Good morning to all the good people in this community ( which is most of you) thanks Toci for your advice re treadmill yesterday. Hope your all as well as you can be on this rainy day. Let's see what this day has in stall for us. Xx sorry about the photo.
Well I'll try another post mine keep ... - Lung Conditions C...
Well I'll try another post mine keep getting took off

Morning Steph sunshine splitting the trees up here, oh it was I spoke too soon - clouding over now are you blue or red Steph ?
Hi Brian I'm a red if your talking football. At least you had a glimpse of the elusive sun be thankful for small Mercies. He! He! Xx
C'mon you Reds!!
Sorry folks - no hard feelings but ------------,-!!?? though I wont hold it against you.
So your not a red then Brian I take it. He! he!
No Blue but only armchair im afraid. Sadly my terrace days are over due to this damn breath shortage. Still I have my tv and my memories eh. Maybe I will make it to the Paddock at Carlisle with luck!
Sunshine and clouds on the South Coast so not too bad. Hope everyone is doing ok. Bit fed up with the spam email that I am still getting but sure it will be sorted soon. Take care all. xxxxx
Erm Steph I KNOW that I said the last photo you took that was upside down was good as I could look at it while doing postural drainage....BUT !! tee hee you've done it again
Hi Sohara I know I don't understand why. I'm transferring them from my photos on my I- pad any advice? X
Some posts are taken away when the clean up by HU gets them guess just be patient all come right soon.
Has anyone heard from Jim123 is he not well ?

Its a bit worrying with Jim nothing now for over a week. No reply to my pm and no one we can ask that I know of. Hope he is ok.

Hi Hergent no poor Jim hasn't been on the last time he was asking over me as I'd not posted for a few days. X
Hi Steph, love the dog in the photo, wish mine would sit like that but we are still at the stage where they are taking the house apart! Just got back from a walk in the sun, a lovely day but a bit chilly here in Blackpool. Julie x
Hi jools Eric is not as angelic as he looks. I was washing up and he wanted to play so he put his ball on the table I call it attention seeking. I love Blackpool use to go lots but it has got a bad press in recent years which is a shame. X
They are very persistent when they want something aren't they? Yes, Blackpool has had bad press lately but I think you would see the same thing in most towns and cities at the weekends. Unfortunately we have very high unemployment here - people move to Blackpool thinking they are leaving their troubles behind because they came here as a child and really enjoyed it so life will be great when they get here - and the streets are paved with gold aren't they? Julie x
I've received the vitamin D3 today and multi blender I ordered I hate throwing veg away so going to make veg smoothies. I know it's a bit late for a new year new me but I was always a lagger behinder. He! He!
Where's my dinner Mum?! Eric looks so patient,love him xxx

Hi Wendells i know he looks patient but that's far from the truth he's staring at his ball cos he knows he's not allowed on the table. How are you keeping? You'll be going bed soon won't you. Xx
Hi Scrobbitty how you doing today? Xx
It's brass monkeys in Old Trafford and I've got to go out dosed myself up as chests not great.x
I've already messaged the people about KOTC. Didn't want any ill feeling. Xx
You have had lots of lovely people around your house, today, Steph, nice to hear the chatter. I had to do a hanstand to look at the photo - its great. Hope is well with you, xxPergola
Puffpuff678 please don't be scared to get involved just jump in on a post that takes your fancy. Come on do it. Xx
Well it looks like I'm getting to keep my post tonight I must of been a good girl today. Lol
You have kept us entertained Steph - sleep well. Dont get up too early eh.
No just thought you must be tired
I'm signing off for the night. Hope everyone gets a good sleep not sure about those having late night feast though. See you all tomorrow. Night night. Xx
Nite Steph, and thanks. xx