Oxygen v mucus !!: i have just read an... - Lung Conditions C...

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Oxygen v mucus !!

carolg1 profile image
40 Replies

i have just read an article in lung news stating that trials have suggested that people on oxygen they suffer with thick stickier mucus , as u may have seen from my previous posts the amount of mucus I am producing is horrendous an sometimes thick n gross quite life threatening, I wondered if any one else has views on this xx

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carolg1 profile image
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40 Replies
Bernardbreather profile image

I'm not on O2 but would imagine it would have a drying effect if H2O wasn't coming in at the usual rate of normal breathing as well.

Scud profile image
Scud in reply to Bernardbreather

I am on oxygen and produce a small amount of mucus unless I have a chest infection then it is a lot worse but I take mucodine capsules which thin the mucus and it is not so sticky. I take these daily even when I am producing a small amount and find they help.

derrylynne profile image

I have not noticed much if any increase caused by oxygen. But it is essential if you have mucas that is thick to take an agent to thin it so to help cough it up easily. I like many others used to take mucodyne. But that caused problems with my tummy. So now take one 600mg of NAC a day. This works better than mucodyne at thinning without any side effects. And the good news is it is good for the liver too.

iviviv profile image
iviviv in reply to derrylynne

Thanks. What a great tip. I'd never heard of NAC but I've just googled it and it sounds great. I hope it can help my Dad who has COPD and is quite frail so finds it tough going having to retch up lots of thick sputum every day. He uses Mucodyne but your NAC idea sounds better.

I suppose taking both would be too much?

derrylynne profile image
derrylynne in reply to iviviv

Don't take both. If he is like me. And many doctors have adviced using NAC. That should be enough. I have been using it for a couple of months now and not only do I not get any side effects. But it works better than Mucodyne.

iviviv profile image
iviviv in reply to derrylynne

Thanks for the great advice and sharing the benefit of your experience so that other sufferers can make good choices and find helpful treatment. I will definitely suggest this to dad and talk to our GP who is always very helpful and open to ideas. Good luck with your own battle with this rotten disease and thanks again.

iviviv profile image
iviviv in reply to derrylynne

Hello again derrylynne,

I'm back to the topic of NAC today because I asked the bronchiectasis nurse about it when I took Dad to an appointment this morning. She said not to take it, it's dangerous! She said people with CF use it but it's too dangerous for patients with COPD.

It really makes your head spin, all the contradictory confusing information out there. I never pressed her as to what kind of danger there was.

I bought some in Holland and Barrett so I'm hoping it won't be too powerful, just enough to loosen the mucous.

Hope you get on ok with your NAC. Please let me know if you do notice any bad effects though. I'd heed a warning from an actual user of the product much sooner than general advice from medic.

derrylynne profile image
derrylynne in reply to iviviv

That is a surprise to me as in some places, more so in the states, doctors advice their copd patients to take NAC. And I know many copd patients here the UK take it too. It has no side effects on me at all. Unlike Mucodyne that made my stomach ache like hell. And does the job well.

Google 'nac and copd' and that will give lots of research info that does not bear what this person said. Do they have shares in pharmacy. lol. Google and you will come across info such as at europepmc.org/abstract/med/...

I will carry on taking mine as my body says it is ok. :) All the best..

iviviv profile image
iviviv in reply to derrylynne

Yes, I've been googling like mad on NAC.

Most stuff I've read sounds brilliant and I get all excited but I did read a couple of scary articles.

One saying that NAC tricks the body into thinking it's short of oxygen and does something to it that can make blood pressure shoot way up.

Another said it can cause lung cancer!??

So hard to judge when the good stuff sounds SO great and I'd LOVE to see dad enjoy the benefit of the health improvements. Yet I'm also so scared that he'll be one of the unlucky ones that it harms and I'd have killed my own dad!!

What a bugger COPD is!!!!

derrylynne profile image
derrylynne in reply to iviviv

There are lots of good research out there and I tend to go by that. Not seen anything to say it causes lung cancer. Nac is used in many drugs sold under prescription. I take my blood pressure regularly as I do have hypertension and it is and has been pretty good for a while. It really has to be an informed choice if to take it or not.

It is not a miracle cure but has kept my chest clear of mucus. And that makes it easier to breathe. It certainly has not made a huge improvement to my mobility. Wish it had.

I have recently had a full blood test done and all is fine there. I am sure if NAC was harming me something would have shown up. I guess for myself if I feel something is doing me good I will continue to take it. More so as it is doing a better job with no side effects than the prescribed drug, mucodyne. that I bet costs the nhs a lot of money.

