Why Do Dogs Leave Earth First? A Chil... - Lung Conditions C...

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Why Do Dogs Leave Earth First? A Child Answers..

huggs profile image
71 Replies

I found the following very comforting, which I discovered on the internet.

Being a vet, I had been called to examine a 10 year old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dogs owners, Ron and Lisa, and their little boy Shane, were all very attached to Belker, and they were hoping for a miracle.

I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer and told the family that nothing more could be done for him, so offered to perform euthanasia for the dog in their home.

As we made the arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for six year old Shane to observe the procedure as they felt he might learn something from the experience.

The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat, as Belker's family surrounded him. Young Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time. I wondered if he knew what was going on. Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away.

The little boy seemed to accept Belker's situation without any difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a long while after Belker's death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal's lives are shorter than human lives.

Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, " I know why."

Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I had never heard a more comforting explanation. It changed the way I try to live.

He said, " People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life - like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right ?"

Shane continued, " Well dogs already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long."

Personally speaking, I love this explanation and it brought a tear to my eyes as I read it, and found some comfort in it. Hope some of you do too. :)

hugs from Huggs xxxxx

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huggs profile image
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71 Replies

That is brilliant Huggs - and so true. What a great explanation for it. I didn't know you were a vet? Really? xx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Glad you like the explanation coughalot, but no, I have never been a vet! I read this online and found it comforting so wanted to share it.

hugs from Huggs xxxx

in reply to huggs

oh bloody nora huggs i love that but did also think you had been a vet ha ha ha ha x x x x x

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Hi Mandy, no, not a vet, although sometimes I feel like one. ha ha ha

glad you liked it.

hugs from Huggs xxx

redted profile image

What a wonderful explanation,and I can see this being true,I have never gotten over the loss of my two Shiba Inu's 7 yrs ago,and only 4 months apart,I have never known such heartache,They were 14 and 16 yrs old,such beautiful dogs,my soul babies,even now the tears flow. Bless them.

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to redted

I know exactly how you feel redted. I have never got over losing my beloved Tammy, and I am all teary now just writing that. She was 15. I read the above online and found it comforting and knowing how much we all love our pets thought that this explanation might help someone. I know this is a forum for lung disorders, but its also about our lives, so I believe it is relevant. I think this situation took place in America but I could be wrong.

hugs from Huggs xxx

redted profile image
redted in reply to huggs

I truly believe we have a soul,and my Shiba's got in there and there they remain to this day,I have two rescue Jrts at the moment,and as must as we love them,for me it is a different type of love, it's good to know that others are just as heartbroken over the loss of a pet,it shows we have a heart and a soul.

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to redted

Hi redted, I too believe we have a soul, and animals too. Animals were created for a reason ( other than to eat) and if treated well and are obedient through trust and not fear will return love a hundredfold. That has been my experience anyway.

People who have never had animals don't seem to understand how much a part they play in our lives. They do become part of you, and are great, loyal and loving companions.

hugs from Huggs xx

redted profile image
redted in reply to huggs

I agree,and like you I can't bear to watch any animal programmes,for fear of cruelty being shown,or just a sad story,I am part of a rescue forum,where my two came from,but am selective in which posts I read as some are so heartbreaking,I even closed my Facebook page because I shown interest in dogs,I started to get loads of animal cruelty piccies,asking for donations to help,I could not cope with it so closed it down, I give to a few animal rescues,as I believe we are their voice,without us they are not heard.

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to redted

I am so glad I am not the only one who feels like me redted. I had my Tammy cremated and intended to scatter her ashes on her favourite walk. However, I couldn't bring myself to do it, so she is still here with me in the flat.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx

redted profile image
redted in reply to huggs

Redted and Gypsy were cremated and their ashes were here with their photos on the corner unit,until 7 weeks ago ,we planted a rose for each of them in the garden,called " remember me" on a bright sunny morning without even thinking should I, it just seemed the time was right,so we scattered their ashes around the base of their roses,and I must admit,I felt a sense of relief,I had set them free to fly.

