Fed up: Fed up now with all this trying... - Lung Conditions C...

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Fed up

Dion3844o1 profile image
36 Replies

Fed up now with all this trying to carry on like I'm not gonna die IV tried to piece my life together but 1 thing after another it's slowly getting worse ,IV tried to "live it to the full"but I'm always poorly,I attend every hospital appointment on my own ,and it looks like my days of ever being in a relationship is done because well who would want all the baggage ,my son's do what they can but won't acknowledge what's happening they say they deal with it when they have to ,even things like driving lessons I take I think giving up because to me it makesore sence saving the money for my son's trust fund , why did I have to have this lifes so not fair ,

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Dion3844o1 profile image
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36 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Life is totally unfair Dion and a real bummer at times. Please remember that you’re not alone and we’re here for you. Not just today but always.

Thinking of you. Xxx 😘

Whitechinchilla profile image
Whitechinchilla in reply to sassy59

Bless you both. 😉

Izb1 profile image

Life is hard at times Dion and so not fair. I cant imagine what you are going through but please do not give up whilst you have some fight in you. Life is precious which is hard to see when you are in a dark place. Talk to your sons and explain just how you feel, asking them to give you more support, and speak with your doctor, they may have a help group. I dont think you should give up your driving lessons, if you pass your test it will give you the freedom to get about which again will help you enormously, and take the strain of getting around. Our group here cares about you, remember that. Irene x

HungryHufflepuff profile image

Life isn't fair, on so many levels. But we care about you, and as Hacienda would say, we're your friends in the next room. Thinking of you 💐

hypercat54 profile image

Hi I agree with you that life isn't fair. But then no one ever promised it was. At least you have got sons whom I am sure love you a great deal. It must be difficult for them to come to terms with your illness too as they only have one mum don't they. You have us too so you aren't alone.

Keep on with your driving lessons as it will give you so much more independance. x

Kittykat2 profile image

Keep coming in here ,some lovely people for you to chat and let your feelings out.

Life's a real struggle sometimes sending you love and thoughts 💕X

Caspiana profile image

Hello Dion,

We all hit these brick walls. It's natural to feel frustrated. You are (even if you don't realize it) doing so well. Keep going to your lessons! Every time you step out your front door you create an opportunity for yourself believe it or not. Put yourself first. Always. As for your sons if they can't see reality, you can't make them. We can't take our money with us when we go. We may as well enjoy it whilst we are alive.

You keep going. Every little step counts.

Sending love,

Cas xx 🌷🍀🌷

Collie4 profile image
Collie4 in reply to Caspiana

Lovely to see a post from you Caspiana, i was wondering how you were doing. I hope all is going well for you. You are a very brave person and an inspiration.

Take care.🌻🌺💐

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Collie4

Hello Collie4 . I am doing well thank you. 😃😄😊 Everyday brings it's challenges but I take it an hour at a time. I hope you are well too. xx ❤☀❤☀

Whitechinchilla profile image
Whitechinchilla in reply to Caspiana

Bless you too Cas. Again always positive for us all. x

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Whitechinchilla

*HUG* 🌷☀🌷☀🌷

Whitechinchilla profile image
Whitechinchilla in reply to Caspiana

Meant to say.......hope you are progressing well. Baby steps for a while maybe?

It’s great to have you back with us, truly.

Much love

Take good care of yourself.x

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Whitechinchilla

Thank you so very much. xx ❤

judes profile image

I’ve read your post several times and am going to play devils advocate. Carry on with your driving lessons, to me it’s more important to get around safely and in comfort than my sons trust fund. There’s less germs as well.

Also, I know it’s difficult on your own I’ve been a lone parent since my son was 12, but by heck why would you want to go back to washing smelly socks and underpants! You CAN manage on your own

Life is very unfair at times, is it fair that I’ve had pneumonia more than 4 times last year, is it fair that my heart is knackered, is it fair I found a flea on one of my kitties (soon dispatched) is it fair my sons a lazy what not, is it fair it’s raining when I want to put the washing out, is it fair there’s a shortage of cauliflowers,I could go on.

