Hello . Ive been told by my doctor that i have to have a spirometry test done .to see if i have asma or copd😢december 16 2014 i started to cough after having a cold. Anyway the cough was uncontrolable to the point i was wetting myself all the time. I got rushed in hospital at christmas as i couldnt stop coughing 6 hrs was the time i coughed for... i had a chest xray to check for the worst and it came up clear.Doctor said i had a chest infection and was given atibiotics steroids and a nebuliser to help me breath... anyway 8 lots of anitibiitics and 8 lots of steroids later the cough is still with me. Weazing in the night coughing out of deep sleeps. And 10 weeks on from when it started!!!! My doctor said chest infection gone and im to have these test. I gave up smoking 10 weeks ago to date.... i am so worrid and scared please help why do i still have this cough???? Until test im on a brown and blue asma spray of which ive never suffered from.😢😢😢😢😢
Whats wrong with me.: Hello . Ive been... - Lung Conditions C...
Whats wrong with me.

Oh dear herbie things are not so great for you but just wait to get the results and see what the next step is. Well done on giving up smoking though and never go back to fags. I do wish you well and hope things are not as bad as you fear. Take care xxxxx
Hi herbie, are you coughing any mucus up or is it a dry itchy cough? You need to cough up any stuff, but if you aren't try and breathe gently with a closed mouth next time you feel the need to cough...in through the nose gently and out through your mouth gently with pursed lips....just a few times.
I have asthma / COPD, and my cough is always there I am afraid, but the pursed lip breathing can help.
Most of us on this site have had a spirometery test and this will give you an idea what's going on.
You may find it easier to sleep propped up with a few pillows, and try and relax your shoulders and your diaphragm when you breath. Take care
For anyone giving up smoking, the development of a cough is quite common and usually just dwindles away over a period of time. That is why some smokers with chest conditions such as legions, are advised to cut back on the fags but not to give up entirely until given the all clear.
I'm sorry herbie that you are suffering. There could be a number of reasons for the cough and the tests are going to help find out which one. Be patient, and let the docs try to figure it out. Meanwhile keep taking the medicine you have been given and please don't go back to the ciggies. Good luck.
Hello all thanks for replies. I have been sleep proped up for weeks now. Im very chesty and flemy in the morning i k ow about the mucus colour its worst in morbing .then thru the day i cough and bring up nothing its to hard to... i will just have to wait to see what test say... my mum has copd emysemia and shes had it 15 years. She seems to thing i still have a chest infection... thankyou for ur post . Xxx