Found this morning on FaceAche...
Just Found This...Isn't It The Truth! - Lung Conditions C...
Just Found This...Isn't It The Truth!

Omg! That's so true. I get the 'I wish I didn't have to work' And especially 'Oh I have that too' most of all from 2 sisters one of whom I said to 'If you are as bad as me then you need to see a doctor urgently as I have copd'. I get accused of being lazy too and the 'well you did smoke didn't you'? Thereby implying it is all my own fault. Grrrh x
Oh so true
I can relate to all those comments, they have put me off going out. I get that kind of crap at the park too. Lately I have been stopped in my tracks with breathlessness or coughing fits. Or the sickness and loss of balance.
Why is it whatever ailment you have, somebody's relative/friend/colleague has whatever you have, but much worse and manages to run sodding marathons for fun.
For god's sake, it's not a competition. None of us choose to be ill,
My neighbour is the one for having the same as me...she got better by thinking positively...good for her!
So true Vashti and I wish I had a pound for the times people have said to Pete "you look so well." Yes, maybe he does but looks are deceiving and they should come round when he is choking and SOB! xxxx
It's awful when well meaning people say that...they mean no harm by it but it still rankles a bit
Hi Vashti,
Hubby's favourite saying is "yesterday you could..... Why can't you today" and people saying "It could be worse".
With hubby I know if he thinks to deeply about how the illness affects me he would probably start panicking, so most of the time I shrug and he can go on pretending I'm swinging the lead, heave a big sigh and get the hoover out. Ha!
Sue (she who lives a life of none hovering luxury)
I think you've said something much like this before about your made me a bit sad really...then I thought about Himself who rarely says much about my illness but I catch him watching me anxiously sometimes...
Love to you Sue...who no longer has to concern herself with

I know it's only worrying that causes him to fret - cos if I thought it was because he thought I was really swinging the lead, I would deck him with one of my oxygen tanks, after all I still have to do the dusting.
I was once stopped at a garden centre by a man for parking in a disabled space. It's amazing how some people just assume that if you are not in a wheelchair or on crutches that you are stealing their car park space 😄. If only they could see inside our lungs!
Sad thing is that three years on and I am now the one in a wheelchair due to my rubbish lungs
very good yes bingo - know the lot - full house to me ha,ha thank you xx