Hi there
This is an update for all those who gave me such sound advice last week following receipt of a curious letter involving the NHS Fraud Investigation Dept and my 9 year old son.
I spoke to my practice manager before responding and he made all the relevant enquiries before confirming that the letter was indeed genuine. The Fraud Manager I spoke to told me that this is an unusual case which is why no-one else on the forum seems to have come across it. She has asked for my discretion so I can't say a great deal but it involves the information on a referral letter from one department to another being used by a Health Care Professional to contact me at home to promote the services of his/her private business. I can quite see, with the benefit of hindsight, how improper this is. Ironically, this approach has reduced substantial waiting times for both them and us and financial burden on the NHS for this particular dept.
Anyway, I answered the questions and I suspect this case will go the distance with formal witness statements and very possibly legal action. I did utilise the private services offered which I am within my rights to do but it is the use of NHS confidential information that is in question here.
Thanks so much for all the tips. Clare x