Hi Guys, Does anyone know if it's safe for me to go into my kitchen we have have electric hobs fan assisted ovens and microwave I'm told it's only a naked light that is serious to me Fran is terrified everytime I walk even to the door, any clues.mattcass
Kitchen Scare.: Hi Guys, Does anyone... - Lung Conditions C...
Kitchen Scare.

Hi Matt, I think you're pretty safe in the kitchen you describe, as there is no naked flame, but you don't have to tell Fran that - it can be our secret. Do you want to be preparing food, cooking and washing up?
I've managed to convince my husband it's not safe for me in our kitchen - we have a gas hob and oven though - but he knows I never really liked cooking, and as I'm not much of a cook anyway, he lets me get away with it!
Cheers, Jan
think its only a naked flame you should be fine with electric cooker
Hi Jan thank you I love cooking, and all i get is to wash the dishes when all the switches are off.matt
Well Matt, that's a different kettle of fish if you like to cook. I'm no expert, but it seems to me there shouldn't be a problem in your kitchen. Assuming your respiratory nurse agrees, perhaps she/he would be willing to have a word with Fran and reassure her that it wouldn't be dangerous for you to be cooking. Good luck.
Im on oxygen too and i dont know how many times we have been cooking and ive opened the oven door .........its gas !!!.....
Step away from that oven Mandy! Phew! that was too close for comfort.
Take care now. xxxxx
Like wise Mandy, we have recently changed to an electric oven but still have a gas hob.
Seems like we like to live life dangerously eh' or maybe were just a little stupid Ha Ha. x
Yeah stupid is the word i would go for and forgetful but we would soon remember it if we got blew up
When I used to do a little welding when working as a mechanic I found that oxygen on its own wouldn't burn but when mixed with acetylene temperature's would melt metal.
Maybe we should go a bit more carful or we might just end up with our eyebrows singed a bit.
I see you have had some good replies mattcass. I would have no idea as Pete is not on oxygen but would guess that naked flames and oxygen would not be a great mix.
Hope you are doing as well as you can. Wishing you and Fran well. xxxx
On a recent home visit by a respiratory nurse, after hospital admission having told her I was replaceing my gas cooker for a electric cooker, I was told you have to beware of any heat source when using oxygen.
Gas isn't good for people with breathing problems. Google "asthma & gas". It's the particulates in the fumes. I've changed to electric. Robin
I agree you should be safe if their is no gas or naked flames
(However if you want to get out of Kitchen Duties the it most definitely is NOT SAFE)
I was advised never to get closer than 2 metres to any naked flame.
Hi MC, is it ever safe for a man to enter a kitchen let alone on oxygen. . Seriously I do cook a little when on oxygen but I am careful not to get to close to a naked flame.
The problem is when you've been on oxygen a long time you can easily forget you have it on, that's when things can get a little scary.
It sounds like your kitchen is as safe as it can be but Fran is probably right in playing it by the book and taking no risks.
Can you manage without oxygen for short periods, if so then settle for quicky meals such as beans on toast etc, that way you'll be fine.
Hi mattcasss, I remember a few weeks ago someone posted about static electricity and oxygen use.
I mentioned that the Fire Service came out to one of our Breathe Easy meetings years ago, and they offered home visits to check on fire safety. It might be an idea to ring your local station and ask .
Take care
There was a story about a man on oxygen in Ninewells Hospital Dundee, who tried to sneak a ciggy in the toilet.... Instant remodelling of the toilet block - But that could just have been a story to deter my husband, who was on the same ward at a later date....
I have electric but I have had a few near misses with the oxygen tube inside the oven door as I was about to shut it.
take care
polly xx
Also remember candles, the other week I was presented with a birthday cake and as you do, bent over to blow the candle out. Lucky it was snatched away as someone shouted OXYGEN.