thanks for all the advice from all you lovely people about tinitus, i have sent away for a sound relaxing device which plugs into ear phones or a pillow : it is an L397 sound oasis from action hearing loss , i hope it will do me some good
fed up: thanks for all the advice from... - Lung Conditions C...
fed up

Let us know how it goes please
I would be interested to hear how you get on whit. Wishing you well. xx
well apart from the hearing aids that disc sure worked for me
Tell us more, whit about your tinnitus. I think I have it but in a mild form. I do get a sort of whistling in my ears but if I am busy, I dont notice it so much xx
usually mine is in a mild form ,like a low level hissing sound, occasionally the volume was cranked up for a couple of hours , but for the last week or so it has been more severe all the time : day time ,a lot going on to take your mind off it a bit, night time when all is quiet , that is when it really gets to you, i hope my new sound machine helps ,when i get it
I've got one...its lovely. There are some very soothing sounds on it. Let us know how you get on. rain does it for me!
You may have already been sent these links - but just in case (haven't tried any myself, as mine stopped as quickly as it started, but kept the links just in case need it for the future) :
whit I hope it helps you. My wife who studied audiology and was working for the NHS audiology department said that most that one can do is to mask with white noise (or in your case some nice sound).
I had tinnitus for over 50 years. Eventually teh brain dissociates from the noise. Mine is a whistiling tone in the left ear.
Hi Whit, just come across your post. I had intermittent tinnitus for years until a partial blackout in 2007. Since then it's been constant in both ears, sounds like microphones feeding back and super fast crickets added in my left ear. I got a sound generator from the ENT department and it does help. Just recently I've also found listening to music through headphones works for me, I don't think the type of music matters. I listen mainly to jazz and set the volume so that it's just slightly louder than the tinnitus and after a while I seem to get some respite, sometimes for several hours. I know it doesn't seem so at the moment, but it does get easier, I think we naturally develop ways to cope.
Good Luck, Whit