I don't think I still have an infection, I may be wrong. I've got some energy and appetite which are usual indicators. Trouble is, when I use that energy on some much needed cleaning, haha, then the pain starts and the phlegm shifts.
Bronchiectasis pain. Has anyone foun... - Lung Conditions C...
Bronchiectasis pain. Has anyone found an effective painkiller? Feeling low with pain and coloured sputum after 10 days antibiotics.

I am so sorry that I am unable to help answer this question but So Grateful for your post. I was diagnosed with Bronchietasis abt 10yr ago. I have mentioned having pain to both GPs and Domicilary Pulmonary Specialist Nurses. All have poopooed it. I was not seeking pain relief as I am on morphine for other conditions. Thank you so much for sharing with this group. You are the first person to mention sharing my lung pain.
I hope you can find a suitable relief soon.
Do you know RibvanRey. I am fed up with clinicians who either ignore or, can't be bothered to investigate the pain we bronchies suffer when we have we have a chest infection. I know all too well the pain I have in my lungs. Sometimes I feel that some gp's (who are well paid) look upon us as nothing more than nuisances.
There may be some lucky people with bronchiectasis that have no pain, but my doctor and a physio from The Brompton both say pain is common. Other patients on this site too have pain with this condition. My pain is like someone poking me I. The back all the time, and like the stitch you get from running. It's so intense sometimes I feel desperate. I take Paramol as my strongest pill but doesn't always work. I wonder if you get more pain if you experience some bleeding, as I do occasionally but it's not always connected. Nice to hear from you, it's not a well known condition outside of this group.
Do you take prednisolone? I have to take it everyday to calm my symptoms down- it is an anti-inflammatory so will soothe your pain, combined with paracetomol it is what works for me. I was in terrible pain with a recent chest infection, but a fever will cause pains in all parts of the body.
I have to double my steroid dose when I get an infection but I would also question whether the underlying infection has cleared up- did you have your sputum checked?
thanks for your reply, loobyloo. No, I don't take steroids, they do seem to have several side effects, and as I have osteoporosis don't sound suitable for me. I will get a sputum check if I still feel bad tomorrow. I can be so up and down, one minute I'm complaining about this pain and then it's something else. We had company yesterday and maybe I forgot about my pain for a while, or else the painkillers took effect eventually. I probably did too much trying to put the house straight before they came!
Steroids do have terrible side effects but they have also kept me alive for the last 25 years! I have the early stages of osteoporosis but I try to correct that with good diet and exercise. Sometimes staying well is a struggle, and I have been reminded of that recently!
Yo do have to take on a lot of responsibility for your own health and people don't often realise this- it is getting the balance right.
Good luck and hope you feel tip top soon x
Hi Lyd12
I am so sorry to read that you are suffering in this way, and I genuinely hope that you can find some resolution and relief to this issue. As others have said, Prednisolone, I am on these but the side effects can be a bit harsh?
All my hopes and dreams for you
Yes, pain is common with us. sometimes, I wake up in the night with a pain in my chest. I try to rub the spot in the morning with oil and some lavender and Roman chamomile (This is Botanics form Boots. I visited the shop on town to find some more, but they have already changed the style; there's not oil any more) When the bottle runs out, I shall buy my own almond oil or Argan oil and drop some lavender and chamomile myself. I have tried Tea-Tree oil on the painful spot too. I was prescribed Ibuprofen gel; that seems to work after a few days.
Patient.co.uk also speaks of ketogel. I haven't tried this, but here's the link: patient.co.uk/medicine/keto...
I think Patient UK has a whole list if you explore their site for pain killers.
Hope you may find something that helps.
Hi, I too have painful areas with bronchiectasis.
My GP advised alternating paracetamol and ibuprophen up to the max per day when the pain was bad and I needed to clear my lungs.
I have also found ibuprophen gel good - but not at the same time as the tablets.
Check with your GP though re ibuprophen as some people are not allowed it due to other medical conditions or medication.
Avoid ibrofen as stomach problems (ulcers can be terrible).I was prescribed something called Volt????. The pharmacist ran into carpark saying this affecxts the lungs! Back from holiday sternum break pains un bearable but I am still mixed up re pains in chest some are acid reflux but, definitely some to do with lungs, felt like raw chopped liver. Lydd, I just dco not know, my pains are not cured with morphine, prescribed for sternum break, I think I am lucky with my Bronch. All I know, am tired, no stamina, am doing all I have to do, rest a bit do a bit, no good if you are at work full time. Cannot even sneeze or cough at moment - so three months without proper physio. I do think looking at colour of mucous if useful. KJJ
I think you mean Voltarol Katie, that's the brand name for diclofenac. It is a non steroidal anti inflammatory (NSAID) and works in the same way as Ibuprofen, including the stomach problems. I took it for RA for 13 years. But it is also available as a rub for aching or painful joints.