a scotsman, englishman and irish man, members of the local stammerers group,
the lovely young lady teacher, had tried everything within her power to cure these three without any avail, , until she decided on a final way to cure them.
she said to the three of them,"if anyone can say where they come from, without stammering, you can have mad passionate sex with me"
she then asked the scotsman "where do you come from" he said "p p p p. paisley,"sorry you have failed she replied"
then she asked the englishman the same question,, he said b.b.b.b birmingham "sorry you have failed too my friend"
she then asked paddy, "where do you come from" paddy took a deep breath, then blurted out,,LONDON "perfect paddy" she said in amazement, ",i will now keep my promise, and you can have mad passionate sex with me"
after 15 minutes of hot steamy sex, and as paddy tried to get his breath back, and then blurted out,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
D, D ,D ,D, DERRY!!!!! LOL