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to redted

I planted a small shrub in a tub outside my door which I have forgotten the name of, but flowers once a year with beautiful white flowers and has a hint of an orange scent about it. I think one of the names the plant is called Mexican orange or similar. No matter, it is known by everyone as Tammy's plant. For you the time was right to scatter their ashes, but just now I don't want to, as her soul is somewhere else anyway, maybe Rainbow Bridge which ant has suggested. Bless all our lovely pets who are with us now, and the ones who have gone before.

hugs from Huggs xxx

Hi Huggs, u can become the blf vet now , sod the lungs let's sort our pets out lol. And What a lovely way to put it, children say the purest things sometimes. my Staffie was 14 when he passed away in my hubbies arms, we miss him so much, we have pics around the house of him we even did a large photo frame from a pup to just b4 he died , and now we have Bruno , we call Bully his brother from another mother, might pick ur brains later hugs as I think my bull mastiff has mange or some skin condition. X Sonia x

in reply to

Hi Huggs, feel a nilly now, I re read the post, u took it off the internet from a vet , not ur the vet lmao, my hubby just got back from vets with Bruno he has got mange from the long grass behind our house where we walk him, got anti fungal/ topical shampoo and a doggie anti histermine, he's being street walked from now on, this vet lark is expensive ( but he's worth it ) x Sonia x

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Hi Sonia,

LOL Its ok, don't worry about it, as I am use to getting asked questions about animals and birds anyway. Some people even turn up at my door with them, usually injured birds, or sometimes they phone and ask if I will remove a tick from their dog. I am glad you got your dog to the vet anyway, as if its mange needs a special shampoo. Dogs can also have allergic conditions which mimic mange which is probably why he has got an antihistamine too. Still giggling at the thought of people thinking I was a vet. I should have made it clearer. Sorry about that.

hugs from Huggs xxx

in reply to huggs

Lol : ) : ). X Sonia x

huggs profile image

Hi Sonia, I would be no use as a vet, as I get so close to animals and cannot cope with the cruelty that they have to suffer at times. I will not even listen to it. I did wonder about posting it, as it is a lung forum but thought that a lot of us have or have had pets, and they are a big part of our lives. I wish I could have another dog, but could not look after it properly. However I do have my Felix who is a blessing.

You can pm me if you want Sonia about your dog, and a photo of his skin would be helpful too if you have one. It doesn't matter if you don't, but there are lots of skin conditions that dogs can have, but won't go into it here. You can let me have the details and if I can help I will. You might need to go to the vet though. I had dogs for years and had one who was allergic to grass, which made things difficult!!

hugs from Huggs xxx

when my sister was in her last days in the hospital her dog was allowed in too at visiting times then one day her dog did not want to leave so we had to carry her out whimpering and struggling on the way back we got a telephone call from the hospital to say my sister had passed over shortly after we had left, we all have one soul but different bodies.

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Oh ant, your story of your sister and her dog moved me to tears, as animals sense the end is near a lot more than we realise. Dogs are so intelligent, as look how they can be trained to help people who are disabled, and can even sense when someone is about to have a seizure. The can be taught so much and are very sensitive to humans.

hugs from Huggs xxxx

in reply to huggs

So I take it you saw the movie My sisters keeper the attorney had an aid dog as he was epileptic and the dog was going crazy on screen he ran out of the courtroom and had a seizure in the hallway. Taz my sisters Yorkie was so heartbroken and bereft after the funeral she would not eat and in a way was pining away for her so we had to do the decent thing and put her to sleep so that they could join each other and walk together over the Rainbow Bridge and that is what we believed as a family.

in reply to

A Dog's Prayer

Treat me kindly, my beloved master, for no heart in all the world is more grateful for kindness than the loving heart of me.

Do not break my spirit with a stick, for though I should lick your hand between the blows, your patience and understanding will more quickly teach me the things you would have me do.

Speak to me often, for your voice is the world's sweetest music, as you must know by the fierce wagging of my tail when your footstep falls upon my waiting ear.

When it is cold and wet, please take me inside... for I am now a domesticated animal, no longer used to bitter elements... and I ask no greater glory than the privilege of sitting at your feet beside the hearth... though had you no home, I would rather follow you through ice and snow than rest upon the softest pillow in the warmest home in all the land... for you are my god... and I am your devoted worshiper.

Keep my pan filled with fresh water, for although I should not reproach you were it dry, I cannot tell you when I suffer thirst. Feed me clean food, that I may stay well, to romp and play and do your bidding, to walk by your side, and stand ready, willing and able to protect you with my life, should your life be in danger.

