Hi All,
I made a recent post about investigation currently ongoing into Asthma.
I've had a CT scan two years ago - which said I had an infection and something called tree in buds came up. CT scan kept coming up because because my X-rays/bloods kept coming back as normal - but because I coughed up bloody mucus they wanted to have deeper look.
I've recently gone back to see a respiratory consultant I saw two years because I coughed up some blood one evening recently. At the time when it happened, I went to A&E, had an X-ray which looked normal. A&E Doctor said it's likely to be a viral infection as lungs sounded okay.
Saw the respiratory doctor after this (last week) and he examined me. He said everything looks/sounds fine. I done some spirometry/ FeNO tests private - which came back clear, but he was asking me to consider another CT scan. I've been told I'm asthmatic.
I'm a little nervous about this given I am 30 and the radiation exposure from CT scans. Given the coughing as pretty much stopped - I still cough up abit of mucus but this is mainly because it's stuck at the back of my throat all the time, so really I'm forcing it out as opposed to coughing, but it's maybe once or thrice a day.
Any advice on here on what to do ? The radiation exposure worries me and also the fact I'm 30, which means I would have had two CT scans. I'm of course worried about the radiation increasing my risk to cancer in the future. Appreciate it's the here and now to think about but he told me to go away and think about it as he didn't want to force me.
I appreciate the risk is very small like 0.00001 or something but it's still worrying. Any advice would be appreciated.