Problem: A friend has left a message on... - Lung Conditions C...

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Ep1234 profile image
101 Replies

A friend has left a message on my answer phone asking to meet up for coffee this morning she is a heavy smoker so likes to sit out side Greg's cafe my breathing isn't good at the moment ,I don't want to hurt her feelings but worried about the smoke will it make much difference if we are out side , from Enid x

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Ep1234 profile image
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101 Replies
bandit2 profile image

I am a smoker but try to respect those that dont. If you are outside be sure th smoker is in the wind and doesnt blow smoke in your direction. If she has to smoke, you could always ask her not to for the time you r together and if she must smoke leave the table. Lots of my friends dont smoke so I do my best not to smoke around them just out of respect.

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to bandit2

There are a lot of chairs and tables out side the cafe where the smokers sit , you can't smoke inside and she likes her cigarettes I don't think she realises the problem I'm having at the moment .

Thanks bandit ,enjoy your day x

bandit2 profile image
bandit2 in reply to Ep1234

some smokers can be selfish and need to be reminded that you are suffering and if she really wants your company she wont die without a cigarette. If there is going to be alot of smokers I advise you not to put yourself in harms way. Its one thing if its just one smoker but when they all light up it will be a danger zone to you. Have a nice lunch and chat inside she can go outside if she is dyig for a smoke. Your health is more important and Im sorry but she should respect that. Who knows one day it could be her!!!!!!

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to bandit2

Thanks Bandit I hate to hurt her feelings but I don't think I will go , I'm struggling at the moment and don't want to aggravate it even more . Xx

bandit2 profile image
bandit2 in reply to Ep1234

I think you made the right decision and Im sorry she cant give an hour of smoke free time to you sounds very selfish to me and Im a smoker. To me if you are enoying the persons company the time flies and you dont miss smoking. Have you tried talking to her and telling her that you are having a tough time right now and would love to spend time with her but its not worth your health and discomfort.

jojeanbi profile image
jojeanbi in reply to Ep1234

oh dear its sad you cant meet your friend you have made best decision for you .doesnt spoil your day.


O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to Ep1234

I would have thought your feelings would be hurt that your friend doesn't get your situation Ep. But then Im pretty hardline on these kind of situations as in my reply way below. Take care.

Swerv profile image

Since i stopped smoking i cannot be anywhere near someone who smokes, also cigarette smoke can make your breathing worse. Does she know you have COPD?

If she is a good friend then she should understand your predicament.

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to Swerv

No one smokes at my house but when she visited a couple of weeks a go she said I will have an e cigarette I know your breathing is bad ,would it make any difference if out side . I think I must explain I can't go ,I know she is lonely but it must be some where smoke free .

I have never smoked but I expect it must be hard for people that do to cator for people like me ,

Thanks Swerv x

Swerv profile image
Swerv in reply to Ep1234

ecig is fine, i use one myself. There is no smoke, only vapor.

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to Swerv

Thanks Swerv xx

bandit2 profile image

Dont ever feel that way, there are lots of smokers like myself that do respect non-smokers and dont leave our butts all over the place for children to pick up. It makes me so mad because it only takes a few selfish smokers to ruin it for the rest of us.

We are all different and special in our own way whether we smoke or not but there has to be mutual respect from both sides and that got lost somewhere. Your friend needs to respect your health and your wishes. If she really wants your time because she is lonely she will go to the non-smoking area out of respect and friendship.

Ep1234 profile image

Thanks bandit x

Some smokers are forgetful of others and feel they are not doing any harm to anyone if they smoke outside...others say if you don't like it move...

I live in Thailand and most if not all of the people that are happy to have smoke next to you and your children are European. .....the last two times we been to the beach we have had to move..and this has also been the same eating outside of restaurants. think I used to be the same as them sends a Shriver of shame through me.

