Stuff the cost of the electricity to heat it...that's what Himself said this afternoon in relation to my shed. I'd been grumbling about it being cold in there and had dragged loads of stuff into the sitting-room...which takes the table over and leaves no room for place settings when it's supper time.
And Molly and Murphy think it's huge fun to play with pressed flowers or to sit on top of pristine white card while washing their bottoms with great enthusiasm...Murphy has tiny little bottom burps that catch him by surprise...
Anyway the cost of the lecky is a problem which I have to admit we didn't foresee when I bought the shed in the first place...wasn't on oxygen then, so a small Calor gas heater was ideal, but not wishing to blow myself or the shed into next week, I used an electric heater for the winter before last and the bill was scary.
Last winter I brought everything I wanted back indoors and the sitting room began to look like the 'before' picture in one of those 'make-over' programmes...or the one I used to watch with a growing sense of total disbelief...'How Clean is Your House' with the horrible gobby one and the sensible one.
Cleaning the rubber seal round your 'fridge with toothpaste and that kind of advice...couldn't see why they didn't just use Flash like everyone else...
Imagine letting television crews into your house when it was full of grot...I wouldn't let them in when my little cottage is pristine...which, I hasten to add, is rarely.
Another advantage...among using my shed, is that I can fiddle about to my heart's content without Himself peering over my shoulder and asking what I'm's often feckin' obvious what I'm doing, but he still asks 'cos I once accused him of not taking an interest...payback time then.
It hasn't escaped me that years ago when we were working we had plenty of money...we were never rich, but we were comfortably off...but we worked 24 hours a day and had to fight for a week's we have plenty of time and no money...
Something wrong with that somewhere!