what help am i entitled to diagnosed ... - Lung Conditions C...
what help am i entitled to diagnosed severe copd currently on sick from work struggling on just ssp

Hi Bonnie
If you give the BLF a ring they will be able to advise you, their number is 03000 030 555
Good luck.
Get a letter from Doctor or Consultant on what stage your C.O.P.D has reached for D.W.P. to entitle you to get Mobility benefit's and a blue badge!
It won't be easy but you could be entitled, theirs welfare right's citizen's advice and the b.l.f. helpline.
You MUST get help to fill out forms for PIP - mobility and care. They are a minefield to fill out. So many people who should get it don't purely because of way form filled in!
I went for my PIP assessment today, after the original request for the form back in September. They say I should get a decision within 4-6 weeks.
I got the local CAB office to help fill in my forms who were very knowledgeable.
I am in same situation as your self . I only get sick pay just got another 13 week sick note .I applied for pip early januaury got appointment next Wednesday to see them . if I get it then the wife can claim for carers allowance . I had lady at cab fill out the forms me . there is help out there . just seems to take ages getting it . I have just got blue badge .
Agree with others you really need assistance from a benefit's expert Welfare Rights, CAB, DIAl, and BLF. It's not about the condition you have but more to do with the care you require and your mobility needs. The 'experts' are dealing with this stuff every day and whilst being honest they know the best words to use to fill in the forms. No harm in checking if you have an entitlement - go for it.
Good luck
Ask for an health assessment on yourself ring the careers line at you local council
Hi Bonnie you will get loads of advice from BLF and there are benefit experts there. For more information also see direct.gov.uk (sorry don't know how to do links). Good luck with it all
You can apply for a blue badge and this opens other doors. You can ask for mobility payment and help with ten council tax act. Good luck
Hi Bonnie, you have to be under 65 to get Motability. When you fill in the forms make sure you say you can only walk less than 20 metres and can not do your shopping, even with the aid of a trolley. It will immediately disqualify you. You also have to think of the days when you are at your worst when you are filling in the forms and the help you need then, not when you're well. You can get a blue badge at any age ask your GP practitioner for a form. That's all I can think of now, Good Luck
ive spoke to blf today great people. sending me information out in esa and pip also got a nurse to call me back regarding my medication who as also given good advise . this site as turned out great lots of great information and support from everyone Thank You all x
Just to warn you. My council will only give people under 65yrs a Blue badge if they qualify for relevant mobility component of PIP. Even though I had letters from my GP and a consultant saying I needed it
They are taking forever to deal with pip claims at the moment .. I sent my off in October .. It took my daughter in law 2 hours to fill it in xx
The goverment and ministry of transport have changed the rules on applying for a blue badge
If you put you can walk around the supermarket with the help of the trolley, it will disqualify you. You have to walk less than 20 mtrs on a bad day Just tick the box "less than 20 metres" or the one that is most appropriate/
My local council only give it to you automatically if you are getting higher rate mobility. I believe they have contracted blue badge to some form of medical with a similar outlook of walking descriptors and the like to a private contractor. If u look in to department of transport blue badge scheme you will find it there.
Why does it seem that so many here are trying to say they are worse than they are and trying to get something for nothing.Surely if you are not bad enough to be unable to walk around a supermarket or walk 100 metres that should be a reason to be pleased and celebrate that fact,not be trying to say you can't do it,just to get perks. Yes maybe in time things will be worse,then the help be needed, but until if and when that occurs just be thankful and get on with life.if you don't need blue badges etc right now,be thankful.

well i for one am only asking for the support i could be entitled to ie esa when my ssp stops and possibly pip to help whilst im struggling as im only recieving 260 a month to live on and support my youngest son. i have every intentions to return back to work as and when ive gained the strength to do so as i really dont like being at home all day every day it is not helping me at all. people are basically giving advice here which is letting us know what options are availabe to us. i dont drive nor does my lad so a blue badge is mearly to inform what is out there possibly for the future . i have a lad whom is in the armed forces who drives but that wouldnt benefit me as he is not here most of the time but to know what is out there for when if at all needed is good information to someone who doesnt know anything about benefits for now or the future .
I have just received my decision on PIP after I sent for my application forms in September last year.
The decision was that the claim was refused because:
1. I can walk (on a good day) for 200 metres, even though I'm gasping for breath when I do this.
2. I can manage my medication unaided (unless having asthma attack and needing nebuliser).
So, although I have had to go from working full time to now working 25 hours a week, and am now working from home, I am not "disabled" enough to qualify for PIP.
I would like to know how kids with naughty kids syndrome (ADHD) qualify as disabled when a 49 year old that can't walk more than 200 mtrs without being breathless does not.