If I where you I'd have problem on telling my friend how it is....o.k. my friends are getting less and less ....but who cares😤

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to

She knows I have a problem but I don't think people realise that it can be a struggle at times ,I must explain to her I can't go certainly not if people are smoking even out side , have a good day sailor xxx

tom1 profile image

If your friend cannot go without a cancer stick for an hour, then she cannot be much of a friend, Tom1

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to tom1

Thanks Tom ,that made me smile xxx

I have had bronchiectasis for sixty three years. Smokers have been the bane of my life. How can you possibly be hurting her feelings by telling her not to smoke around you when her actions are actually damaging your health and making you very uncomfortable. Is she thinking about your feelings or health? Just give her the ground rules. No smoking or you don't go. By the way. vapes are not only water vapour. Although they aren't as bad as cigarettes they really make me cough and there is ongoing research as to their effects.

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to

I never gave it a thought until I had a problem but it has certainly made me think about it.

Take care x

fcag2001 profile image

Yes it will if you are in a smoke environment -it will be helpful to explain to your friend the necessary thing you need to do to stay healthy - be in a non smoking atmosphere.if she / he is your friend then they will understand if not then the friendship is too weak to sustain.This may be difficult but you must look after your Health . Just be gentle but firm with your explanation and I am sure you can meet without being in a smokey atmosphere. Good luck

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to fcag2001

Thank you so much for your advice everyone xxx

Lisahelen profile image

Tell her you are not just the ticket at the moment, a true friend would understand. Ask if she minds you sitting inside use the 'its chilly' excuse if you have to. But dont cut yourself off.

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to Lisahelen

I will phone her later and explain to her that I can't sit with smokers ,if she wants to sit inside that's fine she can pop out for a smoke if need be. I don't think she thinks about the harm smoking does to people.including herself .

Take care Lisa X

vere profile image

Hi, I had the same occurrence on Wednesday and so I made sure the breeze was blowing in my friend's direction. It is difficult when people aren't aware of how smoke can affect others.

Brianjen profile image

When I was a smoker all my friends were smokers now I have stopped my friends don't smoke round me they leave the table for there smoke but don't you smell them when they come back to think that's how I smelt take care tell her not to smoke round you or you can't meet her your health is more important than friendship x

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to Brianjen

Thank you I will try to explain to her, and yes you are so right about the smell it lingers , xxx

Ep1234 profile image

I really don't think people realise how much it can effect you . Xx

Just send her a message saying you dont feel great and could you meet her later! Please dont go if nothing else the stress of it will not help your condition. It is just not worth it xxx

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to

That's good advice and what I'm doing .xxx

sassy59 profile image

You have had some great replies on here Ep1234 and I would just like to add my comment for what it's worth. A good friend would not dream of smoking or having smoke anywhere near you because of your health issues. Enough said. Take care xxxx

Offcut profile image

I would try and make sure you sit inside then the smoke is not a problem. If your friend is so desperate to have a ciggy then it is good manners not to smoke in front of those that are affected by it? When I was a smoker if I was working at anyone's house I never smoked in their house even if they were smokers. Just my opinion.

BE Well

Ep1234 profile image

Thanks Sassy I've just phoned and said I couldn't make it and I will see her some other time , being a chicken I expect but I can't take the hassle , take care xxx

I don't wish to sound blunt, but I'd rather hurt her feelings than have my health compromised. You need to look after you x

Mandy6513 profile image

Im sure she could manage without a smoke for a couple of hours !!!!

Just tell her that you would love to see her but your breathing isnt at its best so would she be able to go without for the time your together so it dosnt aggravate it....It may be something she hasnt considered if you have never mentioned it before.

