COPD getting worse: My COPD is getting... - Lung Conditions C...

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COPD getting worse

roger1952 profile image
28 Replies

My COPD is getting really bad, it's as much as I can do to get up of the kitchen chair and walk the 10 feet to put kettle on to make a brew, I get that breathless I can hardly stand. My life feels ruined as I can't do anything at all. Is there anyone else out there who is going through the same please

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roger1952 profile image
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28 Replies
Shazrab profile image

Hi roger I’m so sorry to hear your feeling this way, I myself have been struggling to do anything and even had to put a kettle in my bedroom as I can’t get to the kitchen without being so out of breath so I really understand how your feeling it’s so difficult and frightening. Once I lay down again I manage to get my breathing back to s steady rate and start to feel better again. It must be so frustrating for you ☹️ As I know there’s so much I want to do but can’t anymore I take it your the same, has this been a sudden decline in your health? I really think you need to speak to your Dr or specialist regarding this or maybe youv done this already? Can I ask what your illness is , I have Copd and other lung problems. Like you I don’t have to move much before loosing my breath.. I just thought I’d let you know that you’re not alone and I’m sure there are so many other people in the group that has suffered the same. I’m sorry I cannot give you advice to make you feel better again I just thought you would like to know your not alone, hopefully someone will give you good advice. But I think you should try and get medical help first . All the best take care 🌹🌹

CLARAmay profile image
CLARAmay in reply to Shazrab

I totally agree medical help is no 1 in your situation

roger1952 profile image
roger1952 in reply to Shazrab

My GP has taken blood tests. He thinks I could be anemic

Thank you for your reply.

greatauntali profile image

You are definitely not alone. I am fine ( for the most part ) as long as I don't move but the slightest effort leaves me a gasping wreck.

I have no advice, sorry but I hope things improve for you.

anng18 profile image

Hi Roger,

My mother became like you and found it very distressing. She had actually developed heart problems which increased the breathlessness and weakness. I hope you are checked out properly.

I suffer from severe emphysema, so am very sympathetic to you, but it could be more than COPD what is causing your weakness.

Don't let them just give you antibiotics and steroids and send you away. Ask to get your heart checked and electrolytes (blood test).

Take care

Danielmystar profile image

Hi Roger 1952 ask your DR if you can try the TRIMBO INHALER it's a 3 in 1inhaler I'm on it it has made a difference I still get breathless but not as bad as before be worth asking dr about it .

Dedalus profile image
Dedalus in reply to Danielmystar

I also found a huge difference when my inhaler was changed to Spiolto Respimat, so worth trying different ones.

Saracat23 profile image

Hi Roger

I’m the same. Think lots of people have given good advice, I’m in the process of getting my heart checked too. Keep talking to the doctors and don’t give up.

Ozzy16 profile image

Hi ozzy here i know exactly what you are going through i am the same can do nothing am on oxygen 8ltr 24/7 and it doesn't really help but i am still here and still fighting have been told there isnt much more they can do for me i have end stage emphysema so what there are lots of folk worse than me at least i can walk a few paces then have to hang on to something till i get my breath back a lot of cant even do that

Hacienda profile image

Morning Roger, I also have stage 4 Emphysema, have done for a long time. Had valves put in last year due to being so breathless, they worked for 9 months , Now awaiting an Admission to hopefully renew them, I am on Oxygen and it helps enormously as I can still do my Rehab & breathe Easy Classes with 3 ltrs on my Mobile. I have to have 02 for 16 hours a day (including nights), my Home concentrator is at 1 ltr unless I am Exercising then I put it up to 3. It's a matter of Planning and having everything ready before hand, It changes your daily life so we have to adjust, COPD doesn't go away, we have to try and maintain the Level it is by Self Help and Of Course our Meds and Being Positive. Good Luck Hun. XXXX

stamford1234 profile image

I have been having an extra struggle just lately too. For me I think it might be hay fever has brought on the the extra difficulty and a change in air pressure has an effect too. It is very frustrating. Try not to get depressed. Take it easy. Do you have your emergency pack of Antibiotics and Prednisolone to hand, extra shortness of breath is one of the triggers to start taking them. If you are anaemic then I think you will be over tired. Keep pushing with the Dr. Keep a diary of how and when this is affecting you. You didn't say what inhalers and other meds you take. There is an array of stuff out there for COPD hopefully they will find the best for you. Good luck

Dids49 profile image

Roger, that is exactly how I am to the point where I could have written all you have said. It is such a miserable time day after day after day and there seems no end to it. Like Shazrab as well, I also have a kettle now in my bedroom. I hope you will find some help soon. My GP just tells me that he doesn't have a magic pill. Try to keep your chin up and live in hope I think that's all we can do.

Gladwyn profile image
Gladwyn in reply to Dids49

I'm like you and Roger and Shazrab sadly. But instead of the kettle in the bedroom I haven't gone upstairs to bed for months. I sleep in the living room on a camp bed thing. Every movement is an effort making a drink filling the kettle even going to the loo etc . Don't know what to do about it but at least my husband is helpful.wishing you all the best xx

Dids49 profile image
Dids49 in reply to Gladwyn

Sorry to hear that Gladwyn. I think it would be a great help if I still had my husband with me,. Sadly I lost him 3 years ago after endless years of nursing him through severe illness and several major operations which left very little time for me to concentrate on my own deteriorating heath. I must add that given the chance I would willingly do it all over again for him. I understand what you mean with every movement being such an effort for you, it's amazing how heavy a half filled kettle can be isn't it. I do hope that you will get some improvement one way or another as day after day it does get so exhausting just trying to keep breathing. I really do feel for you, take care.