All the best for your dad. Nothing is easy with this illness.

iviviv profile image
iviviv in reply to derrylynne

Thanks Derrylynne,

It really helps to know a real person who is having a good result from NAC. I think it would be good to keep going with the capsules we have ( they're 600mg like you're on) and just be vigilant for signs of trouble. But hopefully effects will be the good ones.

Thanks for taking the time to give me that wee bit reassurance I needed.

Good luck with the battle!

weelspeed profile image

hi carolg1 I have the same problem, when i get up in the mornings its thick white and very sticky .I cough it up almost vomit it up doing this makes me very breathless,i can't eat my breakfast without choking its an absolute nightmare.I was taking nac tablets in water at one time they were suposed to help, then my lung doc told me to stop taking them to give my liver a rest from them,but he did say i could take them again if i thought i needed to so i started on them about 3 weeks ago not noticed any improvment yet! I desperatly want something the mucus problem is awfull.I'm seeing my Perfenidone doc on thursday and will ask him what to do for the best i'm scared of busrting a blood vessel with all the retching and coughing good luck from me.

carolg1 profile image
carolg1 in reply to weelspeed

Hi, Please let me know how you get on what is a perfenidone doc .? Thanks for replying I've been on carbcystien caps for years ! Maybe that's the problem it is so gross and disabilitTing xx

Devondoll profile image
Devondoll in reply to weelspeed

Hi weelspeed I'm new here and read your post with interest as you have the same problem as my husband. He's taking Mucodyne which helps thin the mucus but not very much. How are you getting on now? Has anything helped?

carolg1 profile image
carolg1 in reply to weelspeed

Hi week speed just wanted to see how u r getting on with the mucus have you had any improvement or answers yet ? X

frank65 profile image

have you tried carboisterine it is great thinning the gunk ask your doc

carolg1 profile image
carolg1 in reply to frank65

Hi frank, yes been on those for years ? Xx thanks for replying

hallentine47 profile image

I m not on Oxygen but have precisely the same problem and its preventing me getting a nights sleep. Every half hour the cough wakes me to clear more mucus. I am exhausted. I am waiting for Hospital procedure to help later in the month.

carolg1 profile image
carolg1 in reply to hallentine47

Hi hellentine, can I ask what procedure they are trying thanks xx

hallentine47 profile image
hallentine47 in reply to carolg1

I left a cruise ship 12 months ago with two viruses and one has stayed with me since!!! No amount of antibiotics and steroids have made much difference. So physio using a neutralizer are going to try to clean out the mucus stuck in the lungs which is reproducing the virus. If this fails after another scan they propose using bronchoscopy with a 'hoover' attachment to try clearing the mucus. The virus I still have is called moraxella Heamophilis.

It has totally taken over my life leaving me calling for Paramedics and having panic attacks and generally bringing me down. I have lost over a stone and much strength. rarely do I get much sleep because the mucus irritates me awake. I use a flutter and autogenic breathing from Pulmonary Rehab and boiling water in a bowl and olbas oil and menthol crystals. I take Mucodyne.

carolg1 profile image
carolg1 in reply to hallentine47

Hi hellentine that sounds just the same as me , I keep taking sputum samples in but they keep coming back clear !! It is so frustrating because I know something is there I wake thro the night and in the morning it's like I've got an horrendous cold for the first few hours I'm at my wits end with the mucus its ruling and ruining my life grrrr keep our chins up though eh xxx thanks carol x

hallentine47 profile image
hallentine47 in reply to carolg1

Thank you too. It helps to know others are experiencing similar symptoms. I have been trying to reduce the steroids but this seems to make the mucus worse. I am at a loss. Just about to get to bed and dreading another night of doing battle with the cough. But yes chin up and sleeves rolled up! Hxx

carolg1 profile image

Thanks I will have a look xx

Nanny1086 profile image

Hi, I'm not on oxygen ,,but do produce a lot of thick sticky mucus that's difficult to move ,I have been prescribed Mucodyne tablets and a flutter devise ,,,both seem to help ,but it's embarrassing when out and about ( a rare occasion ) and start a coughing bout ,,,good luck ,

carolg1 profile image

Hi nanny, I agrees totally disabilitTing grrr we just have to keep good spirit, thanks take care x

Dmactds profile image

Well...., I am not now nor have I ever produced a noticeable amount of mucus; however, I was on oxygen from September 2012 til just about six months ago when I started not using it so much because I found if I used it for a few hours before I went to bed at night, I felt bad the next morning so I began weaning myself off of it. I still have it in my home along with the concentrator (which I've never used much, but couldn't get the small tanks without the concentrator...).

I take the small portable tanks with me when out shopping and I may or may not "strap myself in" but at least they're there in case of emergency.