Or you could just invite her to your house and spend an hour in the garden instead but NO SMOKING :)

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to Mandy6513

I've cancelled for today and will invite her to visit me again we can sit in the garden and I will explain about what smoke does to me ,

Thanks Mandy xxx

Mandy6513 profile image
Mandy6513 in reply to Ep1234

Its amazing how little people think about these things...I was at a children s birthday party last year when one of my sisters in-laws came over and said hi and gave me a kiss then told me she was full of cold !!!! I literally stepped back from her and told her i couldnt sit in her company ....I was shocked she could be so thoughtless but i guess if you dont live with it you dont know ...Im sure your friend will understand

I hope you feel better soon x

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to Mandy6513

My goodness ,I think that says it all, thanks Mandy xx

aberdeenman profile image
aberdeenman in reply to Mandy6513

I would just get a big fan facing them blowing very cold air so the smoke blew back at them lol

No as i give up smoking but my son still smokes and when i sit out the back with him i am ok but the only thing is i can smell it but other than that you should be ok or feel which way the wind is blowing and give her that seat then the smoke will not come your way and you will still have your freind

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to

Thank you David xx

bandit2 profile image
bandit2 in reply to

It isnt just one person smoking its the whole area of smokers that is too dangerous a situation for her. One would be ok but 20 NO NO

G'day Enid,

Your's is a story which has irritated me for most of my adult life. As a child I was subjected to my Father,Mother and brother all smoking in the house,especially whilst eating our meal. I had to pick up my plate and eat outside, never did they offer to cease smoking at the table, but my father always said to me "Don'smoke and don't drink". Pretty silly thing to say as he had a fag hanging out of his mouth at the time.

Well I never did but I have always had problem with smokers and their apparent lack of courtesy to others. Now the worm has turned, it is the smokers who are "on the outer". Sadly my parents could not kick the habit until the Dr diagnosed cancer. Strange..... they stopped smoking when given the news.

If you are on o2 then the answer is simple, no naked flame within 9ft of you.

If not, suggest eating indoors.

If you opt to sit outdoors and in respect to you your friend does not smoke, what is there to stop anyone else from smoking??

If you have not talked to your friend about the problem how is she to know your feelings? I would talk to her,explain your health issues and if she is a true friend she will not smoke near you.

Best of luck with a difficult situation.

Will (Australia)

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to

Many years ago Will people just smoked if you look at old films they are all lighting up cigarettes it was the norm nobody thought about it ,but now with the cancer and other illness caused by smoking and also not being allowed to smoke in so many places i do think it has stopped some people taking it up . Now with the e cigarettes maybe this will cut it down even more ,I'm glad to see you didn't take up the habit . She knows my breathing is rough at the moment but as I've never smoked doesn't seem to put the two together it's just a different problem for me being a non smoker with a breathing problem. I need to explain more to her.

Thanks Will and take care. Xxx

in reply to Ep1234

Too True

I wish you well with your friend, talking with her is better than "bottling it up"


Tee1008 profile image
Tee1008 in reply to Ep1234

You seem to have found part of the problem, Enid. You say she knows your breathing is rough at the moment but...."doesn't seem to put the two things together". It is an awful shame to risk losing a friend (and an outing) for the lack of an explanation! If I was that friend, I would be upset that I didn't know how much smoke affected your health and happy to nip outside rather than cause you distress.

If she does know and can't be considerate, that's a different matter.

Tee x

Joy123 profile image

Hi Enid, don't miss out on a trip out to meet your friend just make sure you tell her and keep telling her that smoke isn't good for you (or anybody else come to that) and ensure it blows away from you. I've a good friend that suggests we do things and I always say 'but I can't walk that far' etc and she always says 'oh! I forgot about that'. A good friend doesn't mind being gently reminded of your health problems. I hope you enjoy your outing. Joy x

Ep1234 profile image

Thanks Joy but I've cancelled I will explain more to her another time , perhaps she will get the message then ,she is kind hearted and like a lot of people just does realise it's a problem . Take care and enjoy your day xxx

Hi to be honest if she blows the smoke away from you then I can't see it affecting you in the fresh air! You will probably get more problems from traffic pollution than from her ciggie. x

I respect your opinion Hanne but I still think there is more danger from traffic fumes than from a ciggie in the open air! Bev x

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to

Talking about traffic fumes ,I often think there are so many children with asthma now and wonder if it's because they are pushed around in buggies which are low , breathing in exhaust fumes where when my children were young they had prams which were higher they faced you also had shades.,that's changing the subject but I feel I could have a point there. Xx

Cynthia12345 profile image

I think all this about people smoking outside is getting beyond a joke. Soon the government will charge us for BREATHING 10p to breath in and £1 to breath out.