And, beloved master, should the Great Master see fit to deprive me of my health or sight, do not turn me away from you. Rather hold me gently in your arms as skilled hands grant me the merciful boon of eternal rest...and I will leave you knowing with the last breath I drew, my fate was ever safest in your hands.

--Beth Norman Harris

in reply to

Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.

There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.

There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Oh ant. What can I say? I have never heard of Rainbow Bridge, but the message resonates so strongly with me, that I have been sobbing my heart out since I read it. Still am actually. It is how I hope it will be, but my heart feels the wrench, the pain which runs so deep at the loss still felt so deeply and so raw, which causes the yearning to be with them again. I am sure it will happen one day.

You sure know, how to make me cry ant. That was beautiful, so thank you for that. I will copy it, for the future when others lose a beloved pet. It is so strong a description I can almost feel me there.

Sorry, if I sound nutty to anyone. I just loved, and still do, my dogs very much.

hugs from Huggs xxx

in reply to huggs

It sure is not nutty to anyone especially to anyone who had a pet who played such an active part in their lives I join in at the candle light ceremony out of respect of the many dogs who have played such a great part in my life right up to the one I had to re-home Spanner was his name but he sure was no spanner when the chips were down. The link is for petloss.com candlelight ceremony I am sure you and many others will get some closure from it as I have done. Sorry for bringing on the water works but it does us all good to have a session when we let the tears flow thank god I was never brought up with a stiff upper lip.


huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Hi ant,

I haven't clicked on the link yet, but I will and let you know how I get on. I had no idea such a thing existed and hope others get comfort from it too.

You don't need to apologise for bringing on the waterworks ant, because as far as my dogs are concerned it doesn't take much, but Rainbow Bridge was so heavenly and can just see it so clearly that although it brings pain at what I am missing, it is a message of hope and faith too.

My tears for Tammy flow feely at times. Other times I can talk about her with laughter at her antics. In fact I know of someone on this forum who got a tattoo because of me telling her what Tammy did.

Thank you again ant, and I will look at the link later, as I have things to do, and don't want getting all upset again before I do them.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx

in reply to huggs

take care and hugs from an Ant :D xxxx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Thanks ant, for your posts, link and hugs. I have never had a hug from an Ant before. ha ha

hugs from Huggs xxx

in reply to huggs

no huggs we generally run away or squish ants

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Not you though ant, we will never squish you, and thanks again for my Ant hug.

hugs from Huggs xxx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

I think you did the right thing for your sister's dog, and they are together now.

hugs from Huggs. xxx

in reply to huggs

There was some soul searching at the time but I had a plaque with the dogs prayer on it and reading that we knew in our hearts it was for the best.

huggs profile image

No Ant, I have not seen the movie you refer to, but will keep an eye open for it. The reason I know about seizure alert dogs is, that a while ago my GP suggested I get one. I looked into it but did not pursue it further, as at that time their rules were different and they would not train your own dog, and at the time suggested it would be a distraction having another dog around. I had Tammy at the time, and no way was I going to get rid of her, no matter how good a home she would go to. Now, I understand they have different guidelines which are not so rigid, and a lot would depend on the owners dog, and how receptive it would be to the training required. Sadly, I am not now fit to look after a dog properly, or in the way that I would want to and always have. At some point, it maybe that I could get someone else to walk the dog, but that was part of the fun of having a dog was going out and walking in the woods and along the beaches with her. Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx

that was the very reason I had to part with my last dog I had a status seizure while living on my own there were 2 two students living in the upstairs condo to me and they heard my dog whining as the paramedics did nothing but inform the social services the next day so he went to live with them during term holidays they took him to her mothers well should I say he was an instant hit and with half the neighborhood kids as well (I trained him to be patient with kids knowing how they love tugging and pulling at dogs) my consent was sought and hard as it was to part from him I knew it was the best thing for him and so he lived out the rest of days on the coast where he was in his element he had this thing about sand and digging in it, his new owner always kept in touch with fresh photos with every letter until the last one he had passed away peacefully (and I know content) in his sleep he had his own funeral at the local church which had a pets burial ground half the kids attended this and I still have a photo off his last resting place, one thing was I never just let him go to any body I had to be sure in my own mind he would be happy and he was right to the end.

