Picture this, As a sufferer of multiple lung conditions walking uphill is for me one of the most arduous tasks I can perform and can leave me totally wiped out in seconds according to the gradient and the speed I approach it at. So here goes.. Yesterday I was driving down a steep hill when I saw a hedgehog on the white line in the middle of the road, traffic did its best to avoid it and it kept perfectly still as I passed it. I wondered if the poor devil and been roused from its hibernation by enthusiastic leaf clearing, so I decided to go and rescue it. I drove to the bottom of the hill where I could safely park and I took to my swiftest accept to reach the hedgehog. All the time getting more and more breathless but carried on. Save the hedgehog was my only thought... I battled on, well staggered on more like a punchdrunk boxer, until I came to the spot. I dodged my way across one line of traffic, waited until the coast was clear, threw down my dog blanket and scooped up the creature and beat a hasty retreat to the safety of the pavement. So pleased with myself puffing and panting, I unwrapped the poor creature with a cry "There you are safe now" only to find it was a child's slipper. Maybe I should have gone to specsavers!
An act of kindness is never wasted....? - Lung Conditions C...
An act of kindness is never wasted....?

Suppose you will have go and find Cinderella, after you been to specsavers, don’t what you ending up with a toad.🥿🥿🥿
Oh my goodness that made me laugh and I was really caught up in the drama of it all, but it does reveal what a kind soul you have 🦔
🤣😂🤣 definitely! Xx
Hahahahaha this made me laugh however you just proved to yourself you can do it! X
i take it the hedgehog didn't require resuscitation,now that really would have taken your breath away.thanks for a jolly good story it is well appreciated on this gloomy day.
Ski's and Scruff's x
How wonderful - a real laugh out loud moment! Thanks for that. A wonderful gesture from you that I'm sure won't go unrewarded sometime. In fact, I think you should send your story to Specsavers - your reward could be monetary!
Hilarious....I was puffed struggling up that road with you .....then rolling around laughing ......so funny. The serious side though it shows what a very kind and caring person you are. On behalf of the slipper I thank you .😂😂😂😂😂😂

The slipper was carried safely back to the car - as bewildered car drivers looked on. When it was safe to do so - I released the said slipper back into the wild - by gently settling it into the nearest wastebin
Oh ledge . You kind soul. I'm sorry, I must admit to chuckling into my morning mocha. xx ☕😊
That's a great story!
What a brave, kind person you are. Never mind as they say it's the thought that counts...........had a good laugh over my breakfast though 😂😂😂😂
I was gasping along every step of the way with you and I am so glad you managed to rescue the slipper. Now where is its mate ……………..
Another Dull day Today, Only just seen your Post, Soon lifted the Dullness, Your a Brave would be Hero. Thank you for your Kindness anyway. xxxx
Read this to Tony and he was reminded of an old comedy skit where a lorry driver had symbols of hedgehogs on the side of his lorry - like the warplanes had bomb symbols in the war, their number of 'hits' .Sorry about that, you were being kind, but a little bit foolish, maybe. Iris x
You really made me laugh with this - should send it to Specsavers, they'd probably use it for one of their ads. Maybe they'd pay you for the idea - or maybe not! Anyway, you are a kind soul and rescuer. xx Moy
Hahahaha funny great stuff
What a WONDERFULLY KIND thing to do, with no thought of your own difficulties..
( I know so well how it feels!)
Specsavers should give you a free eye test too!!!
I think the only thing I am going to get is a jacket with very long wrap around sleeves and lots of nice jangly shiny buckles to do it up nice and secure. Then be taken for a lovely ride in a secure van after that escapade
If nothing else, you gave us all a good laugh and brightened our day, certainly you made me smile. And who knows, maybe some day there’ll be a real hedgehog rescue to be carried out and you could consider this a practice run. There’s nothing crazy about acts of kindness, even if the recipient does turn out to be a lost slipper 👞🦔
😭😭😘 Well done! glad it wasn’t a hedgehog 🦔