Hi I've just cleaned my kitchen with this kitchen cleaner out of M&s and it's easy on the chest. If it's anything other than Method or Ecover I'm usually struggling for breath.
Household cleaners: Hi I've just... - Lung Conditions C...
Household cleaners

I found most household cleaners,air fresheners,deodorants etc affected my breathing. I bought a hand held steam cleaner from Argos and find it works a treat. No products are used just plain water and as a bonus the steam actually helps my breathing.
Thanks Nige420 for the tip, I have problems with different sprays even deodorants. So I will try the one you suggest for the Kitchen ect.
Tesco do a breathese range which is ok (I also suffer with anything other than ecover, not tried Method!)
I do like the idea of the steam cleaner though..
I use Dettol clear spray and I find that ok even with oxygen
I might investigate the steam cleaner. Thanks for the post about the M&S cleaner Nige. Sprays always irritate my lungs and as I am the only person who cleans in my house I need to find things that work but don't make me cough.
Good old vinegar. I put a 50/50 mix with water in a detergent bottle and drizzle it on flat surfaces or on my cloth. It also disenfects. The steam cleaners have a reputation for a very short life span. For anything stubborn I use the green scrubbing pads by 3M, the heavy duty, cut in half. They are made from wood fibers so don't scratch anything. Since I wash dishes by hand a half pad makes quick work of the dishes, instead of a cloth.
The amount of things vinegar can be used for is unbelievable
Have you ever tried Amway LOC - no smell, coconut oil base, biodegradable, can be used for cleaning, hand cleanser, absolutely anything! If you want more info email me and I will give it to you...don't want to sound as though I am selling things on this forum brendasletters@googlemail.com
I used to sell Amway products about 25 years ago and was well impressed, especially with their copper cleaner.
But does that M&S stuff actually work Nige?
I use white vinegar wherever possible but also found that BioMex from Lakeland is really good. It is a paste and does not give off fumes but cleans really well.