Weight Loss with COPD and Bronchiecta... - Lung Conditions C...

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Weight Loss with COPD and Bronchiectasis

17 Replies

Has any one with the above conditions experience weight loss of around 3-4 kilos in 10 days I know COPD can does attribute itself to weight loss eventually I just wanted to know if anyone else experience anything like this.

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17 Replies
coastal1 profile image

Did you also have an infection ?

Remember when I had flu about 10 years ago ( pre copd ) I lost about 5/6 kilos in 10 days . A lot will depend on your weight to begin with and whether you put it back on over the next couple of weeks .

It may be worth having a word with your nurse or doctor .

in reply to coastal1

Hi coastal 1 yes this happened during the 4 week period in which I had as many excaberations as there were weeks. We are giving it another 10 days and if I have the same significant weight loss then I intend seeing my doctor. But before then I have an appointment for a walking test prior to gym work as this is being run by a member of BLF I intend to ask that person.

in reply to coastal1

Hi coastal 1 yes this happened during the 4 week period in which I had as many excaberations as there were weeks. We are giving it another 10 days and if I have the same significant weight loss then I intend seeing my doctor. But before then I have an appointment for a walking test prior to gym work as this is being run by a member of BLF I intend to ask that person.

mustcarryon profile image

I have both the same as you. If I'm ill with an infection I may lose a bit, otherwise, at this moment I'm on a healthy eating diet (cutting out sweets) I am losing some but it's only slowly. It may be worth having a word with your gp.

PollyP profile image

Hi, weight loss is not uncommon with COPD, my basic understanding is that as the condition progresses or in exacerbations, we need more energy to keep breathing, so to do this the body pulls energy out of our tissues, hence weight loss. I wanted to lose a little weight but was advised not too as I may need that small! amount of excess weight to draw upon some day :-) I now use a higher protein diet as this suits me better.

Parvati profile image

Hi - I had weight loss of a pound a day for a time ayear or two prior to diagnosis - it left me very weak with major muscle loss and it was followed shortly after by Pneumonia. Since then I've had the opposite problem of gaining serious amounts of weight and so I am locked in a constant battle to get to and stay at a 'desirable' weight. This is important - weight loss is a serious issue in COPD and all lung diseases -SEE YOUR DOCTOR - their are numerous reasons for sudden weight loss and often with COPD it is part of the illness - but whatever the reason you need to be aware that this type of weightloss includes serious muscle wasting and strength loss and will likely lead to increased breathlesness too - had I realised the consequences when it happened to me I would have consulted my GP - I didn't and I believe that is when my disease progressed rapidly. Get it sorted!

After over a decade (nearer two now really) of being a COPD-er, keeping a steady and healthy weight has always been an issue. I dropped from 114.5 to 44.5 kgs in less than 10 months at first (mostly due to having every steroid known to medical science thrown at me). Now my weight fluctuates depending on how I'm feeling that particular week, but though I don't obsess with it, I do try to ensure I never drop below 50 kgs. If you're weight loss is as rapid as yours then I'd see my GP or Specialist, just to get checked over.

As we burn above normal amounts of calories per hour; just breathing, some COPD-ers need to up their calorie intake, especially if they are still quite active. Exacerbation or infection tends to stop anyone from eating, but for us it means added weight loss! Consequently it's important that COPD-ers eat a little a lot, graze healthily (no sweeties or cakes.. :-( Sorry!) throughout the day, rather than overburden your stomach by sticking to regular (family sized meals).

If you're finding it a bit of a worry, then my advice would be to add something like Nestle 'Build up" or "Complan" to your diet especially at times when your appetite is a little iffy.

Hope this helps


i have copd and bronchiectasis lost a massive amount of weight which made no sense to me because i can barely move some days but was told its simply the fact our bodies work so much harder......i was forcing food down and it didnt help so was given complan by my gp and although i havnt put any back on yet ive stopped losing it so have a chat with your nurse or gp

in reply to

Thanks mandy I think I am going to have to see my primary care provider

in reply to

you most definitely need to sort it out...one of the first things my consultant said to me was she wanted me to put weight on and that was before i started losing it so fast....i keep getting told being underweight with this illness is bad and i may have the wrong info but was told if your bmi falls under 16 they wont give you a transplant..........its hard work over eating when your not hungry so the complan drinks are ideal and there are 400 calories in each one....in act ive just weighed myself after reading your post and ive put on 2 k so they are working

in reply to

thanks for tips mandy I am being weighed on Monday and the doctor is taking it from there the trouble with me despite eating slowly (I usually take nearly an hour for my main meal of the day) I get breathless easily I am trying the new approach as advised by the BLF and that is to take your reliever inhaler about half an hour before lunch, at one time I hated having to finish a cold meal now it is just par for the course and like my hot drinks they are drunk mainly cold. And once again sorry for getting of on the wrong footing with you I usually put my brain in gear first before opening my mouth.

in reply to

i wasnt going to come on here again when i read the message you sent me but i do accept your apology and all is well...i hope you sort something out we dont get much pleasure out of life with this illness and we should at least be able to enjoy a meal....i know its helped me by gaining some weight but also i can have a bit of what i fancy instead of something i dont want but should eat

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so happy you stayed the blows after all that is what we are doing everyday struggling to get something decent out of life after the crap hand that was dealt us "live long and stay happy"

in reply to

yeah its not easy i cant lie i have a lot of days when i think i cant go on with this but i take it a day at a time and sometimes an hour at a time....let me know what happens about your weight i hope i can call you chubby in a few months x

in reply to

Hi mandy yup it is carpe diem for the most of us on this site in fact I am thankful in a way when I wake up in no matter what state I may be in that I at least have lived to see another day. Sure will keep you updated and lets hope you can call me chubby very soon.

Hi snook well apart from the COPD I like many of us have other co-morbidities to be going on with this impacts on my diet also, basically I eat a soft or liquidized diet these days there are some foods I can no longer eat due to diverticulitis disease that blocks outs nuts and most cruciferous veg (cabbage, cauli, broccoli and sprouts) the reason for soft diet is I have a swallowing problem (I am seen occasionally by a dietitian but don't hold much hope on what she says as she just gives me the guide lines and leaves me to get on with things) a lot of my veg intake has been knocked out of my diet lately because of gout now peas and pulses have been given the chop so it is carrots glorious carrots (you have to be careful you do not over do things on the carrot line as you can end up with beta-carotene anemia) I have found out most root crops (such as turnip swede beetroot (plain not pickled) onions celery diced and fried in oil) are OK for example today lunch was Mackerel (not good for the gout to often) diced tomato and sweet beetroot followed by and apple orange and pear whizzed up in the liquidizer and 2 ryvita with cheese spread (the cheese spread makes them soft enough to eat if you do them say 20 mins before lunch). And that is what I would call a healthy diet.

Lyn45 profile image

No I havent I put it on' if I were you I would get seen by the doctor just to give you peace of mind

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