So the hospital doctor told me to use my emergency pack to try and shift the pesky cough I,ve had for a month,once that,s done go on to the anti-candidas meds.Cough seems to be on it,s way out.Ckecked my weight ,lost 10kg since Christmas,not sure if that,s a lot or not.Gave me milkshake supplements just in case.Need. Whole room just for meds now lol.Need to phone Brompton tell them what,s been going on dreading that.Will inform!Happy sleeps!D. Any body having trouble posting pics?
Finish Doxy first!: So the hospital... - Lung Conditions C...
Finish Doxy first!

Hi FarmerD surprised kept you on doxy given candies WAS you on them when you got it .. My doctor just told me doxy play hell with your guts.
Did hospital have to give you any good bacteria ... Anyway glad ya out the getting on top of it ... Don't make em like the use to eh
All the best n take care
Good morning FarmerD,
I'm happy for you that your cough is disappearing, it's really wearing when you have to keep on catching your breath. I think 10kg is about 11/2 stones, which seems a lot to me, so keep getting those supplements down you and certainly you need to contact your Hospital.
I gave up trying to post even letters to HU around teatime yesterday - they kept disappearing. I don't think the site is very stable at the moment.
Hope you managed a good night's sleep. All the best.

Hi Jen,
i am also having trouble either getting to site or finding my details, thought it was me again,not very good at all on this site.
take care
Hello Brian,
No - not you at seems to be better at the moment. Never accept blame Brian - it is always someone else's fault. heh heh.......much easier that way

zHi jennifer
have lots of trouble again on this site,
hope you well today, lve not been that great.coughing a lot, no appetite, shaky,tight chest so there go.
anyway re this sife,cantseem to save it and takes ages to re find it.
anyway i will try post this one,i have had 3 goes t. and send youo try
Hello D, Gremlins on duty tonight - it's not you. Do please try to get something nourishing down you, even a drop of soup, you must eat a little and try to drink . Are you taking the supplement drinks? Have you phoned Brompton? You should. Let us know - please?
Jennifer. x

Hi Jennifer
I am trying to reply on my tablet,and hope I have better luck.
No I am not under the bromton my hospital is in Basingstoke, and I don't have any contact names there.
I would like to that you very muchfor your advice too.
I am due to go to hospital on Tuesday, so hope I can hold out til then.
My breathing has got worse this weekend and oximeter readings are all over the place,got no interest In food, but taking complan a couple of times today.
What started it was having a shower yesterday morning and haven't felt right since, so don't think I will ever wash again lol.must have used up what little energy I had and Iam now paying the price.
Anyway thank you again so very much for your concern, its nice to have someone to talk to when I can get on this site.
Take care yourself.
Best wishes to you.
Do you know I don't know who I am talking to on here half the time. I think I am having Gremlin problems myself. So sorry I have mixed you up with Farmer D. Do take care and look after yourself , take the complan as much as you are able, every little helps. Tuesday is not far off now. Showering is exhausting when it's a struggle. Have you no-one that can help a little?
Speak to us again on Tuesday?
Night night Brian
Hi Ya D
Yes 10 kg is alot...22lb in old money. Let's hope you can get some food down you soon and it stops in you for a while.
In the meantime, keep on those milk shakes.
Good luck when you speak to the hospital.
Thinking of YA Farmer D....Ya Hear ! 😂
Hi D, good news about the cough but don't you go wasting away now. Good luck with everything and take care. Xxx
Glad the cough is easing take care x
Hope your feeling better soon.
I wouldn't worry re weight Farmer, it will soon go back on when your feeling better, wish I could lose some (blame the daily steroids!) We could always open our own drug store! Xx
Hi Farmer that is a lot of weight pleased the cough is clearing take care
Wishing only good things for you, Farmer. About time things started to improve for you.
Milk shakes fine but what about chocolate, cream cakes, nice creamy rice puds, buttery scones and such like - you have a perfectly good reason to eat everything that's normally on the banned list. Glad to hear you're seeing off that horrible cough.
Hi Farmer,
if you find the milk supplements a bit thick and sweet, try the juice ones instead............... they do a lemon and lime one that is brilliant, I might try it with a dash of vodka.
Hi Farmerd
Didnt know there was any medicine for cough, i have IPF and had it for about 3 years, my cough is getting worse and yet no one has suggested any medication for my condition, could please tell what meds. your on .
many thanks, and take care
Hi Brian,this is all getting a bit complicated.I am currently using my stand by anti-biotic rescue pack,Doxycycline,to help clear my cough.Seems to be working.My appetite seems to be coming back too so things are looking good.I don,t know about IPF.I have very severe emphysema/Copd ,hernia and Candidas caused by to many steroids.My Brompton appointment is for LVRS ( lung volume reduction surgery )hope that clears me up.A long term cough needs investigation see your GP.Good luck.D.