This is almost unbelievable, the other day, I parked my vehicle outside a Chemist shop , using my Blue Badge, , to pick up a prescription. On leaving the shop, I noticed a Traffic Warden ON HIS HANDS AND FEET , WITH A TAPE MEASURE - measuring the gap between the front tyres of my vehicle , and the white line. I stood there , hardly believing what I was seeing, he then rose to his feet, issued me with a Ticket, on asking what on earth ( quite literally) was he doing , he said = " AS I WAS THREE QUARTERS OF AN INCH OVER THE WHITE LINE, I WAS ILLEGALLY PARKED " I naturally said " This is utterly ridiculous and right over the top - you must be desperate to issue tickets , he just replied = " THE MORE I BOOK, THE MORE I GET PAID "
- Having watched that TV programme on " ROGUE TRAFFIC WARDENS " some time ago, who admitted OFF CAMERA they will use ANY method to increase their wages , What more proof do we need of this admission ? .....