Saw my consultant today and he arranged a CT scan,which was done straight away,that was bit of a shock.He has referred me to the Brompton where I might be able to have some valves fitted,not sure of the details will let you know when I do.In other news ,got my scooter on Monday and it,s great the "Davmobile" will be getting plenty of use while the weather holds up,happy days! D.
Good news I think (2).: Saw my... - Lung Conditions C...
Good news I think (2).

Your consultants on the ball, lets hope you get a referral soon Royal Brompton is brilliant. Like the sound of the scooter, my husband said I should have one but I think I would be lethal.
Good luck
Kim xxx
Thanks Kimmy,yes my consultant,s a funny guy we always have a laugh but he seems to know what he,s doing.You should get a scooter they,re quite easy to handle,I got insurance just in case lol !D.
Kim, if I can manage to use a scooter then I am sure you could. I have never learnt to drive so it was very new to me working out how to steal the thing. A few weeks into using it, I am doing great.
It helps me 'walk' around our local shops without having to keep on stopping (even with my oxygen in use).
Go on, get one and become free!!!
Hi famerD yep glad things moving in right direction now for ya ... be no stoping you now with ya new wheels

Hi Dazer, yep flying along without a care in the world,lucky I got insurance lol
Sounds good Farmer D. Delighted
to hear you're having better luck this week.

Thanks Argana,yes could do with a change of fortune and a little light relief.D.
Hi D hopefully your appt will come through quite quickly they are on it there at the Brompton my daughter has just started with them and they have been outstanding in every way always managing to fit all tests that needed to be done all on the same day and very caring thinking of the patients needs and understanding.You will have a lot of fun on your Davmobile as well as being able to do so much more,go FarmerD lol Janexx
Good luck farmer and hope everything goes well and good luck with your new scooter
It sounds like you are in very good hands at the Brompton Dave. Fingers crossed the news is all good. Have you got an 'L' plate on your scooter? Happy scootering in your Davmobile. xx

I,ve been driving for 40years so hopefully will get away without the L plates.Cheers!D.
Sounds promising farmer. I'm glad your getting somewhere at last. You deserve a break. My fingers are crossed too. xx
Hi again D, I keep missing the A out of again and have to put it in, do you think it's trying to tell me something. Not that I am a gin drinker. Mothers ruin as my mum used to tell me. I am so glad things are moving in the right direction and do keep us inform how you are getting on. Talking about direction, I hope you are not breaking any speed limits now your mobile. And if you jazz the scooter up, will need pics, so i know who to look out for. Cheers, Here's looking out for you. take care nannyb xxxx
I'm pleased you got the scooter sorted you will still have some independence something we all crave I do feel for you having to give up the car I'm lucky I still have mine I don't go far but its still independence, hope all goes well at the hospital for you and remember no drinking and scooter riding.
I,m an alcoholic so don,t drink at all,not for eighteen years ,hoping if I live long enough to get PIP I can get a little run around or maybe a van to put the scooter in lol.See I still dream haa haa,and laugh.Cheers Ona!D.
Enjoy your trips out it's good to be independent luckily I have hubby to drive me around
Thanks Bobsmum,got my ramp today so all systems gooooo lol.D.
Thanks,not sure ,when I asked consultant about the coils he had a look at my CT scans and said I was,nt suitable but then when I had these new CT,s he he said about valves so we shall see . He did keep saying "don,t get your hopes up".Which I have of course lol.D.
Tesco have sent the same type of email, they are having an hour for over 70's on Mon, Wed, Frid 9-10 lets hope they can operate this and all supermarkets join in. It would be better to have the same days and times for all to save confusion x