This is the third time I have typed this post,why do they disappear so easily? Anyway,hope you are all as healthy as you can be!Christmas/Boxing day I was throwing up then 10 days then a week later same.Had blood tests etc,nothing.Turns out I should be taking my statins in the evening not the morning although it doesn't say so in the wee bumph notes.While hardly eating anything at all I couldn't figure out why I did,not lose any weight.At the Brompton to day the first thing the chap said was " you have very large lungs because of the bubbling".Discussing LVRS seems I am a prime candidate for this procedure all the numbers point to it being the best next step.Looking at the end of March,quicker than I expected for a few more tests,CT and stuff then the Opp.They might remove the whole upper lobe as it is useless.Also appointment for left eye cataracts 11th Feb.Busy old time ,keep me out of trouble lol.It,s good to post something positive,If there,s hope for me there's hope for all of us.Happy times.D. Ps. Walter does,not do the numbers lol. 👀😋👀
Brompton visit.: This is the third time... - Lung Conditions C...
Brompton visit.

Glad to hear from you. I'd been wondering how you were. Good news about the LVRS.
If they're prepared to do it for an old reprobate (another word for Malcolm to look up) like you then they'll do it for us all.
Love and hugs
K xxx
Nice to hear from you Farmer D and hope all goes well. Love the photo and l am not great at the numbers either. Take care. Xxx
I was wondering where you were FarmerD. I too send my best wishes and hope it all goes well.
You can save your post after every couple of lines if you want especially if the site is a bit flakey. Highlight the area, click Ctrl and C together. You can do this any number of times you want. If you lose it then just click Ctrl and V together and it reprints it from the memory. x

Hi Cough,I,m too lazy to drag out the laptop and can,t do any of that on the IPad,it does,not have that function or if it has Don,t know how to.Probably just me being clumsy.
hope all goes well for the tests and both ops , take care
Hello Farmer D
Great to hear from you.
Good news about getting your other cateract done and the LVRS.... My oh my... it takes a lot to keep you out of trouble..😂
Take Care Ya Hear !
Velvet 😂 xx
Thanks Velvet,how are you?D.💐
Hi Farmer D
I am good thank you at the moment.
Looking forward to the warmer weather and lighter evenings....l can't stand the Winter Gloom.
Good luck with soon...Yah hear 😂
Nice to hear from you and good luck with the LVRS.
Great news for you, I hope all goes well.
You certainly will have a full diary over the next couple of months.
Wishing you all the best for your cataract op & the LVRS. 🌸
Been a bit rough for you since xmas, hope all goes well, I don't mind the numbers just don't know my 75 times table jan x
Been wondering how you were also. Delighted that things are moving in the right direction for you.
Hi Farmer, it's lovely to hear from you, I've missed your posts.
It's great news that you are to get the treatment, I'm so pleased for you. xx
Good news for you, fingers crossed that all goes well now.
All the best.
I hope all goes well with the tests and that you can move along with the LVRS.
Hope everything goes well for you farmerd good luck with all your ops let us no how you get on with them
Sorry to hear you were not so good over Christmas farmer D, but looks like the new year has brought you fresh hope. So every best wish that all goes well for you with Ops ect.
Good news for you. All the best for both the ops. Love the pic! Take care xx
Things certainly seem to be looking up for you, D. Not before time though. I remember how despondent you've been in the past. May this be the start of good times for you.
Great news that you are suitable for LVRS, I've heard it makes such a difference. Also cataracts, you will not be disappointed! Sounds like 2016 will be your year, you deserve it. Xx
Very large lungs , hmmm, lots of hot air , hmmm
Mr D i will be thinking about you please keep us up to date x x
It's nice to read your post F D.....I hope that things work out for you.
Hi Farmer D good to hear from you and good news from the hospital I hope all goes well for you. Don't envy being on statins they are evil as bad as steroids they cause painful joints but do help the tubes from furring up take care
I hope things go well for you. Kaye
Thank you everybody for the good wishes,will keep you informed.Oh,I forgot to say I got my own disabled parking bay right outside my gate so don,t have to struggle in the rain to get to the car.It,s shared with any other Blue Badge holders of course.D.
Mr D it's good to hear how you are, good luck with your next appointment,large lungs eh, hope they can make you feel and breathe a lot better in the near future, it is amazing what they can do... 😁😆🐮 huff xxxx
Thinking of you farmer D, looking forward to hear how things go , gives us all hope x
If you find your post disappearing, type it in Word ( word processor) or your email and save it. When you've finished select it all, copy, come here and paste it in the reply box. If it disappears you've still got the original in your email/word processor.
Best wishes all.