Gladwyn profile image
Gladwyn in reply to Dids49

Dids49 I am so very sorry for your loss. You must miss your husband so much. I really feel for you . You've had so much to bear including your own bad health. I'm so lucky to have my husband I know, especially as he is very helpful so I shouldn't be feeling so sorry for myself . Thankyou for understanding my woes despite all you've gone through. Best wishes x

greatauntali profile image
greatauntali in reply to Gladwyn

I was the same as you and moved downstairs to sleep on the camp bed thingy about a year ago because going upstairs is for high days and holidays.

My husband, who has been amazing, moved my adjustable bed downstairs but unfortunately, I am unable to lie down at all and am now sleeping with my head on the kitchen table.

The positive about this is that my cough is much reduced.

The kettle has to have enough water put in the night before so that I can make a coffee first thing without having to fill the kettle because that is way too much effort.

I can identify with everything you have written and wish you all the best. x

Shazrab profile image
Shazrab in reply to greatauntali

My heart goes out to you as you shouldn’t need to sleep at your table, that just sounds so unfair to you ♥️🙏I will keep you in my prayers that one day you will get back into a bed , I sleep with 5-6 pillows as I can’t lay down any lower than that . Take care 🌹🌹

Gladwyn profile image
Gladwyn in reply to greatauntali

Oh that's not good..... It must be so uncomfortable. Have u a pillow on the table to make it a little more comfortable? It IS good your cough is much reduced as its exhausting cough cough coughing! I'm glad you've got water ready for the morning, it all helps ! I wish there was something I could suggest that would help you but sadly I can't think of anything. wishing you all the very best xx💐

greatauntali profile image
greatauntali in reply to Gladwyn

Yes, I have a pillow on the table which makes it bearable. Thanks for your response x

Gladwyn profile image
Gladwyn in reply to greatauntali

I hope life gets better for you very soon x

challny profile image

Hi, roger1952 I am almost the same. But with me, I am never "gasping" for breath, unless I did something really strenuous. I feel equally poor moving or sitting. I am so lethargic. And so depressed. I pray that you feel better. I, too, sometimes wonder if something else could be going on, like my heart? Just one year ago I was taking 5 mile walks. Then it went down to 2 miles. Now, it's around the block.

roger1952 profile image

Thank you all for your replies it is heart-warming to know there are people like you about.

I also have AF but I do not get chest pain when breathless. My GP has assured me it is down to cope. I get very scared when I'm gasping for breath

My copd is very much like yours terribly short of breath,my Doc has just put me on warfarin and it’s made my breathing worse! I think a lot of it is trial and error! Fed up!

Shazrab profile image

Isn’t it so sad to see how many of us can feel the same but our Drs don’t seem to see this side of things and when we try to tell them how bad it is we still don’t get help , it just doesn’t seem fare! We are all longing for a little bit of easier time but iv found that the specialist Iv seen wasn’t interested. I would have thought I was the only one feeling like this if it wasn’t for this group. We moved house from a 4 bedroom up and down stairs to a 2 bedroom small bungalow it’s been a lot better as at the time I was upstairs most of the time and found when I went downstairs I was really starting to struggle getting up a couple of stairs I had 15 to climb but at that time I thought I was starting to get a little unfit as it seemed to come on quite suddenly. Looking back it was the best decision we ever made and it was mainly due to all our children moving out to their own homes the house just seemed so empty. Take care all I am getting a call from my dr tomorrow as my breathing got so bad I have been scared all day. Wish me luck and my prayers will be for you all x💜🌹🌹

Gladwyn profile image
Gladwyn in reply to Shazrab

Bless you Shazrab being scared is awful and I'm so sorry your feeling like that though hopefully you are a little calmer now. If it's so bad why wait until the morning for help? What about ringing the NHS and see if they can help now. Is it 111 the number ? Maybe ringing 999 would be better!!!! I do wish you would. 🙏

hallentine47 profile image

Yes Roger I am experiencing much the same as yourself. I have 23% projected capacity remaining and I have emphysema COPD. 2 years ago I suffered a mini stroke and it was discovered I had AF and my community matron who calls regularly suggests that some of my breathlessness is heart related. The smallest job leaves me so breathless I cannot stand without holding on to the nearest bit of furniture or work top. 10 minutes later I feel I can do anything that is until I try again. I have also suffered panic attacks since leaving ICU 3 years ago. I see it as all part of the illness and we all are so different yet share so much of the pain. See the Doc about it all and maybe he/she can help. Fortunately I have a very supportive wife, other wise I would not be able to cope on my own.

janice01 profile image

Its a vicious circle.

Move very little and get muscle wastage.

Move about and too breathless to speak or take steps.

I really sympathise....

I try to strike some kind of balance but Feb 18 got the flu!

Still trying to recover ....

I dont give up though, still think l can/will improve!!

Not on oxygen as 91% if still, move and it drops pretty quick.

Oxygen nurse asked if ld like to try a commode?

If ld had the breath ld have told her where to go 😠.

Dont give up, do a little seated exercise.

For my legs l use beanbags.

For arms l use tins of baked beans.

Circle my shoulders backwards 4 times then forward 4 times.

Please try a few things like that.

At first its exhausting but can be built up over time.

I devise all sorts of moves to keep some mobility and hope some suggestions may help even if only a little. It wont be easy at the start.

But l believe the need is to persevere.

Your mood could improve if someone could push you about in a wheel chair for a bit.

Im not religious but people from one of the local churches are willing to take out for half hr or longer.....

Please try to devise ways to progress..... easier said than done l know but if you find you can raise one arm easier than before - you

are winning!

Good luck, its a huge battle but try and find the strength if at all possible.... and l do believe its possible.... x x

janice01 profile image

Roger, l meant taking me out in a wheel chair!

You probably realised that but it didnt read right after posting.


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