I read somewhere that some people get over their need for as much oxygen as they're prescribed but continue to use it as told nonetheless.

I wish there was more I could tell you but the solution will have to be between you and your doc.

I know that the more I do without the oxygen, the stronger I seem to get and breathing naturally gets easier. Of course, I also take my 100mgs of CoQ10 every day....


carolg1 profile image
carolg1 in reply to Dmactds

Hi Duncan thanks for taking the time to reply, I too seem to feel better without the oxygen apparently I'm supposed to use it 15 hours per day,! Which is generally thro the nite with a very disturbed sleep I never feel like I've slept well at all, you mention CoQ10 every day what are these , to be honest since I've been on oxygen I think I have gone downhill health wise an certainly more mucus than ever"' thanks carol x

Dmactds profile image


I would suggest taking the Bull by The Horns and experimenting with what may make you feel better, keeping your foot on 'Home Base' just for good measure...., that is to say, don't completely stop the oxygen..., just mebbe cut back a bit and see how you feel.

The CoQ10 is something I started (a vitamin, very available here in the states in Walmart and other similar stores) about 4 and a half months ago. I could feel an improvement in my general "feel good" state after about 2 months and now it just continues. I'm not completely over COPD by any means BUT I do feel and move quite a bit easier.

I've posted about CoQ10 on here before along with some links for more of an explanation of what exactly it is and how long it's been around as a health supplement. Just check out my past posts.

Remember, "To Thine Own Self Be True"...; that's to say, experiment with what makes you feel good...., not necessarily what the "machine" says is best.


carolg1 profile image
carolg1 in reply to Dmactds

Thanks Duncan I totally agree with you without advice and suggestions I have followed from fellow sufferes I swear I would not be here now I have such a zest for life, I will keep on strining to help myself , not being ungrateful but I often think the doc does not fully understand how we really struggle with it mentally and physically , take care Carol x

carolg1 profile image

Hi graham what exactly are you giving your wife that you believe has done her good is it fit a thanks xx

carolg1 profile image

Hi graham , I of course understand that all tips and advice received on this site is ultimately my choice and to be fair most advice I have taken as helped me in some way so I will try most things to try and make my life for me and my family better, it is not nice for my young family watching me struggle as I am , I have emphysema and bronchietasis in general copd , so once again thank you for replying x regards carol

D_avid1954 profile image

Mucus has bothered me greatly for about the last 15 months. I find huffing and puffing and blowing through a straw help. It makes you cough but clears loads and you feel better for 4/5 hours afterwrds. I am not on oxygen.

1sick-man profile image

Sorry to read what is happening to you and I am sending you this reference that I think will help you understand the dangers of using oxygen. vspn.org/vspnsearch/aow/oxy...

1sick-man profile image

I would suggest you look into the use of emulsified vitamin A because this does not affect the liver at all which is the problem of normal vit. a .

Monicasue49 profile image

My mother suffers from the same problem. I sometimes pound (softly) with cupped hands on her back for 10 minutes in the area she feels tightness. This seems to loosen the mucus and she will cough up a generous amount. Sometimes steamy showers help, other time Mucus Relief DM (Walgreens) will help. She sometimes coughs so hard she nearly vomits. Seems to be worse when weather drastically changes. The patting on the back seems most helpful to her. Also, drink lots of water (flavored or ice tea). Fluids seem to help keep mucus thinner and looser. Good luck to you. It's an awful and exhausting fight...

Monicasue49 profile image
Monicasue49 in reply to Monicasue49

Also, she is on oxygen 24/7 but I don't think her mucus is the result of this. She has severe ashtma and has had numerous bronchoscope (sp) over the years and was averaging 2 hospital stays a year for the past 8 years. She finally qualified for monthly Xolair shots and has been receiving them for the past year. Has not been in the hospital since. Ask your pulminary doctor about this.

carolg1 profile image
carolg1 in reply to Monicasue49

Hi mono, what a good son your mum has got , I hide a lot of my trauma episodes from my young son I think if he saw my de mukeing episodes he would be horrified, I am very interested in the xolair shots never heard of those, thank you so much for responding hope your mum stays well xx carol

gallmoe profile image

Hi I am on oxygen coming up to my fifth year and I have never encountered that problem, I sometimes get a small amount in the throat but that doesn't cause me any issues. I do breathing exercises and one especially for this problem it's called Huffing I do this daily but as yet I have not experienced this problem with sputum.


carolg1 profile image
carolg1 in reply to gallmoe

Higallmo, thanks for replying stay well x

Annieosb profile image

I have just started NAC 600mg daily, already I have coughed up loads of mucus but can anyone tell me if this coughing continues as long as you take NAC or does it ease off after a while?


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