Yes I understand how you feel, but do you think with all the pollution already out there it is really going to make such a terrible difference smoke from cigs..

When these vapour cigs. first came out everyone was using them even inside pubs. Now they have gone back to outside. In Southern Ireland they have made proper facilities for smokers.

To each their own I say. Either sit inside and don't smoke or go outside. There are a lot of lonely people in this world, so the choice is yours.

I respect people that don't smoke and just wish they would stay inside or make sure they aren't near a smoker.

Edited by mrsmummy

Toci profile image
Toci in reply to Cynthia12345

"do you think with all the pollution already out there it is really going to make such a terrible difference smoke from cigs" ... for me the answer is YES. Inhaling cigarette smoke caused my lung problem. Inhaling cigarette smoke worsened my lung problems. And I know that inhaling any more cigarette smoke (mine or others) will make it worse still.

bandit2 profile image

believe it not those people are a minority and like their butts they dont clean up dog poop. Most smokers I know we all carry a portable ashtray in our purse or car or have a can or bottle to dispose of butts. We dont want our dogs or children eating or handling butts either. If there were more receptacles for smokers to butt out Im sure they would be utilized. I guess its like people dropping their trash everywhere just no respect. Hey Im a smoker and dont like smoke in my face nor do my friends we either exhale up into the air or turn away or blow down into our lap, especially if we are close to eachother if we are distant thats a different story.

There has to be give and take and respect for both parties. It seems to me whatever is fashionable is acceptable ex Aids was like being a leper since Liz Taylor and rock hudson now its not. Hep C was taboo and scarey but not now, now this gender thing they were freaks but not now. Gay marriages, single adoptions, gay adoptions all unheard of. Smoking was once the rage and everyone was doing it now its taboo. assisted death was illegal now its legal. Its like we are puppets and do whatever is acceptable at that time. What really sucks to me it has to be a movie star for something to be recognized like Pam Anderson and Peta, fur was once the rage now its the walk of shame and rarely seen, even designers are using faux fur.

Now vaping is all the rage and they want to take that away too its crazy its bloody air. I tried it but it burnt my lip cause it gets hot LMAO.

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to bandit2

And after vapouring there will be some thing else . And life goes on . Xx

bandit2 profile image
bandit2 in reply to Ep1234


O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to bandit2

Where do you live Bandit? Assisted death is certainly not legal in the U.K. Yes, it goes on with doctors helping but its definitely under the radar. It should be legal but it isn't yet.

bandit2 profile image
bandit2 in reply to O2Trees

I live in Canada, Ontario. The law was just passed for dr assisted death, thank god now so many people will not have to live like a vegetable if they choose not to or if someone believes they are existing not living. Its man that prolonged life not God. God bless the 90 yr old people who are still spry and functioning Im happy for them but what about all the other elderly or jusy plain sick people that are just waiting to die. Again it about choices and finally here we have a choice for how long who knows govt is always butting their nose in where it doesnt belong.

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to bandit2

I think that is great ,But I don't think they will make it legal in the UK if they do it won't be for many many years we have far to many people against it. X

bandit2 profile image
bandit2 in reply to Ep1234

Why are so many people against it, I dont understand. I think it should be up to the individual their duration in life. If someone can live with a delibitating disease good for them and some did like Annette Funicello and that guy who played superman but hell they had the money to make sure they were comfortable and had top of the line medical care. Not everyone can afford such things

In the old days mortality rate was most people died in their 50's, some older but not the majority. Today man is prolonging life by zapping and tubing and drugs. Drugs only go so far and your body becomes immune and then more or different-side effects misery to me thats not living.

Alot of people will disagree with me and thats fine everyone is different but God gave us freedom of choice didnt he? Maybe thats why so many had to suffer so long before man realized this isnt right and its people who were suffering that got the courts to rule and let them have their dignity back.

