hello hello! sorry havent posted since starting this,one more week of this, still i cant seem to quit, i have slowed down alot. no cigs so far today which is a blessing since i drink coffee. has anyone taken this and still have problems quitting?
trying to quit smoking with chantix - Lung Conditions C...
trying to quit smoking with chantix

Hi there,I'm trying to quit also,and I'm thinking of trying Champix...will ask my new doctor about it when next I see her,not heard of Chantix,is it the same thing I wonder ?.
Hi zoeybean, have you tried a e cig the vapour type you can buy the liquids in different strengths so could reduce you intake gradually to zero, its just a thought for you to consider T♡
Hi there I am on champix but struggling on them I stop for a month but the last week I have cheated and had a couple of cigs . Will have to go back the clinic and see what they say but they do work normally
I was a 60+ hand rolled ciggy smoker for decades, E cigs got me off of the stinkies in 3 days!
well worth considering.
i am now on zero nicotine and have been for over a year
Another one for the e cigs! I have been quit 5 months and am now slowly (and I mean slowly ) cutting down on the nicotine strength!! I had been a 40+ rollies a day girl for the best part of 30 years.
Champix is brilliant for giving up smoking. However, there is a couple of things it can't do and that is 1. Stopping you buying fags and 2> Stopping you stuffing them in yer gob....simple. The pleasure from your fags has gone...the pill has seen to that so all you are doing now is trying to rekindle that pleasure....which, from a person that knows, is a bit ruddy silly. If you've had you pills for the build up period, the pill itself can't get you to stop lighting the fags....that little bit is down to you. The pill will tell you "Trust me, I'll kill the cravings....you just work on the habits"...so that's all you need to do. A bit like a baby taking it's first steps....ok, you can do it hanging onto furniture and someones finger but sooner or later you are going to have to just let go....and stride out on your own.....or else, crawl for the rest of your life....Decisions Eh?
I took champix after 10 days I lit up a cig and it tasted discussing I carried on smoking then on the 12 day got out of bed my old man was having a cig the smell made me so ill I had to go back to bed that was 10 years ago I'm a no smoker
In my 60+ years of smoking I tried everything, patches gums even hypnosis but never, ever the drugs like Chantix/Champex (same thing) or Zyban. I know they work for some people but they have had some terrible side-effects on others - including at least 100 suicides. There are more than 20 million e-cig users in Europe now, 2.1 million in this country alone, so that's a good indication of their success - also the word "vape" is one of the latest additions to the O.E.D - testament to the way that e-cig use or"vaping" has grown. Please don't be put off trying them by Press scare tactics - I started vaping in January 2010 and it killed my 20 a day habit stone dead immediately and painlessly. There is an alternative to the "quit or die" method - I enjoy my vape a lot more than smoking which is just as well, as I fear I would have been in my box by now had I continued my wicked ways! The improvement in my health has been dramatic and I am certainly no youngster. What I am really sure of Zoeybean is that you MUST give up cigarettes whichever way you can if you don't want your health to deteriorate further.
i can honestly say chantix WORKS! at least for me, i have smoked 40 years and now a month and a half later 2 cigs aday. im not finished yet, but getting closer. want to thank everyone who gave me a good shove in the right direction. yes ask your dr. if its right for you