This was my 3rd visit to my Rheumy consultant and it was shocking from the minute we went in till we came out we could not believe this was the same man we have seen twice before, He was rude dismissive and very ignorant even the trainee rheumy nurse felt uncomfortable, I told him I was put on Diclofenic by my GP and there he started stop and stop it n now as he glared into his monitor I was telling since I had started this meds I had not no pain whatsoever, Then he started ranting on about sending me a letter about me going on Sulfasalisine and he arranged an appointment with the rheumy nurse, I just sat there looking at Fran because we had read this letter times because at that time it was important, Fran then said to him where or what do I do when I am going through a ten days of hell with my RA and she continued to tell him the day she came and I was on my hands and knees crying just to get to the toilet again he just sat there glaring at his monitor, Then he gets up to examine me as I am explaining that my right wrist was very weak then he grabs my wrist in a vice like grip which made me cry out and all he said it was a bit tender, For two pins I would have given him Glesca Kiss ( head butt )
My Rheumy Visit Part 1.: This was my... - Lung Conditions C...
My Rheumy Visit Part 1.

That is a disgusting way to behave. I know that it could backfire but I would send a letter of complaint then I would go and ask my GP to refer me to another Consultant possibly at another hospital. You would think with the climate as it is at the moment within the NHS regarding patient care he would have been a bit more caring. I personally don't know how you restrained yourself I wouldn't have.
Big Hugs
Janet xxx
That's awful Mattcass. How dare he be so rude to you! I am so angry after reading your post that I want to go up there and punch him. Don't know how you didn't. Illness is bad enough without idiots like that (on a huge salary no doubt) making it much worse. I agree with Janet complain very strongly and make sure you see someone else next time.
We are all with you and understand.
Bev xx

Hi Bev, I will reply in more detail after part 2, mattcass
How terrible for you mattcass and I do question why a Consultant would behave in this way? You do need to complain and see somebody else who can be more caring and show you some respect. I await to hear more in part 2. xxxxxx
I cant believe that a professional would behave like this, Matt. Just awful for you. Look up Pals. You had a witness as to his behaviour,