Went to my GP's at stupid o'clock this morning. Had to wait for some time to see him but he does know my heart problems well. I explained how my previous visit to another GP took me off Statins because of the pain in my thighs? I had my Diltiazem doubled to 240 and since then my breathing has been worse and the legs are swelling right past my knees as the day goes on. I was on Sotalol twice a day and did not seem to feel as rough as I do now but it was stopping my preventive inhalers from getting into my lungs he told me?
The GP said straight away this is a common problem with diltiazem but is being widely used more as it can help in many ways. "I would of put you on Water tablets but I know they do not suit you tell me why" I explained that "I feel like I have been punched in the kidneys and the pain is far worse than now"
He asked to see the left leg which is always the worse for me. I explained how much better it is in the morning and it will treble in the size it is now by the evening! He said that he will drop me down to 120 and that should help but when you next see the cardiologist explain to him what is happening? I then had to explain it was the Lung Specialist that changed my tablets from the Sotalol and I do not have any appointments with a cardiologist! But did see one when I was in ambulatory care who wanted me back on Sotalol but when the lung and heart doc argued their cases to each other the Lung doc won? His only comment was "specialist don't you love them?"
I am now back on my Statins even though I am still 3.5 had to have another prescription for the diltiazem as I used all my 120 up and now have 240 in my medical drawer for when I see the specialist who no doubt will insist I go back to 240?
Ambulatory Care tomorrow so probably another story to be told?
Be Well