My scooter recently had been struggling to get back up the hill from the papershop.I was surprised as just had some new batteries put in at £98.00.Called the man ,we thought it was the charger.It was in fact these " new " batteries were useless,cutting out after 5 minutes.It was only luck that I did,nt conk out half way up the hill.So new " new " batteries installed and I.m good to go again,yeehaaa!On another note just thought I,d show the rather expensive cake baught for us by sons pal.We feed him if he,s here while we eat.It,s a cheese cake and does actually taste as good as it looks yummy scrum scrum.👍
Scooter surprise!: My scooter recently... - Lung Conditions C...
Scooter surprise!

Wow! Now that's what I call a cake or dessert even. How lucky are you FarmerD. You couldn't save me a slice could you?
So glad your scooter is back up and running. Pete's battery isn't that great but the scooter does its job and is invaluable.
Take care. xxxxxxx
Yowsa!yowsa!! I really need some of that cake...drool....lucky you my batteries need changing too! xxxx
Wow FarmerD,cake is a work of art glad u enjoyed it great your scooter is sorted take care God bless naresh62
That cheese cake looks scrummy. Enjoy and don't feel guilty ( totally jealous ) Best wishes Mogworth
More a work of art then a cake and way too beautiful to eat ( not ) Oops, i forgot that this post is actually about your scooter. You need to have it all shipshape now that the evenings are so much longer and the temperatures are rising. Hope the new batteries last !

Yes Argana,I ate with my eyes and then with my big fat belly lol 😄
You would have made the local news had the batteries conked out halfway up the hill.....we best not go there!! Pleased its sorted and you can travel along confidently again. As for this beautiful cheesecake....what a tease. If it tastes half as good as it looks it would be scrumptious. Hugs Suz x
So pleased you didint conk out on the hill! Hope you get a refund on those batteries!
Bit to late to ask you to save me a piece,of that yummy cheese cake,I suppose😂
Bet it was enjoyed immensely.
Take care on that scooter,
Hugs,Wens xxxx

Hi Wens,no cost to me for the call out and they gave me new batteries without question,so glad I found this small,local company.The chap that owns it is a carer for his old mum so he knows the score.It,s good to have the confidence back.You,re correct the cake did,nt last long lol.Take care, D.
So pleased you have your scooter fixed. That cake looks yummy, i bet it,s well gone now. Just as well cos i am still dieting. Love Margaretx
Wow, that cake looks delicious (holding out my plate)
Glad your scooter's on the mend too
Really glad ur scooter has new batteries
Hmmm cheesecake yummo... I know it's all gone but I can dream numnum xx