Try and find a some sort of help group, your going through an horrendous time but it will get better, talking is good.

I’m lucky I’m a glass half full sort of person and one of my favourite sayings is ‘ it’s a great day watch some bar**** spoil it!

This group is very supportive and they CARE now that is so so important, people here have helped me enormously over the years. (Even if I’m known as a stroppy what not😁)

Love and hugs


Dion3844o1 profile image
Dion3844o1 in reply to judes

Made my day thankyou just what I needed kick up the a**e♥️

Dion3844o1 profile image

Thankyou all ,just over thinking AGAIN lol it's bad enough having pf never mind the bipolar as well but when I look at it another way bringing 5 sons up on my own ,then having all this and yep I'm still here so I am strong even if I say so myself thank you all for making me realise it and I have.people that care ❤️

Poppins23 profile image
Poppins23 in reply to Dion3844o1

Like everyone else has already said you are never alone on this site. We all have our moans and celebrate our good days. It's far healthier to express how you are feeling than to bottle it up. We've all had our low points at some time. Glad you are feeling a bit brighter on. Keep up with the driving lessons. They will help to give you something else to focus on.

CDPO16 profile image

I overthink all the time. Easy to drive one's self nuts and into a downward spiral on top of the daily problems of living an often difficult life.

Glad you found your mojo again.

Love and hugs xx

GintyFerguson profile image

There are no words that will fix you, no drugs that will cure you. Only hands to hold to comfort you....to be with you on your journey wherever that might lead. Life can be a bitch and all of us know that and to some degree live it. I'm sending virtual hugs....

illawarra profile image

Yes do go ahead and get your licence. And enjoy the freedom it will give you. Tomorrow is another day. Keep soldiering on! You will h get through this.

Hacienda profile image

Good Morning Dion, Yes, it is a Good one , because you woke up and got out of Bed. We all have gone through these Negative thoughts and come on here our Brilliant Forum, we are all here to Help each other as You are just in the Next Room, it's that easy to be able to Talk. You may think, Oh Hacienda has just had a Brilliant week with her Family, Yes, I have, My 16 year old Grandson left his smelly socks all over the place, I didn't mind , been a long time since I picked them up, I loved it. More importantly We could Embrace each other as They had just Lost their Step Nana, my Daughters Step Mum, who they all loved as I did. My Daughter Got through her Breast Cancer 3 years ago, I couldn't be with her, But Her Step Mum was there, I was and am so Grateful to Wendy, Tables Turned and My daughter Looked after Wendy for the short time before she Died a Few weeks ago( age 57). So, Hun Chin up and Know That this Forum is here for YOU and I Know you will be feeling Better Today, let your Son's Read these Comments. As I always say We are only in the Next Room. Big Hugs and lots of Love Hun. Carolina XXXX

Whitechinchilla profile image
Whitechinchilla in reply to Hacienda

Bless you Carolina 😉 always positive for us. x

Hacienda profile image
Hacienda in reply to Whitechinchilla

Thank You Jill, We all have to be Positive even when the times are not Easy.. Love n Hugs Hunni. XXXX

Echoblue profile image

Hi, tricky to add to the wonderful comments others have made, but with regard to attending appointments on your own ...... I choose that in preference to taking my other half! He is tactless, opinionated and doesn’t listen. I need the appointments to work for me and not have him offend the clinician and send them off on unnecessary tangents! It isn’t always therefore a negative to attend on your own.

Yes, occasionally I think “I wish I had taken someone to back my cause” but we have to be and are experts in our own symptoms and what matters to us .......so feel empowered!

