Doctors part 2.: As you know I had a... - Lung Conditions C...

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Doctors part 2.

1968 profile image
β€’10 Replies

As you know I had a bad experience on Monday when I went for my yearly emphysema check up.

Had an appointment to see my own doctor today to see about my shoulder I damaged during my spider man ladder fall, still can't fully move it about, and to see him about the viral flu I had a few weeks ago and still experience aches and pain in my poor bones, every bone still aches


I went in a few minutes late due to biblical weather and flooded roads, I did apologise to reception, they told me to take a seat and they would see if the doctor would still see me.

30 minutes later I was called, I went in and apologised for me being late, doc says, don't worry but I can only give you about 5 minutes as I've got a further 25 patients to see. If I wasn't in so much pain I would have walked out with a few chosen words, I just looked at him in discust.

He said I still have viral flu which can take another few weeks to burn its self out, no meds given.

My shoulder he said was muscle damage and gave me tablets.

He never even examined my shoulder nor did he look at any painful area's regarding the viril flu.

Such an effort for him. After experiencing two horrendous doctor visits I'm sad to say after 17 years being with them I won't be back.

Shocking level of service.



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1968 profile image
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10 Replies
piggi profile image

O dear! Woeful.

Hi 1968, sorry u had a crappy appointment with ur gp, such a shame but this is what we hear more and more, over stretched surgeries that just don't give u the time or listen anymore. Hope u feel better soon, and manage to find a new doc or surgery . Take care xx Sonia xx

Oh dear David, what do they think that they are there for! You might just as well have not bothered dragging yourself in there for all the help you got. I despair at the wide differences in the quality of services at GP surgeries. I am a member of the PPG at our surgery and a good deal of time every month is taken up with how they are reacting to patient feed back to improve things. I have so many friends who have to wait two weeks for an appointment. At our surgery you can usually see the doc you want on the same day and if not you can always see one of the others, who are all very experienced and caring. Before you choose another GP surgery look at the websites of all of those in your area. Look at the results of their friends and family survey and feedback. If they are any good they will have put them on the website. Good luck.

Disgusting - definitely time to change doctors! Good luck xx

Dmactds profile image

While it's true: If the system's broken, it's up to the docs to fix it..., still I have to wonder about those poor docs' lives: day after day, week after week, they make visits with one tired old, sick, grumpy bloke or blokette.

You said the doc said 25 after you? I don't know what time of day your visit was but think of it. It's not like the leisurely old days of our youth when everyone just kind of schlepped about in their own good time. Now it's RUSH, RUSH, RUSH...!!!

Mandy6513 profile image

That gp needs to do a refresher course on his bedside manner

pollyjj profile image

That was really bad of him, why should it matter to you how many more people he has to see, that was his problem not yours, why not complain to the Practise Manager.

I have been put onto what they call the Golden framework which means I can get a same day appointment at any time, it is working well so far, I did have a little argument with them on Monday when I wanted the Doctor to come out, they said they were short on Doctors,(I am sure they can get Doctors to cover) but sorry not my problem I needed to see one.

Good luck in choosing a new Surgery.

take care

polly xx

starveycat profile image

I was 40 minutes late for my hospital appointment. I phoned 15 mins before my time and phoned at my appointment time we were stuck in traffic. When I got there I apologized they said no worries as they just rearranged things they could not have been more kind, such a different experience to yours

onamission profile image

I changed my GP I was with the old one 50 years from birth it was a fantastic practice then the old Dr retired he run the practice and most evenings after his home visits he would call in for a cuppa t with Mom.

I am with a walk in GP practice now and its the best thing I ever did they are open 7 days a week 52 weeks a year 8am to 8pm

Dragonmum profile image

I'm just sitting here open-mouthed with shock - you mean some of you have GPs who actually do home visits? No doctor has set foot in this house since 2002 when the last of the doctors in my old practice retired. When I ended in hospital after being overfed Lisinopril for non-existent hypertension I decided to change to the surgery just down the road - if you're too ill to get there you have to call an ambulance, or so I'm told (never needed to) and this is the norm for this area; then they complain about bed-blocking!

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