huggs profile image

Hi ant,

It takes strength to do the right thing for our beloved pets, knowing doing the right thing is going to cause you pain. As you say, you knew he had a good home, and was happy and well cared for and loved. You will see him one day again. I wonder where our cats go, probably in among all the other creatures and they will all get on. I know Felix has no problems with dogs whatsoever. It is all beyond our control what happens afterwards, but we have to hope and have faith that a better place awaits us and our animals.

hugs from Huggs xxxx

in reply to huggs

all pets and animals we loved dogs cats horses hamsters pet mice etc all have a place at rainbow bridge relaxing enjoying a painfree life once more just waiting for those they hold close to their heart whilst they were alive on earth.

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Hope so Ant, really really hope so. If you don't mind me asking how did you come across Rainbow Bridge?

hugs from Huggs xxxx

in reply to huggs

when I had to re-home my last dog Spanner and it came time for him to join the other dogs I had owned his last carer sent me a beautiful plaque with his last picture on it and a copy of The Rainbow Bridge poem she had him for the last 3 years of his life and she said they were the most blessed ones she ever had had and thanked me for allowing her to share in some of his life.

I just had a look at ebay and there are company's selling these plaques they are tastefully done with reverence to our lost furbabies.

in reply to

the only way you can get stuff of ebay is if you have a paypal account so I just checked the oposition and they have plenty of things relating to pet loss etc.


huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Thanks Ant, I do have a paypal account, and usually look at both sites if I am looking for something.

hugs from Huggs xxx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Hi Ant,

I will have a look later, as I am also looking for something for back up if my lappy dies on me again. Nothing too expensive though, as my fridge-freezer is going on the blink too, and my printer is broken.

hugs from Huggs xxx

in reply to huggs

I think most of us spend long period of time confined to the indoors and we end up doing e shopping, I got myself a lovely laptop from ebay they were ex military and going for a song at the time hope yours lasts for some time yet hate to lose you now we sort of made friends. Hugs Ant

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Don't worry Ant, I was offline for a week and it was terrible, so want a cheap back up in case lappy fails again. It is only two years old, so should be good for a while yet. Just want something to have as back up.

hugs from Huggs xxx

in reply to huggs

the tablets are good for a back up I had a 9 inch one before I decided to go for a laptop as back up for my old but trusty desk top I just had her rebuilt last year so I now have 3 hard drives and two operating systems. Trouble is my brain cannot disengage from being on my laptop that is windows 8 touch screen.

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Hi Ant, I don't want a tablet, so was hoping for a netbook, an inexpensive one though. They seem to be android running though which I am not familiar with, although some people say they are easier than windows. I will leave it for a while, unless a real bargain comes up.

night night Ant, going to lie down now for a while.

hugs from Huggs xx

perfect :)

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Glad you like it eyes. It seems the perfect explanation to me too. It just fits somehow.

hugs from Huggs xxx

in reply to huggs

fits like a glove :) just wonderful

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Hi eyes,

I am going to copy this to hand out to people who have animals, or have lost them as it may bring some comfort along with Ant's Rainbow Bridge, which is further up this thread.

hugs from Huggs xxx

in reply to huggs

I think that's wonderful - I for one have been not only moved by this, but also believe it, because it makes such sense to me - thank you :)

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Hi eyes,

I am so glad that you have been moved by the story and believe it too. It truly does make sense, and is comforting as well, and you are welcome.

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

RibvanRey profile image

You sure know hold to leave a guy sobbing

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to RibvanRey

Oops. Sorry about that, I had myself sobbing too when I first came across it, and again when typing it out, and again when Ant talked about Rainbow Bridge. I like the explanation of young Shane, sometimes kids just get it.

hugs from Huggs xxxx

pergola1 profile image

I have been reading all these wonderful messages with interest. They prove to me how we love our pets but I dont have a dog. But I do have a wonderful cat, Malcolm, who is seeing me through a difficult period. He seems to know what is going on and follows me around. xx

huggs profile image

Hi Pergola,

I don't have a dog any more, but like many others here I have my cat Felix, who adopted me years ago. He has the markings of a border collie dog, and he does behave like a dog sometimes. He is very clingy, follows me around and lately has taken to sleeping on my head. LOL Cats are wonderful companions too, it just so happened that the story I found on the internet was about a dog, but it could apply to all our furry friends. Animals are such a blessing and do definitely help when times are tough. It is a known medical fact that stroking an animal lovingly lowers your blood pressure. I am sorry you are having a difficult time just now, but glad you are getting some comfort from Malcolm. I am sure he senses that you are distressed, as animals are so aware of our feelings. Sending you best wishes and I am sorry for what you are going through.

