I dont know what tablets are [but i've plenty in my medicine bag ], don't know about face book, twits etc. or is it twitter
in fact don't know much at all , just my old computer
[one finger typing
but just getting the hang of these codes now,,,so here we go
ATD----At the doctors
BFF----Best friend fell
BTW-----Bring the wheelchair
BYOT-----Bring your own teeth
FWIW,,,,,,,Forgot where i was.
GGPBL,,,Gotta go pacemaker battery low.
GHA,,,,Got heartburn again
IMHO,,,,,Is my hearing- aid on
LMDO,,,,,,laughing my dentures out
OMMR,,,, On my massage recliner
OMSG.....Oh my,,,sorry,,,,gas
lots of love jimmy xxx
p,s. You learn every day
OFARN,,,,,,Off for a rest now