Which do you want first?
Well the good news is my new drugs seem to be working and I am coping
the bad news is
I AM BACK!!!!!!
Which do you want first?
Well the good news is my new drugs seem to be working and I am coping
the bad news is
I AM BACK!!!!!!
Yay on both counts. Glad to hear the drugs.are working xx
Glad youre feeling a little better and back! xx
Love your bad news Jan... so nice to see you
Sandra x x x
Hi jandan ,So glad your meds are working so glad your back.mattcass
Glad to see you posting again!
People were wondering about you! Nice to know you are improving
Good to see you back x
Welcome Back
Graeme xx
Welcome back. x
I missed your garden , your jokes and hilarious experiences...glad you are back and feeling better. Hope you got the slippers as well as the new medication.
Yippee,welcome back Jan xxx
Hi jan where have you been - did you bring a note
Love Chris xx
Yah shes back and yes we have all definatly missed you
Hope you are OK now
Lots of love
Julie xxx
Welcome back Jan, what took you so long.
Hi five to the new drugs and the bad news bit is the best bad news I've heard xx
Omg! Janets back...
Missed you hun.
Bev xx
Good to see you again xx
Fantastic news hat your new drugs are working Jan x
Fantastic news that your new drugs are working Jan x
Thats all good news not bad at all.