Are you entitled to sickness benefit ... - Lung Conditions C...
Are you entitled to sickness benefit with copd !! I I'm struggling with work and have been over the past couple of years !!

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I was put out sick by the doctor. But for Statutory sick pay you have to be an employee and earn over £107 a week and you can only claim after 4 days sick. And your employer cannot dock your holiday pay which is what mine tried to do because I was off 3 months.
Kim xxxx
Sorry check out this link.
Hi Kim I'm self employed and looking like i may have to pack in !? But £107 pw is nowt ? Are you not entitled to mobility high rate sickness long term ?
No you have to be earning over 107 to qualify for SSP. But your self employed, you can claim PIP what used to be disability you can work and claim that.
Kim xxx
Hi Kim to claim that do you have to be on the sick for a period of time !!
Hello again. No what happened I already knew I had Emphysema then I went to hospital and had double pneumonia so I couldn't work so my boss had to pay me sick pay and that was for three months, but it could have just been a couple of weeks they have to pay if your employed it's the law. I had a very nice conversation about it with a nice man at the NI place in Newcastle.
Kim xxx
Fill in the form it will tell you from what you have put in what you may get
If you are thinking about mobility from DLA now called PIP. There is no entitlement. You have to apply and be assessed and now max you can get it for is 3yrs when you are reassessed. If you decide to apply (you can apply when working. I receive it and it allows me to work part time hours, which is more than I can really cope with) make sure you get help to fill out forms eg CAB. Forms can be a minefield and many people who should be getting PIP aren't. Purely due to how form completed!
I get high rate mobility and low rate care. Can't remember off hand how much I get but if you google I'm sure you will find out. But is just under £300 a month. I DO have other medical conditions though ..... I work 22 1/2 hours per week. Basically I work Monday Tuesday and Thursday. But others on this site have managed to work full time. My GP wanted to permanently sign me off sick a couple of years ago, but I persuaded her that working was good for me. I have chronic depression and working is important to me. She now agrees with my point of view. I am aware working is 'slowly killing me' and there WILL be a time I will have to give up. For NOW I am determined I will continue. I have little in the way of a social life. The 4 days I don't work I spend trying to recover from the 3 days I do! I am only 45 and 5 years ago set myself the target of getting to 50yrs. Am 1/2 way there!!
Assessment will focus on how badly your COPD affects your ability to do certain specific things, not about how you feel or even about how much you are struggling with your particular job.
If for example you are in a heavy manual job and you have a bad back. You may not be able to do that job, but could be assessed as 'fit to work' and expected to find a job that you could do.
High rate PIP (combined care and mobility) is not easy to get and you have to be able to show a high level level of disability. Being diagnosed with COPD does not necessarily qualify you for PIP - many people are still able to work who have COPD.
There is a lot of info on benefits online and people here have given you some pointers. Good places to start.
Thanks happy feet !! I have a physical & demanding job which includes a lot of walking which i find I'm gasping for breath after about 15 Yrds and have to keep stoping for breath !! But I'm not on oxygen just inhalers morning and night and a puffer throu day don't know where i would stand mobility wise ?? also find i suffer a lot from headaches aswell
As you are self employed, you are not entitled to SSP, on the basis that SSP is payed by your employer and reclaim back through incom tax. You can still apply for benifit for your spouse or any children, for your self they will need prove from the tax office that you have ceased trading and all of your affairs are in order.
If you are in dire straits help can come from various organisations and charity's ,
Speak to your local CAB. There is help available, until your situation changes.
You may be able to claim PIP if you meet the criteria again seek advice from your local CAB.
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