hugs from Huggs purrs from Felix too. xxx

Towse1950 profile image

What a performance I kept getting knocked off five times I have signed in. Here now

Love the story of Dogs Huggs, was at Vets Monday night with a heavy heart. Though Moss my springer would be put to sleep. He obviously have not lived enough yet...thank goodness

huggs profile image

Hi Towse,

I am sorry Moss was sick, but I am not clear if he has been put to sleep or not. I had typed out a reply to you as I thought you had lost him, as you used the word though, then I re read your post and then wondered if 'though' was a typo error, and you really meant thought? Which would mean you still had him. I am glad you like the story and explanation. All the best,

hugs from Huggs xx

Lolly2 profile image

I've never heard that before Huggs! What a lovely way to look at things. I'm sure it would help so many people who have to make that awful decision.

Carol/Lolly. x

huggs profile image

Hi Lolly,

I wish I had come across this years ago, but I like the explanation and hope it brings comfort to other people too. I first saw it a few weeks ago, and then couldn't find it again, so when I did, thought I would share it, because as you say, it is a lovely way to look at things.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx

Craigard is still looking lovely, on these crisp autumn days. xxx

O2Trees profile image

Oh huggs, this just made me weep. My best friend, who we share a lovely dog with has this minute dropped her off before going into hospital for a 20 hour operation (cancer of the tongue) necessitating all kinds of reconstruction too with 10 surgeons working on her (no-one tell me that the NHS is rubbish).

I will save this for her when she is well enough. Dora (the dog) did all those doggy things you hear about around the site of her tumour too. Dogs are amazing.

You couldn't have known but thank you so much for just the right post at an emotional moment xxx

huggs profile image

Hi Jean,

It made me and others weep too, but it is so comforting as well. As you say dogs really are amazing, and their intelligence is often underestimated. I am so sorry about your friend going through this huge operation and my thoughts are with her and I hope everything goes well. Poor soul, she has a long road ahead, but it sounds as if she is getting excellent care.

Did you seen ant's post on this thread about Rainbow Bridge? That had me in rivers of tears for ages yesterday. I even dreamt about it last night. I am so glad I posted the story now, as I did have some doubts, but it is so lovely that I just had to share it, in the hope that others too would find comfort in it. You are welcome, and glad you will be able to share it with your friend.

hugs from Huggs xxx

Dragonmum profile image

This is a lovely thread - still a bit "teary" from reading all your thoughts and experiences but thought this might help. My late dear husband was semi-invalid for eight years with CHF, diabetes etc. etc.; during one of his many spells in hospital his blood sugar dropped, he wasn't told not to do his insulin injection in time so had a huge Hypo. As a result he was clinically "dead" for so long they thought he might be brain damaged and I had to make the NFR decision if it happened again. Thanks to two wonderful doctors and devoted nurses he recovered slowly and we had four more years together. When he came home he said, out of the blue, "I died when I was in hospital didn't I ?" He went on to say that he would never be afraid of dying because he had found himself in such a wonderful place, the light and colours were indescribable, and, best of all, the beloved dogs who had left us came running over the hill to meet him. The only one missing was our collie Ben - who was still in this world of course! I should mention that up until then John had very little faith in a hereafter - that experience changed him forever. Make of it what you will, but it has given me great comfort to think that he and Ben are re-united with all their friends.

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to Dragonmum

Hi Dragonmum,

Thank you so much for sharing your lovely and inspiring story with us. I totally believe in everything you have said, and there have been many such circumstances experienced by people. Scientists have largely discounted them, and put them down to changes in the brain and medication etc. I have never believed that explanation however. Recently on TV and in the press there has been the experience of an American neuroscientist, who was a total atheist. He became ill, so ill that his brain showed no activity and his brain cortex was in such a state, that it was thought if he survived he would basically be a vegetable. He did recover, and once he could speak told of how he visited heaven, and described it as your husband did. He also had problems with this as his science mind told him it was not possible, yet he knew what he experienced was real and he interacted with loved ones. He and his colleagues went over all his medical notes, scans etc, and concluded that it was not possible to have dreamt what he experienced as his brain did not have enough function to allow this to happen, so it must have been real. It has changed his life and beliefs completely, and written two books about it. One is called Map of Heaven, but I have forgotten his name. I could try and find it if you are interested.