Im sorry so many people in the UK are against it and I thank God that finally our government is listening to the cries of the people. Im sure some people will try to take it away like always and only hope the courts stay strong and uphold their decision.

Sorry for being so graphic but you have to witness the suffering and feel the helplessness. Some diseases have no boundaries in suffering.

He was a brave 12 year old soldier.

Nanny1086 profile image

I'm an ex smoker so I understand both you and your friend ,however would it be possible for to use the gum while your out together,,,,,I would love to sit outside when having a coffee when shopping etc in the Summer ,,,,but I don't always manage it as if someone does sit near that is a smoker I suffer the conciquenses,,,,,,,,,

I can't believe how selfish I was when I was a smoker back in the day ,,,

bandit2 profile image

I have to put my foot down here, should we ban all dogs from being outside because SOME people are ignorant and dont pick up poop cause I find the smell offensive, or ban mothers from changing babies in the bathroom because some are LAZY and leave a dirty diaper in the stall. This is disgusting and a health hazzard to me. Lets ban all children and teens from the parks because they are destructive little monsters. I want to lay in the park but kids are screaming and running all over. I find drunks offensive lets lock them all up. Landfills stink should we all walk around with a plate and ban all takeout.

Edited by mrsmummy

in reply to bandit2

I have to agree with you Bandit. These are all 'avoidable behaviours' too aren't they? But I guess it's much easier and more socially acceptable to 'bash' smokers!

I think we need more tolerance and less judgement. x

Nottobad profile image

I say the same each to there own. Everyone is different to what triggers there lung condition. I was under the impression that all hotels. Had a no smoking policy. I stayed in a well known hotel in Liverpool. Last month and had to ask if I could change the room I was given for another one because the carpet was dirty. And the receptionist asked me if I wanted a smoking or non smoking. I had been allocated a smoking room. So asked for non smoking. And the room was a lot cleaner. I am quite fortunate that none of my friend smoke. So I am not put in that situation. As for when I am outside walking past someone Who is smoking doesn't really bother me. And I don't like sitting outside when I am at a restaurant. And as for staying away from people with colds that is pointless as you can catch something from someone showing no symptoms. The only way you are not going to catch something is to live in a bubble and who wants to do that. I am for living not making myself every a recluse. I say live and let live. I have also been told that the part of my immune system that controls infections is low. Up until a few month ago I was getting an infection after infection. And as if by magic I have never felt better with my breathing and have not been on antibiotics or steroids for a few months now. Don't know if it has something to do with recently being dx with an autoimmune disorder . That is attacking my immune system. Just have to wait and see what the immunologist says. X

O2Trees profile image

This may have come up earlier - Im just taking a quick look. First thing I thought was - and i don't mean to be unkind - how can this be a friend? Surely if she is a friend she knows no-one should be smoking around you. One of the hardest things to get to grips with when getting a copd or other lung disease diagnosis is being proactive with educating those around you. My friends got it straightaway and are very protective of me, cancelling if one has a cold etc. And they would all be aware of the problem of pollutants. I think, whatever your views on smoking, it pays dividends for our health to be pretty hardline on this.

Toci profile image

Your friend will understand and remain your friend, or she will not understand and was not really a friend - it is a win-win situation for you. :)

Ban tobacco world wide...leave the cannibas fields alone and boom the tobacco can anyone justifie the misery and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people every year...over the right of choice...

Where's the petition to ban the poison sticks...that would force the government to have an open debate...

Most of you guys who with lung conditions started smoking from children and it was encouraged everywhere you was even encouraged in schools. ...sorry my school. .it was a good way to keep you behaving good or you didn't get your daily fag.

I hate people that grow and sell tobacco and have nothing but bad words for people that support them....

Good night xx.

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to

And I think that says it all , good night sailor sweet dreams xx

Toci profile image
Toci in reply to

I wasn't encouraged to smoke at school but my hubby attended a Catholic school where two of the priests handed out cigarettes for doing little jobs such as washing cars or picking up litter during lunchtime. The children appreciated it and bragged to others, who were jealous that their teachers did not do the same.