Big hugs being sent your way x

Bingo88 profile image

Hope you have woke up with a more positive outlook this morning Dion3844o1. I am a newbie to the group. Think life is like a rollercoaster. We have our highs and lows. In all parts of life. But we just have to keep on gìving it our all. Hope your day is better BRIAN

Sending love to you Dion, all the health issues do get us down from time to time but it will pass and with an outlook as Jude suggests you will enjoy some of it along the way :)

I'm not unfamiliar with one diagnosis after another and just when you think your getting the hang of it along comes another, I also attend most of my hospital appointments on my own, I don't think others can truly appreciate walking in anothers shoes but often many are just trying to cope with their own problems and so we must put our own needs first and do whatever it takes.

Have a good ol grumble to yourself when you need to, I do on occasion and usually end up smiling to myself for talking to myself ha ha.

I hope this day finds you looking forward regardless, do all that you can to make things a little easier for yourself and do all the things you enjoy.

Wishing you a happier, healthier, brighter day and future days.

Dion3844o1 profile image

Thankyou all for your kind encouraging words ,I feel alot better today ,sending everyone love ❤️

Hacienda profile image
Hacienda in reply to Dion3844o1

Good, Your feeling Lots Better Dion, We all work well Together on Here. Keep feeling better, if you Dip, just tell us, Words are so Powerful. Love n Hugs. xxxx C.

Mavary profile image

Hi Dion.

We are really lucky to have such kind words from caring people on here. My advice is live for today and forget tomorrow until it comes. I never ever thought I would be able to drive a car. I’m on my own now and am so glad I can. You can do it so go girl. I know life can be a drag sometimes especially if you’re poorly. But do what you can and rest when you need to. Find some joy in your life if it’s only to go outside and listen to the birds or see the flowers.

tomc profile image

Yep, life can be a devil , but you have to stand up and say "get thee behind me dark one" and give bad thoughts a smack in the mouth!!!

Do what you want and why not look for someone who cares for you? god Knows, you have plenty of genuine friends here.

So give the baddies a miss and take the driving seat,enjoy your life cause life IS GOOD!!

ssafa profile image

Hi, god to see from your latest posts that you are feeling better. Life is difficult and many days I am sure we all think we are fed up with health issues. I hardly had a day of ill when I worked but as soon as I stopped my body said stop.

I think it must be difficult if you are on your own but I believe we have to keep going and show we are in control. A positive outlook is a must and looking to join groups is good. We joined a local gym which had classes for what they call Prime Timers and it is designed to give gentle but targeted exercise. We have made friends there and we all support each other. It is hard but I hope this site can help.

NuttyNan9 profile image

Everyone has given you such good advice and I'm pleased to see you are now feeling, not better but brighter and more positive 😊 best wishes and good luck with your driving lessons, I gave up because I decided everyone, including me, was much safer if Istayed as a passenger 😆 x

Collie4 profile image

Try and stay positive. There are good things in life we must focus on even if we feel there aren’t, and there’s always someone worse off than oneself.

Take care, and take comfort from all the dear friends on here.

I hope things get better for you.🌺

Whitechinchilla profile image

Golly Dion

I am blown away by the encouraging words left for you.

That must make you feel so much better.

As many have said, it’s really essential to post when we are down as much as we do when we are up, we are all here to encourage each other. There’s no better family than that in my opinion.

I do hope you are feeling much brighter now.

When I get a dose of the “ morbs” I hold on to this saying.....


Good wishes😉

Hacienda profile image
Hacienda in reply to Whitechinchilla

Encouraging Words Jill. Love n Hugs C. XXXX

Dion3844o1 profile image

I can't believe the response I have had I feel honoured ,it's nice knowing people are there for each other I know now I have friends that actually *get* me ,I'm going on a seaside holiday in the morning with my mom ,brother and uncle he drives us,until thur then friday IL be going on a IV drip for a few week so hopefully things will get a little better oh also my boys are gonna paint my bedroom while I'm gone since I spend half my time there 🤗so I'm looking forward to that ,also it's my birthday while I'm away so I'm planning on seeing my dad when I'm home he has dementia but theres 1 thing he never forgets his his sweets lol god help me If I forget them thankyou all ,for being you😍

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