I too am still a bit teary after all the emotions of yesterday, but cannot thank you enough for telling us of your experience, which confirms what I believe. It is wonderful to know what is in front of us. Coincidentally, my first dog was a collie called Ben. I am so looking forward to seeing them all one day. Did you see Ant's reply and story of Rainbow Bridge? Well, that just finished me off.!! I am so glad I posted the story now, as it can be passed around to people. Your story is of great comfort too, so again thank you so much.

Wishing you all the best,

hugs from Huggs xxxx

Barbie52 profile image

Thank you for this

Tonight I was looking at my two dear friends

Roisin who is a tiny Maltese and Conor who is a Maltese/Pomeranian

Conor is 15 in April and Roisin 15 in October 2015

They are showing signs of advance age

I was so sad knowing that they will want to to the Rainbow Bridge in the not too distant future

This article has been a great comfort

huggs profile image

Hi Barbie,

Its an awful time when you realise your beloved pets are getting old. I am so pleased for you that you found this story, and ant's story about Rainbow Bridge so comforting. At least you know, from Dragonmum's post about her late husbands experience, that we will meet our animals and loved ones again one day. As far as our pets go, the last thing we can do for them is to ensure a peaceful, loving and pain free end, and not let them go on if they are suffering too much. Your dogs sound lovely, and have been great companions to you. Enjoy every moment with them, and may they stay healthy. Glad you and others have found comfort in this thread.

hugs from Huggs xxx

Dragonmum profile image

Thank you Huggs - I hadn't heard of the book but have just bought it on Amazon; it's by Dr (since he's American) Eben Alexander, though I suspect it's Alexander Eben! Am so looking forward to reading it, thank you again for the info.

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to Dragonmum

Hi Dragonmum,

That was quick work. Well done. Can I ask you to let me know what you think of the book once you have read it. I actually saw the Dr on 'This Morning' programme and was very impressed, and I had previously read about him in a newspaper. I am glad I mentioned this to you, as it obviously has great significance for you, with your husband's description to go by as well. I am not sure if Map of Heaven is his first book or second. It is probably his first. I was going to look into the book, but he talked very scientifically on TV and thought he might in the book too, although he would have to make it understandable to non scientists. This man has so much credibility, with being a non believer and a scientist, and to go from that to what he now believes is a miracle in its own way. Hope you enjoy the book.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx

ps I have just looked up his books as well. The first one as you probably saw is called, 'Proof of Heaven'. Just wondering now, what one you bought?

Dragonmum profile image

I bought "Proof of Heaven" Huggs- I'll evaluate it and let you know my thoughts; I feel this could be a good Christmas gift for a friend who has experienced loss and is floundering. Will read it first though. Some of the comments in the feedback section (in fact most of them) were very positive. which is usually a good pointer. Thank you again for making me aware of the book - it's one of the pluses of interacting on a forum like this. Bed now, night-night and sleep well.

naturelover profile image

That is a wonderful explanation, and probarbly not far from the truth....sometimes I love animals more than people, they don't hurt you.....well so they say...out of the mouths of babes! Thank you for sharing that.

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to naturelover

Hi naturelover,

Yes, it is a truly wonderful explanation, and I know what you mean when you say about loving animals. They don't hurt us.......only when they leave us, and that is not their fault. I agree that it probably is not too far from the truth. Animals could teach a lot of people lessons in love, faithfulness and a lot more besides if only some people would allow them to. Most of us do, but I always feel sorry and amazed if someone says they do not like dogs or animals in general. I am like.... what is wrong with you? LOL You know what I mean?

hugs from Huggs xxx

naturelover profile image
naturelover in reply to huggs

Yes we are in tune Huggs xxxx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to naturelover

Yes, it seems like it. I really am sooo glad I posted the story now, as it has evoked so many responses, and offered comfort to some people. Which is what I felt when I first read it. I love all nature, creation and am in awe of it.

hugs from Huggs xxxx

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