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to Toci

My goodness they wouldn't get away with that now xx

Toci profile image
Toci in reply to Ep1234

Definitely not!! x

Well in that case we have to ban more than a few vehicles on the road at any one time coz several dozen, even further away will case more pollution than 1 persons cigarette nearer you!

We should also slag off those who use perfume, aftershave and hairspray etc. coz they can all be triggers too, and they are certainly avoidable! x

bandit2 profile image
bandit2 in reply to

they are doing that here too lots of places are no scents allowed. Its nuts next they will take deodorant and we can all STINK LOL

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to bandit2

I have never heard of a no perfume rule , I think a little dab of perfume make you feel good when going out ,oh well what can I say to that . X

bandit2 profile image
bandit2 in reply to Ep1234

I know its alot better than some body odor Ive come in contact with. However there are some places that are fragrance free because of peoples allergies or cheap cologne lol. Its true some due bathe in it and you can smell them down the block and that could cause problems for people with allergies or breathing problems.

Some oils stink too like tea tree oil OMG that stuff reaks, a friend of mine used to wear Petulie (cant spell) oil. I like it in small doses but that stuff is very pungent and lasts like tea tree oil and can leave a residue depending where you put it.

Its mostly government buildings, hospitals, dr's offices anything to do with healthcare. I like a nice perfume or mens cologne but the future will be scent free for medical reasons. It would be nice if gas had no odor LMAO

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to bandit2

I know what you mean about some people bathing in it ,if they pass you in the treat it takes your breath away, made me think I can't remember the time I last used perfume or even used an air freshener ,my goodness my life has changed recently , hope your day is good Bandit x

bandit2 profile image
bandit2 in reply to Ep1234

strange isnt it those things were so important in the days gone by. You never left the house without a spritz or spray just to feel feminine and fresh even a body spray.

Company coming get out the air freshener, plug in the glade, make the house smell nice. Im lucky either my dog has no odor which is great and when he does start to phew in the tub he goes. He used to fart smelly but he has yogurt almost everyday and its a miracle cure. lol

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to bandit2

What yogurt do you give him and how much , I've never heard of this and Charlie is inclined to fart quite often ,he does go to the groomer very couple of months so she bathes him ,I only have a shower I did try getting him in it once there I was standing there in my knickers which isn't a pleasant sight trying to coax then drag him into it but no way would he move now he goes off and comes back smelling lovely it saves a lot of hassle. Xx

bandit2 profile image
bandit2 in reply to Ep1234

what ever kind you eat is good for him as long as he likes the taste. It was funny because my friend has a female Rotweiller and when she let one go I felt to puke so I said start giving her yogurt. Well I forgot her dogs dont know how to eat off a spoon or fork so I was trying to shove it in and she was not opening her mouth but was licking it with this huge tongue u got it I was covered in sprays of yogurt. LMAO

Bandit loves a bath he hops in he loves the massage on the shower massager it on a long line so Blair can get under his belly. Its hard for me because of my back. Put a towel on the floor after you squeeze him out and he goes over to it and rolls all over drying himself.

Yogurt is like a sponge and gets rid of bacteria which is weird cause its bacteria. I dont guage what I guve him cause he eats with me, one spoon for mom one spoon for Bandit tsps.

They say for med to large dogs start 1 tblsp morning and bedtime it takes a few days to kick in if still smelly up the dose yogurt cannot hurt your dog, I stay away from the fat free crap aspertame, that new stuff agave and whatever.

Bandit likes banana strawberry by IOGO or when its on sale I buy all different flavors like coconut, strawberry, blueberry, vanilla and mix it all together make my own.

If you have a small dog try tea spoons. It really does work and tastes good too. Plain is good too Bandit doesnt like it or the greek yogurt too thick, he is so dam picky LOL. HAPPY SMELLING :-)

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to bandit2

I will try Charlie with it, he is a greedy boy and I'm sure will eat it no problem thanks for letting me know xx

bandit2 profile image
bandit2 in reply to Ep1234

What kind of dog is Charlie u have a pic? Good luck and let me know if it helps I know it will give you relief especially when they let one go and get up and move OMG air born, even they cant stand their own stink lol.

