotics