I went back to my GP practice yesterday and saw my regular GP. I was there 3 weeks ago complaining of a number of symptoms and was basically ignored! At least yesterday my regular GP took me seriously and took bloods etc. I also got the flu jab. All in left arm.
Went home, all grand except I forgot I'm allergic to plaster (I blame baby brain) so my poor arm is missing chunks of skin And a bit sore. Then in a moment of domestic madness i start making dinner and slicing veggies using a mandolin. Unfortunately I sliced the whole top of my middle finger on my right hand off! Around 4 hours later I rang the out of hours doc as its still flowing blood. They wanted to call an ambulance (can you imagine me turning up with a cut finger in an ambulance) but I convince them to see me. Hubbie can't drive me coz of the baby so I ring my family...but they won't π They never help out but I'm shocked they wouldn't come. So off I go driving with this finger pumping blood. The nurse can't believe how bad it is, she keeps trying to dress it but it won't stop! The doctor puts some bonding agent but it still won't stop so he says a&e as an emergency as I'm bleeding 6 hours that stage!
Thankfully my best friend arrives over to drive me. We sat there for 5 hours, didn't get seen until after 5 am but thankfully they managed to stop it but they all said it was unusual it bled for so long. I asked if it was the dreaded steroids but they all looked at me with a blank gaze! Got of shot of difene in my bum and tetanus in my right arm.
I'm like the walking dead today!!!!
Fun and games!!!