Bandit would fart look at his ass sniff the air and move HA HA HA. My hubby would fart then blame the dog, cant do that anymore.

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to bandit2

Charlie is a Scottish terrier he will be 11 this month ,I've had him just over two years his owner had to go into a nursing home ,he came for a weekend and stayed I had a Peke Merlin at the time he was nearly 15 and had kidney failure a couple of weeks after Charlie arrived I expect that was the reason I kept Charlie and he is a lovely boy he now has Cushings so on meds for that each day and does get his blood checked thank goodness my D I Law is a vet so I don't have to think of vet bills.I don't know how to put photos on sorry about that but I learn as I go.

bandit2 profile image
bandit2 in reply to Ep1234

LOL you r like me I learn from others apparently you can only put a photo on if you are doing a post. What is Cushings? treatable yes? Lucky you a family vet. I have insurance but they pay 80% I pay the rest pus 100.00 deductible better than nothing. Im surprised they didnt tell u about the yogurt some dr's recommend activated charcoal pills they are supposed to work even better because charcoal absorbs toxins like when some one over doses they pump them out and give them charcoal.

Charlie is one of those little white dogs, sorry smaller dog between med and lrge with the cute little moustache beard and they have short little legs they are so cute. Ive seen pics of them with a Tartan hat.

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to bandit2

Those little white dogs are West highland whites ,Charlie is black quite similar a bigger head and rib cage heavier build all together , he is getting a tartan collar for his birthday .i expect he doesn't fart when katharine is here she probilly didn't think of it .vet bills can be high if you can't afford the fees don't buy a dog or cat ,she always checks him over when visiting they only live 10 mins drive away but has been so busy at work I have not seen much of her lately ,lots more of my son it will be easier when they can get another vet .but there doesn't seem to be many out there with the experience .

bandit2 profile image
bandit2 in reply to Ep1234

you are right about the cost of a pet but we all think our dog will never be sick or need surgery. I paid for 3 yrs never thinking I would need it but just incase it would be there and now I need it. You never said what Cushings was or is. He will be adorable in his new collar then you can post a picture, proud momma. Where do you live?

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to bandit2

West Norfolk UK . Charlie drinks a lot I never gave it a thought at first I just put water bowls down in extra places that I didn't have for Merlin then when katharine came she asked my son how many times has Charlie been to that bowl ,when he said 3 she said we need to get his bloods checked out so Charlie was whisked of to the surgery it's like a diabetic thing he also has a big tummy another sign but it won't kill him his blood are checked regular ,he goes has it taken we wait an hour then they take it again he is very good ,they test on site so there is no waiting around he usually see s Lauren she is a vet from Canada and makes lots of fuss of him ,he is a lucky boy . Where do you live I don't think it's in the UK

bandit2 profile image
bandit2 in reply to Ep1234

NOPE CANADA like Lauren. I live in Oshawa, Ontario. Wait if Charlie has sugar issues you will have to use low fat yogurt or maybe the pills are a better choice but they could be harder on his tummy. Ask Lauren maybe 2 tblsps would be ok Im not sure and I dont want to hurt him.

Did he have to have surgery you said he went to surgery poor guy. Bandit is having surgery soon I hope just waiting for the pre-aproval of the insurance its a costly operation he has to have his prostate out and neutered no nuts for Bandit. My poor devil child!!!!!

Either you are a night owl like me cause its 4am here and I havent been to bed yet. I have trouble sleeping and warm milk didnt help nor any of the OC products Ive tried them all as well as some healthfood crap melatonin, seaweed, nite time tea, tryptophan, any home remedies I havent tried please share. Oh ya one for migraines too Im taking butterbur and rubbing peppermint extract on my temples.

