i am getting ESA and DLA can i claim income support to top up, any advice ???
DAL: i am getting ESA and DLA can i... - Lung Conditions C...

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my friend take to hospital and helping me in the house ,shopping .... can i claim for her for helping me ?? any advice pleasexx
If you get middle or high rate care dla, and your friend helps you for 35 hours a week, she might be able to claim carers allowance. But not sure as you mention you have a care worker too. Best to get proper advice from somewhere, maybe the blf helpline
good luck
eta just seen you get low rate care, so probably not eligible. Not sure if can get with high rate mobility.
Not as far as I'm aware podmore because ESA replaced income support. The DLA bit can be used to pay for any care you need. She possibly could claim for Carers Allowance but if she did and was successful, you would lose your care bit of the DLA because otherwise they would be paying twice for your care. If you want detailed help, I am sure the BLF helpline would be more than happy to do so. (click on the red balloon at the top of the page)
hi i am getting incapacity benefit and DLA someone telling me can get income support for top up
i am starting to go down with COPD i need some help because the money i get is not enough,i have higher mobility and lower care this is about 5 years ago my condition will not get better any advice how can i replay for some help thank you
If you feel your care level has now increased, you can tell the DWP but they will ask you to fill in another form for PIP. There is the chance that they may take away your lower care bit because the criteria has changed a bit; there is the chance you could get a little more. If you have a CAB office nearby or Welfare Office, I think the best thing to do is contact them and they will help you through it step by step.
you can apply to disability living allowance and tell them your health has now deteriated and they will send you a form out called pip you can fill this out and any supporting evidence you have about your health deteriating and you should get it sorted
PIP only applies in certain areas at present. Anyone already claiming DLA can contact the DWP for a form to report a change of circumstances under DLA. An application for PIP would only be for a new claim unless the DWP have advised the claimant that they are required to apply for PIP.
Hi podmore, if you are below pension age, and poorly, the two benefits, as outlined by scrobbitty, are indeed ESA and PIP, which has replaced DLA, ended in June 2013. As your condition has deteriorated, you would need to apply for PIP, and undergo another assessment. Here is a link gov.uk/pip/overview
i am going to see a care worker tomorrow ,five years ago i been in accident smash my knee cap ,i use to work as chef,and that how i become an alcoholic, in hospital i starting coughing blood i discover i have emphysema and chronic bronchitis,what i try to say is a lots wrong with me, thank you
You do have more than your fair share of health problems and it's a really good idea to see the care worker and ask her if she can help you to see CAB or other people offering benefits help. Good luck
good luck podmore and best wishes for tomorrow,please watch the drink ,not stop but be careful , when you was in hospital did they find out why you was bringing blood up,come back tomorrow and let us know the outcome with the care worker,i,ve not coughed blood up yet,take it easy till tomorrow,xxx

i don't drink too much any more
good for you podmore,all the best for tomorrow ,let us know,enjoy the rest of the day,xxx
if you get d,l,a, sorted spend it on something nice for you or your home what you would like,or save it for a rainy day,talk tomorrow,have a good night podmorexxx,

good morning love how are you,i don't spend all my money in drinks ,i have good home love, now i don't drink every day anymore xxxx
good morning podmore hope it goes ok today with care worker,glad your not drinking now, you will feel better for it,i,m ok have got go out all day so talk later,xxx
have a nice day lovexx
have a nice day lovexxx
Benefits .... it's a minefield.
First, go to this BBC website where you'll find a brief description of every benefit available here in the UK.
Next, click on this link
........ then click on the section entitled 'Carers and Disability Benefits'. You may of course be entitled to other benefits such as Low Income, Tax Credits, Heating & Housing etc ....... you'll find it all there.
Let your journey begin........ & don't forget, Citizens Advice & the BLF Helpline are both excellent.
if you only get the benefit you have told us about then yes you can get income suport top up
Yes, that's exactly what happened to my friend when she rang DLA to explain her condition had deteriorated. This was in July last summer, she was told to fill in the PIP application as her condition had changed, and she would need to be re-assessed. She was also informed she could lose here DLA entitlement, depending on the PIP assessment.
Assessed in November, it took until the beginning of February before she knew she'd been placed on the High Care rate and High Mobility rate, so it is a lengthy process, and she only got the high mobility rate because she cannot walk 20 metres.
I do think all the changes to welfare are creating confusion.
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