My first specialist took 1 look at my CT and breathing results and said, 'well I give you 3 years at best' prescribed me spiriva and serentide and sent me on my way! I saw him once more where he asked me how far I could walk, I am able to walk very well, I do have to stop occasionally, but I can still do it, he said he didnt believe me!, sent me for a walk test, which I did well on (which cost me $250 to walk up and down a dark corridor) then looked quite disappointed when he saw the results.
My new specialist has seen me twice, last night he said that providing I keep up with my exercises and lack of smoking (I am 3 months clean) and keep well, I should be able to manage my emphysema very well. I actually had a smile on my face today for the first time since being diagnosed, and even skipped a little on my morning walk...... 3 years my **s*