"Hello, I am new here, But I don't see my name. Maybe as time goes on I will find my way around. I am new t being diagnosed with severe COPD
"Hello, I am new here, But I don't se... - Lung Conditions C...
"Hello, I am new here, But I don't see my name. Maybe as time goes on I will find my way around. I am new t being diagnosed with severe COPD

Hello Megannell, welcome. I have severe COPD Emphysema as well. Many here have. Practice and find your way round. There are many helpful and knowledgeable people here. If you have any questions people will try and help you xx
"Hello Suzy, And thank you for your lovely warm welcome, Yes I am sure I will find my way round eventually, I am looking forward to learning all I can about COPD, I am waiting to start rehab, and hopefully my medication will soon make me feel the benefits, I am keeping a very positive mind. Not easy when you live alone though. But big Thank you once again
Hello and welcome - I care for my husband who has severe Copd. If you have any worries or questions the people on here are lovely. Take care, love TAD xx
TADAW !! Thank you for your lovely warm welcome also.And I will take on board your very much welcomed advise. Have a lovely Sunday. Megan xx
Hi Megannell how nice to meet you welcome to the site.There are a great bunch of people here with loads of information to hand with lots of understanding and support .You have landed in the right place,dont forget there is always the option to ring the BLF for help also they are brilliant to talk too.You will soon find your way round so keep in touch eh? Janexx
Hi megannell and welcome. Great you have such a positive attitude. Stick around and rifle through the old posts. They are very informative. x
"Casper, Hello to you too, And thank you also for your lovely warm welcome to me what! a lovely group of people you all are, and I look forward to learning so much more. Thanking you once again, and have a lovely week. Megan.xx
nice to have you with us meganell, I noticed you said you live alone luvvly well your not alone now you have all of us members, ask anything and it will be replied to the best of our abilitys,xx the number for the blf nurses is 03000 030 555 and there open 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday,
Awe, Twiceshy3.. Thank you for your lovely response to my mail. What a lovely bunch of people you all are, And NO!!. "I don't feel so alone now" Thanking you so much. Have a lovely week.Megan
Welcome megannell...pleased to have you on board.
I have severe asthma and copd and like you also live alone. I'm sure you'll make lots of new friends here and find the support you need.
Lovelight x
Hi Megannell, hope you enjoy this site, very informative and also comforting, l find it so. Only diagnosed this March and am at moderate stage thro only just( spirometry was 56%). I actually get more info here than l do at my drs! Welcome.
Hi megannell
I am so sorry to read that you also have COPD, and I genuinely hope that they have given the medications so you can manage it well?
All my hopes and dreams for you
Welcome. Me too with severe copd. One tip ... keep up the exercise after pulmonary rehabilitation. X
Welcome, I have RLD.
If you go to your picture at the top of the page and click on profile and fill in all that is needed it might help? this is a great forum with like minded people who do know what you are going though.
Be Well
"Juliekkay, Ken, Sue, and Lovelight. and too all that have sent me so many positive reply's to my mail, I really do appreciate all your kind words of support, thank you all. And I Hope you all have a wonderful and rewarding week. Megan
Welcome Megan,hopefully we,ll keep you smiling and informed.Ask anything you like and we will endeavour to help but watch out for the FarmerD he,s a bit of a Nutjob .
Hi Megganell welcome to our family some of us a bit crazy but this is the place to be if you want to know anything about COPD I was diagnosed 10 years ago I'm now stage 4 life moves slower but one of us is always around if you need help.
Hi Megannell welcome to our community, I was only diagnosed a few weeks ago, still waiting to see specialist at the hospital, any help, questions you need answering just post them, there are a lot of helpful people on this site, who got me through my first few weeks.
I am new too. My legs are aching with running around the pages to find the rules. I shall tag along with you when we catch up😄