I,ve been going on (and on) about getting a scooter.Health gone down hill recently so thought I,d cheer myself up and found a really cheap one(£329.00) on line.Talk about a windup?It arrived quicker than expected but blimey it weighed a ton,even the delivery chap moaned about how heavy it was.Anyway my son unwrapped it and after much thought and reading of instructions we put it on charge for 12hours.Next day it,s still not charged so my wife phoned them up.Turns out the battery is disconnected for transit(not mentioned in instructions) so do it all over again,me having to ask both their help yet again which knowing how much they do for me as it is,Ireally hate!!Next day still not working(steam coming out my ears) so wife's friend comes round to investigate(she thinks she is the sensible type lol)All this time I have been trying to work out where to keep this thing(it needs charging every use) and how to make a ramp to get it in and out of the house.My wife googled ramps and came across this chap who,s shop is quite close and he does mobility scooters and everything to do with them(I was at this point going to say"so to cut a long story short" but I may have missed the boat on that one lol)We decided they can have back their unwieldy ,far too heavy scooter that has driven me round the bend without even starting lol .I will go see this chap ,get a second hand one that I can try before buying AND have near by after sales service.
Wow,I feel better already!Will bore you all some more when I get the next instalment of the "Scooter Saga"Onward and upward,happy sunshine folks!D.