Does any one have nose problems (especially in cold weather) when out using their oxygen. I'm using 8 lpm and find my nasal passages can feel quite sore
Oxygen : Does any one have nose... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi Mike. Why not ring your pulmonary nurse and ask if they will provide a face mask for use in those situations. You will need to Inc the flow rate ie 1.5 LPM would be 2 LPM
Regards Rib
Hi Mike I am on 4 lpm and my nose runs constantly whether indoors or out, but if it seriously cold I try to keep the oxygen tubing inside my coat to keep it warmer.
Hi, don;t use vaseline, use ky gelly. I am on 3LPM at rest and 8LPM when active. I use a mask at night or if my nose is not good and a cannuler during day. If you are using a cannuler when it is cold you could try a scarf over your mouth.
Vaseline, being petroleum based is a no-no with oxygen. Please avoid.
The problem is at the top of the nasal passage. No problems with the nose opening
Mike I was just getting comfortable prior to settling down. I moved a heat pad and thought.... um! The main problem a i understand your post is the temp of the oxygen striking your nostrils. If the face mask and body warmed tubing don't suit how about a pocket sized heat pad. They only require a press and the chemical heat exchange inside lifts the temperature substantially. If your tubing was wrapped around one before delivery to the cannula it should take the excessive cold away. The heat lasts a goodly while. They weigh next to nothing so extras could be carried. They only heat upon activation and can be recharged in a pan of hot water at home so can be used time upon time. I bet a couple could be slid into the top of an ambulatory O2 bag without the weight noticing. Rib
That sounds like a very good idea to try out. Cheers for that thought. I will have to get some heat pads. Cheers have a good christmas