Hello - just joined - have mum in hospital at the moment with copd flare up. Feeling sad that she is struggling with fighting infection which she thinks is in her tracheotomy scar leaving her unable to eat and drink - dr says she doesn't and its anxiety? Anyone with similar experience?
Hello: Hello - just joined - have mum... - Lung Conditions C...
Anxiety is linked with COPD.
I have similar and spent three days in hospital caused by anxiety.
I take Lorazepam half tablet twice daily.
There is others. Takes some time to sort out and get the right treatment.
Having a infection as well will not help.
Lot of us do suffer throat tighness linked to anxiety / ptsd mainly
I find siping water or fizzy drink helps
As to anxiety / ptsd av not found cure for that apart from telling myself am ok
A will say you do have glands in neck jaw line that can play up cause tighness so is not allways anxiety
Sorry to hear about your Mum and welcome to the site. I've personally not had any trouble touch wood with my Traci scarring stopping me from eating. If you're unsure always ask and ask and ask again. BLF helpline staff always brilliant. Sometimes you just have to almost make a nuisance of yourself and speak up for your Mum when you next visit. Trap the ward sister !! Hope your Mum starts feeling a but better soon.
I have copd and very breathless at mo which makes me more anxious. Think anxiey sadly is part of the illness. They have just changed my inhaler cause i wasn't getting proper dose you tighten up when anxious. I am sure they can give her something i do a breathing exercise which helps ask them at the hospital. Hope your mum starts to feel a bit better soon and you can get some extra help.
Thank you everyone - it's really nice to be able to hear your thoughts. I have cornered the sister, persuaded mum to try a med to help anxiety and she's eaten 1/2 a sandwich! So really happy and glad I've joined. Just got fingers and toes crossed that they'll a. Give her something and b. It works quite quickly to make her feel more comfortable and get some strength back to fight through. Thanks everyone 😄

See this is a wonderful site to join. Hope your Mum starts picking up a bit and is on the mend. You keep positive as well, although I do appreciate it's not always that easy. Take care.
Hope your mum is feeling better and you are ok. Changed my inhaler last week so breathing much better and feeling better in myself. Not my favourite time of year my cats are loving the heating on!