Hi everyone I just received letter from respiratory nurse saying they are taking me of spirva inhaler after five years and putting me on a new one called incruse ellitpa which they say is not long launched so I start it when my repeat prescription comes in next has any one else tried this inhaler and if so what do they think of i t
Inhaler: Hi everyone I just received... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi Jimmy, sorry can't help but hopefully you will benefit from taking the new inhaler,
I use the Spiriva handihaler & I've been on it for a few years. I find it works for me.
Let us know how you get on, especially if you think it's an improvement on the Spiriva.
Take care 🌻
just been changed myself, I don't like the constant headache that won't shift with painkillers but everyone is different. Hope it works well for you.
I will keep that in mind Deana if not any good will ask to change back to spirva but will give it a go for two or three weeks and see what happens thanks again deana
Did they say why they were changing you from spiriva Jimmy? If your spiriva was working well I would definitely want to know why and whether they anticipate any benefit.
A doctor once told me that with new drugs we are all to some extent guinea pigs.
Anyway Im hoping it works at least as well, preferably better than spiriva and it would be great if you could let us know. Good luck
Yes the reason in the letter was to make the best use of NHS funds that was the reason they said it works the same was as spirva but I checked it out I think it is cheaper than spirva really don't know but let's you know when I get my new prescription in which is not for another week that is when I go for my yearly lung function test got that letter the same day as my other letter telling me change in my inhaler but I think it is all down to cost cos I have never had any problems for last five years I have on it will ask respiratory nurse when go for my test on the 21 St of this month let you know what she says