Hi all, in case you didn't read that post - healthunlocked.com/blf/post... - ACOs are a major part of NHSEngland's reorganisation of the NHS, known as the Sustainable Transformation Plan (STPs) which aim to save £20-30 billion by 2021 from the already cash-strapped NHS.
I forgot to mention an important part of this highly complex jigsaw, which is the background of the man who heads up the NHSE reorganisation, Simon Stevens. His employment history puts the move towards a U.S. style insurance funded NHS in context as Stevens used to be a manager in the largest health insurance company in the U.S., United Health - this is the experience he is bringing to the STP reorganisation of the NHS.
While this top-down reorganisation is steaming ahead, beds are being cut, doctors and consultants and nurses are leaving the NHS in droves. In addition to already cancelled elective surgery, today there are reports of urgent operations being cancelled - cancer, heart, aneurisms etc - something they said they would never do. theguardian.com/society/201... . Something has to give and if it's not a huge injection of cash into the NHS, then privatisation is likely to be the only option. Unless there is an uprising.
Simon Stevens, his privatisation plan (5 Year Forward view) and STPs need to be everyday conversations. People need to know that there is this guy, not elected, with no mandate, who loves private healthcare, is calling the shots... without their knowledge or consent! And he is supported by Jeremy Hunt who is obviously much better known. The changes are so incremental that we are sleepwalking into a new situation and the NHS as we know it will not be available for our children.