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to bandit2

No I'm a very early riser usually up by three ,it's 9.30 here in the morning .myself and Charlie go to the playing field each morning we like to be there before 5 so we get it to ourself .

bandit2 profile image
bandit2 in reply to Ep1234

ok go have fun keep me posted on the gas situation if Lauren oks the treatment please ask I wasnt aware he was like a diabetic. Maybe plain yogurt has no sugar might not taste that great who knows. Enjoy your walk. I have to make Bandit breakfast we are having maple oatmeal with a splash of milk and toast with black current jam he loves it. Then he will eat some of his kibble as a dessert.

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to bandit2

Charlie doesn't get any thing like that. It's a dry food senior light ,one scoop in the morning and one evening in the evening he has a apple or carrot chopped up on it and a cod liver oil capsule dropped on as well , I do give him a dental chew each morning and a bonio biscuit . We don't tell any one but I share my toast with him as well xx

bandit2 profile image
bandit2 in reply to Ep1234

Believe it or not its the food that gives them gas, the fillers. Bandit is a pain he wont eat fruit except watermelon or if you take the peel off like a grape, he will eat mandarin oranges but ony the little ones from the can.

He wont eat raw veggies they have to steamed either in a sauce or he loves a little garlic butter. He doesnt have issues like Charlie infact I have trouble keeping his weight on and he eats like a horse. I just switched him from Blue Buffalo to a Hills diet, he eats 1-2 per day plus my food and his treats are beggin strips any kind. He wont eat rawhide, dental treats, cow hooves, pigs knuckles, nadda.

When he is full he just stops eating not even a steak would tempt him. He doesnt eat garbage outside either which is good because we had alot of poisonings of dogs here.

He knows there is better tasting stuff at home. :) Toast is secret

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to bandit2

In now taking Charlie out for a short walk ,we have to use my scooter now walking is a problem for me , hope you can sleep and have sweet dreams xx

bandit2 profile image
bandit2 in reply to Ep1234

Ive seen those dogs on tv at the dog show they are just a larger version. They are cute and very spry probably weigh close to Bandit he varies from 40-45 pounds. Hey did you ever see those huge terrier dogs they look like a giant mop with dreadlocks cant even see their face. I forget the name because i had never seen one in my life. Their hair was like a terrier only long I would hate to try and brush that king size dog it looks matted but its not. Have you seen it?

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to bandit2

I have you don't brush them I think they might be called a Puli I certainly wouldn't want one , I think I heard they are from the working group and the coats are to protect them from the harsh weather .notsure what country they came from originally I will ask Simon my son he seems to know them all.

bandit2 profile image
bandit2 in reply to Ep1234

I love dogs but they are butt ugly only a mother could love that LOL

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to bandit2

I'm sure there is also a large breed a Komerdore which looks just like it

bandit2 profile image
bandit2 in reply to Ep1234

I think you were right with the Puli never heard of a Komerdore either way butt ugly sorry but you cant even see its face its like a rasta on four legs LOL. OMG did I say that!!!!!!! I guess someone out there loves them because they are rare and very expensive.

Ep1234 profile image
Ep1234 in reply to bandit2

But they must smell when wet ,if used for herding they must get filthy and wet but cost a small fortune to buy , I think they might come from Hungry to start with and like every thing else gets sold from one country. To another but there not for me ,I will stick to my old boy Charlie . Good luck with your bandits surgery and you should try to sleep your get baggy eyesxx

bandit2 profile image
bandit2 in reply to Ep1234

no bags I have suitcases :-) thats why Im asking for remedies even diazepam, valium I might sleep 4 hours if lucky. Same with migraines someone told me about a prescription but I have to get a dr first. "DRAMA" Those dogs not only not for me but wouldnt fit in my little house. Scooters are great for dogs cause they get a little run get tired hop on the scooter and see the sunshine and feel the wind on their faces. The best of both worlds lucky Charlie wish I had one Bandit runs forever and I dont run thankgod for a launch stick and tennis ball run doggie run ha ha

bandit2 profile image
bandit2 in reply to Ep1234

did you have any luck using the yogurt just checking :-)

madametobacco49 profile image

I remember when sex was dirty and the air was clean.....MmeT

wenzelea profile image

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