Today my Dr said he wants me to have a PET/CT.
Scared of the results!!!any support welcome!
Today my Dr said he wants me to have a PET/CT.
Scared of the results!!!any support welcome!
Thankyou so much for your support and kindness to me.others around me have not really supported me at was even angry that I cancelled a holiday trip.i just dont know what to say about these people that I thought loved me or cared for iam alone in the doctors,i dont know what to think or feel.thankyou for your kindness,you may never know how much I needed your message....jx
Only just joined this site yesterday. Am overwhelmed by the support. My breathlessness is silent and I have no cough, so I too seem to be fine and get comments about how well I look! I am very lucky with the support I get from family and friends, but from the medical profession it is very patchy. So, Mortalguy, hang in there. Push for help, and make it clear to others what your needs are. All the best. X
HI Mortal Guy - can only offer moral support have no practical advise. The best of luck - lots of love TAD xx
Thankyou so much jxx
Mortal - try not to read to much into things, it is best the consultants know what they are dealing with rather than guessing.
I have so many scans in the last 6 months that I know the Radiologist by first names and I've put my name down for their xmas party
It's easy for me to say (because I am not a worrier- even though I'm on a possible short expiry date if current treatment doesn't work ).... But time spent worrying is time spent wasted which you won't get back :P..... There is nothing you can do about the results, but the consultants will have a better understanding of no what's going on and the best direction to proceed.
Try and not think to much about it, then you can discuss options with consultants once results are in. (No different from your GCE's or GCSE ?? and I bet you panicked about them too )
Keep sucking it in
Thankyou plumbob very much.I will try to be strong...what do you suffer from may I Ask?
I have asbestosis, but it has triggered an aggressive form of fibrosis so they recently put me on chemotherapy to try and slow things down because the if condition doesn't slow down I only have 6-12 months left .... if the chemo shows any sign of improvement to my health they are putting me in for a lung transplant ASAP
I always remain positive though... It uses less energy
Owen you are such an inspiration. Hugs cx
Mortalguy - I can undersand why you feel very scared. If you want to know what you are dealing with hun you have no choice but to have this done - wise words from Owen.
This may turn out not to be significant. Only when you get your results will you know for sure what you are dealing with. On that basis try and turn your negative thoughts into positive, that once done treatment can begin. I had a lower basal segment of lung removed when I was 15 and I am getting on a bit now.
Good luck and I hope it's good news for you.
Thankyou so much for your kindness to me,your wonderful.many huggs to you!jxx
You are an amazingly strong inspire me not to be a cry baby and coward,thankyou sir.
Plumbob can i please ask you,how was your asbestosis diease diagnosed.ive had chest ct in the past and they never mentioned it.but im 51 and ive had a lot of different jobs,so im wondering if i was clear chest ct in 2013 ,one in 2014,would chest ct see it?.thankyou in advance.
Hi again, I have been thinking about you and wondering how you went yesterday. Did the dr have any opinion on what the observed structure in your lung is? Good luck with the scan as others have said it is great that they are gathering more information to find out exactly what is happening. Keep in touch. Best wishesxxx
Thankyou so much big huggs,your messages mean a lot to me,so much.sadly though ive realised that when peope hear the word cancer,its like iam already dead to some peolple that I thought loved me....
I'm not inspirational, Cofdrop and neither am I a strong man, Mortal (but it's nice that you think these things of me
)........ I am me, and doing what I can in the best way I can
...........It's always harder for those around you, watching you and seeing their frustration of not being able to help when your in distress, that's what upsets me
Ironically as we've been talking a date has just arrived through the post for a Pre-operation assessment (13/7/15). To show them I'm not barmy , and Cardiac catheterisation/ angiogram (28/7/15) Not looking forward to that one
..... but I will have my hand near parts of the consultants anatomy just to let him know when I'm in discomfort
LOL ....... Consultants certainly on the ball ?????
Keep Smiling
Wishing you well Mortalguy and PMA is a good thing to have. Let us know how you get on. xxxx
This is brilliant - nothing to worry about and better than any other way of checking out your lungs - believe me. Hope it shows up your problem so that you can go on and gt the treatment you need. This just takes a a long time. Where I went so long as you were not wearing any thing with metal in they didn't change you into a gown. So glad I wore only slip on clothes that day - not even a bra catch - it is so cold in the scan room think you would freeze to death! I know they have to keep the room cool for the machinery and have had similar scans before so knew it was going to be cold. Def. a place to keep your socks on - and this time I kept my shoes on too.
Thankyou freefaller so much,god bless you and your beautiful family....
I will have the pet/ct next week they said.i wanted it sooner of course but they have a waiting list!
That is really quite quick for a PET/CT Scan mine took 2 weeks to sort and I was told that was quick. It will all go really well I am sure. It will be good to know what is wrong and what can be done. I think waiting is by far the worst thing about this game.
Hi Mortalguy,
A Petscan is a scan with nuclear dye inside you, (nothing to worry about) and this scan shows up any cancer you may have and metastases from it. Tell them how worried you are and ask how long it will take to get the results. Here, in France, mine took about 3-4 days for the result to reach my consultant.