Up date on lucys pups one name for the 4 truble as they are in to every thing you name it they do it now 8 weeks old but what a good mother lucy has been to them hope this britens your day up
Up date : Up date on lucys pups one... - Lung Conditions C...
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So very sweet David. Xxx
I bet they are a hand full , jet is just over a year now and he is bad enough and only one of him if you leave any thing out in the garden as you are work he grabs it when your not looking and takes it of to chew , I put a little greenhouse up last week and put one of the plastic joiners down went to get it and it had gone I though im sure I left it there looked in all the boxes moved everything went rounded the corner there he lay chewing it to bits , my secateurs now have no handles on them either and several of my screw drivers have chewed up handles
They are not that bad yet but they do atack the mower which has been left out for the scrap man when they come round and they take the toys of the other dogs
heh heh ....I may post a photograph of the handles on my wheelbarrow. You have to laugh later M.
Awwwwww,how gorgeous love their little face masks,they are beautiful. Hope you find kind happy homes for them, unless you are keeping the trouble squad,Lol
Oh soooo cute!
Oooh they are gorgeous. Are they pugs?
Lovely pic - they are SO adorable
David they are adorable! I am glad Lucy is fine
Yes she is fine back to her self jumping of the wall as she do not like to walk around thanks
Beautiful photo