I have had copd for 6 years and have been very breathless for the last 8 weeks, 4 weeks ago my doctor sent me for a chest x-Ray which showed a shadow on the lung I had the x-ray again yesterday, doctor phoned me this afternoon to say I still have the shadow and I need a ct scan and the appointment should be through the post soon. Needless to say I am rather worried. X
Ct scan: I have had copd for 6 years... - Lung Conditions C...
Ct scan

Hi jan, ct scans are more accurate and hopefully will give u a diagnosis, the waiting game is always the worst, I'm not going to tell u not to worry as we all would and do, just try not to let it take over until ur date comes through, easier said then done I know, but we're all here for u if needed. Take care xx sonia xx

Thank you x
" Good luck with your scan...i too wont tell you not to worry..as thats inevitable.. But like Sonia as said..we are all here for each other.....keep positive...And keep safe..Megan."
Hi nan I too went for x ray and came back with shadow on my lungs so doc gave me some doxycilin to take and sent for another xray but it came back he said it was a slight scar on lung so I hope everything turns out fine for you nan
Good luck for the scan - try not to think of the worst - it's not always bad news x
Thank you x
A bullea,or air pocket shows up as a shadow on the x ray,but after the ct scan, which is a lot more clear,you can see exactly what it is.
I had a 4cm black hole that showed up as a shadow on the X-ray
But it wasn't what I thought
Don't panic.A shadow might mean infection too, you never know.The ct will help them see better, is no big deal, I get them yearly now, I had cancer, and it was discovered when I went in for breathing problems.I have empazema.(can't spell it).I had radiation therapy and am all cancer free now.Don't worry till you have to!
Thank you x